The birth of Isabella Reinhart

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Lili: age 9
Tess: age 3
Chloe: age 13
Today my sisters and I are going to meet our new baby sister! I'm so excited to meet her. Tess is a little too young to really understand what is going on but Chloe and I are excited! Well Chloe is mad-ish because she is the oldest so she doesn't want another sister but oh well too late now!

At the hospital:
"Girls this is your little sister Isabella Therese Reinhart!"said Dan(their dad). "Wow she is so cute!" Lili squeals. "Can I please please please hold her mama please!!?" Lili pleads excitedly. "You have to sit down but then of course you can hold her." Amy says (their mom).
Lili sits down in the chair next to the bed and
the precious sleeping newborn baby was placed carefully in her arms. Lili says quietly to Isabella " I love you so much and I will always protect you from the dangers of the world for as long as I live." Soon Chloe wasn't mad anymore and was eager to hold the bundle of joy as well! "Mama, can I hold Isabella? I will sit in the chair?" Chloe asked. "Yes you may hold her just give Lili one more minute I think she is giving Isabella a pep talk." Amy giggles. Finally Lili has finished giving the worlds best pep talk to Isabella and it was now Chloe's turn to hold her. Chloe sits down in the same chair and the beauty was slowly lowered into her arms. Chloe had the biggest smile on her face she was so happy and shocked that she was holding her new baby sister that she started to cry a little bit. "Hi sweet baby girl, you are so beautiful and precious thank you for being born." Chloe whispers to Isabella and then kisses her tiny forehead.
Sorry this is my first one so it's probably pretty boring.😂 thanks for reading!!

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