Thieves - pt. 5

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You were never much keen on the transformations of the main character in a book or a movie that you have seen and read. How they transform at night as if a fairy sprinkled glow-up dust on them and how the next day they were a new and completely different person.

You knew what James Potter said. How he wants you to be you but since when do you care anymore what James Potter thought?

All holidays, you've done nothing but contemplate of your new transformation. You laid on your bed with your legs crossed and your eyes on the ceiling. With a swift of your legs uncrossing and standing up, you walked to the bathroom and looked yourself in the mirror.

Yes, you weren't your sister but you weren't the kid from your past as well. Why try to be someone you already were? It didn't work out. You'll never be the same person you were before. You are this old once in your life, so why think and ponder and contemplate who you would be. Just be who you want to be.

You took a hold of your hair and watched your natural hair colour stand out from your skin. 'I always did want to dye my hair.' you thought to yourself, smiling and locking yourself in the bathroom. You put makeup, taking your time with it and putting more effort than you ever did before. After you finished, you changed into the clothes that were always in your closet but never really worn. Shoes, coat, bag, summer savings and you were through the door. Not a goodbye, not a warning to your were just after that one day transformation.


The Great Hall was filled with students, laughs and arguments. Stories of their holidays came from everybody, chatter over there, gasps on the other end, some teasing and joking as well yet nobody was prepared for you.

Everything you put into yourself, changed you. You were more you than you have ever felt in your entire life. Finally, you felt comfortable and confident in your own skin. You looked in the mirror every morning since that day and you were glad to see that person looking back at you. It wasn't you before this, the you that hid from most of your life and adventures. Changing yourself meant changing your life and that was what was important to you. If you wanted to start a new book, you had to get a new pen.

Yes, it wasn't easy ignoring the whispers and the eyes that followed as you walked in but that's who you were and you are done appologising for that.

"(y/n)?!" Marilla's eyes popped out of her skull and so did the other girls' but you only smirked at them and quirked an eyebrow.


"You- what did you do?" she pointed to your hair, then your nose, then- well everything that you decided to change on yourself.

"Oh this?" you took your hair in your hand. "Just a little change of season." you smiled and they all kept looking.

"And the piercing and the- the clothes- what- why?"

"Why not? Why not live in the moment? Try new things?" you smiled at them. "Why be so afraid of change when it can be so wonderful?"

"And your parents?" Marilla continued.

"It was my money, my life, my body. I can do whatever I want of it. They can't restrain it anymore."

"That is bold." said one of the other girls and taking your hair in her hand. "And they are still so soft- how?!"

"It's a secret." you winked.


Sirius Black has been more than just enchanted by now. Even if you have changed your whole appereance, there was something else different on you. Something in those eyes that he couldn't quite figure out, especially from afar.

He ran to those new light-grey hair and walked alongside you.
" I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please
, " he quoted with a playfulness in his tone and you stopped to listen.

"And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees
." he finished and smiled with his ever so charming smile.

You smiled as well and pushed your books closer to your chest.
" I say,
It's the fire in my eyes,
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing in my waist,
And the joy in my feet.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me."
you finished and looked up at those eyes- those eyes that looked at you so sweetly even after what you said to him the last time you saw him. "Maya Angelou."

"Indeed she is." he didn't even realize what he was saying, only watched the glimmer in your eyes that shone so brightly inside of you. You were now backed against the wall, his eyes observing and his mouth curving. "You look-"

"Sirius." you cut him off before he could finish. The tone of your voice and the break of the eyes shook him out from his daze. "About what I said last time we-"

A soft smile appeared on his lips and now he was done listening because all he ever wanted from this moment on was to kiss you. He backed you against the wall until there was only little space left and that your breath got cought up in your throat. He pulled you into his arms and your lips crashed into a perfect lock.

You didn't know what was happening until it was over. You didn't know how long have you been in his arms, kissing those sweet lips of his until he pulled away. The only thing you knew right about now was that it felt like a trip to heaven.

You didn't believe the words when people told you that with the right person, everything feels right, perfect, heavenly... You always believed they were exaggerating in that area but now- now your whole world flipped and you wanted to stay in that kiss forever.

His hand reached your cheek, his eyes travelled from your lips to your nose and lastly to your eyes. "You could have murdered me with an axe and I'd still forgive you." his thumb brushed your lips and you smiled.

"So my wish is your command, huh?" you joked and let your fingers get caught up in his curls.

"I'm a man not a genie." he rolled his eyes and you laughed.

Oh that laugh. That wonderful, breath-taking resonance of art.

"I don't know what you have done to me, tiny Bee but you surely have a good hold on me."

"Me?" you scoffed. "You're the one acting like a true Romeo. Looking at me with those-those eyes and kissing me out of nowhere."

He spinned with you in your arms, lifting you from the ground and kissing your lips. "Romeo, huh?" he kept moving on his feet, taking a hold of your hands and starting to slowly dance and twirl with you in the corridor. "Didn't Romeo steal Juliets heart and-"

"There's something you have in common-"

"Oh, so you agree? You are my Juliet."

"No. I agree that both of you are thieves." you smiled as he spun you and pulled you back in his arms. Your back was agaisnt his chest, his chin resting on yoour shoulder as he rocked left and right.

"Thieves of hearts." he said and you snorted.

With the warmth of his embrace and the hold of his arms, you were finally able to pull away and back him against the wall. "And what will happen now?" you tried to keep your distance but your nose was scrunched at him and your eyes were smiling, which kept him carefree and naive.

His hands moved quickly to your hands behind your back. He spun you fast and pulled you on his chest. It was all very smooth as he placed your hand on his shoulder and let it wander on the back of his neck on its own. "Now I ask you to be mine and await for your answer like a true nobleman."

"What? No ring? No on one knee?" you teased and he laughed.

"I can do that." he moved away, tapping his pockets and pulling out the same silver ring that you found in his leather jacket. "Looks like I come quite prepared." he winked and was about to go down on one knee but you only took his arms and pulled him back up.

"Sirius, don't." you laughed and he was standing back on his feet.

He looked down on his family ring, smiling and putting it back in his pocket. Taking your hands in his, he finally decided to ask one more time. "Will you, (y/n)(y/l/n), be mine and let me be yours till a book tears us apart?" he asked and you laughed again.

"You have better got rid of that thing." you said but saw just how his eyes begged you for the real answer. "And yes, I will."

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