He left - pt. 1

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REQUEST : Im dying for a sirius x reader post azkaban!!! Maybe they had kids and the reader doesnt know when he escaped?? Something angsty! Thank you!


A knock is all that took for three of them to come out of their rooms and run down the stairs. "Mom!" all three of them shouted in unison, pushing past you and slamming into the door.

" Dani! Leo! Don't open that door!" you warned the curly black haired twins and pushed passed them, looking through the loop-hole and lock eyes with familliar green ones.

You sighed in relief, carefully opened the doors and let the man walk in with his signature smile. "Hey boys!"

"Uncle Remus!" they both shouted and ran into his arms ."What are you doing here?" the continued to speak in unison.

Remus sent you a worried glance but he kept the bright smile on his lips. You saw right through it though. It was simple. A simple glance and you already knew.


"I wanna give uncle Remus a hug too." spoke the eleven-year-old girl behind your back, her arms crossed across her chest as she glared at her brothers in the arms of her godfather.

Remus walked towards and knelt down to the youngest, opening his arms and signaling her to come over. "Come here girly." and she ran into his arms, giggling as he picked her up and spun her in the air. " How was your first year at Hogwarts?" he smiled at her and she immediately sent glares at her brothers direction.

"They pranked me on my first day!" she pointed her index finger at the boys, causing the boys to turn around towards the stairs and pretend as they haven't heard it.

"Yeah, I've heard." Remus chuckled and walked over to you, giving you a tight hug and whispering in your ear. "We need to talk."


Remus watched as you placed a cup of tea and a tablet of dark chocolate on the table. He kept watching as you've been doing everything else except sitting down and facing him with the subject.

And he understood, he was patient. Sirius was an emotional subject to talk about because for so long you've been stuck being a single mother to two boys and a daughter, left pregnant when he was locked away. It was pure torture, for you and for him having to witness that.

"They look so much like he did at fourteen." he started the conversation, reaching for a piece of dark chocolate and nibbling on it as he watched you wince at the mention of him.

"It's not just the looks. They both act just like him." you forced a smile but it didn't take you long for the tears to fall down your cheeks. "God Rem." you started to sob. "They just got through the worst year in their Hogwarts year, something it should have been best for Lyra."

Remus put down his tea and made his way on your side of the table, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.

" I miss him so much but I'm so furious at him." you didn't know whether to laugh or to cry at the situation. "He was so good towards the boys. He was always around, playing with them, spoiling me, dreaming about their future..." you smiled as the memories kept rushing in. "And when he found out about Lyra I thought he was going to explode from joy." you chuckled. " And I let him pick the names. His stupid star names. And it's not that I hate them. I love the names and I love the kids it's just that sometimes they remind me so much of him, especially Dani."

" I know it hurts and I know you're mad at him for the things he's done but, (Y/N)..." he paused for a bit, taking a hold of your hand and continue to hesitate for a moment before spilling it out. "He didn't do those things."

You shot your head from your palms and turned to him. "What?"

"He- he- well he.."

"I didn't do it." a sudden voice emerged from the doorstep. A familiar soft yet raspy voice came from the shadows, soon followed by a tall, slim figure.

You heard a chair fall behind you, your knees weak, your heart aching. "Stay back!" you pointed your wand at the man. "Stay back or I swear I'll blast the hell out of you, Sirius!"

Remus stood up soon after you, standing between you and Sirius. "(y/n), calm down."

"Why aren't you in Azkaban?" you continued, your eyes stuck on his and trigging all kind of emotions on the surface, emotions you tried so hard to push down for the last twelve years.

" (Y/n) lower your wand. Let us explain." continued Remus and took a step forward, trying to take your wand away from your hold. But your grip was strongdespite the shaking hand.

" He didn't do it. Peter did." Remus continued softly, taking a hold of your wand and trying to pull it away.

"Peter's dead. He killed him." you pointed your wand back at Sirius, right behind Remus shoulder.

"He's not dead. (y/N), listen to me." Remus tried to calm you down but all you could see was the grey eyes behind him, watching you.

"Love." he spoke again and your wand just fell from your grasp, along with your knees finally giving into gravity.

One word, one person and you were done for it.

It took you a long time to get it together but as soon as you did you listened. You listened to what they had to say or more like what Remus had to say. Sirius only watched as you avoided his gaze, his eyes.

"(y/n)?" Remus spoke glumly, touching you by the shoulder.

'He must have finished.' you thought before finally breaking your gaze from the wooden floor to meet his. And as soon as you did, tears flooded your eyes, falling one by one down your cheeks. "Leave." you then turned to Remus. "Both of you."

"I want to see them." he spoke back, his tone serious as his eyes.

"I said leave." you glared back at him.

Remus stood up and turned towards the door. " Come on, Sirius. She needs time."

"And I need to see them." he replied back harshly. "They are my kids too, (Y/N)."

"Then where were you for the first twelve years of their life!" you suddenly snapped. " You left me! Alone! Twelve years, broken, pregnant and with two infants on my hands!"

"I didn't choose this!"

"Yes, you did! You chose to go after Peter! You chose to leave!"

"He killed James!"

"And you killed me, Sirius!" you snapped, finally shutting him up. " You killed me the day you were sent to Azkaban. You killed me when you weren't there at the birth of our daughter. On their first ride to Hogwarts, every time they asked 'Where's daddy?' or ' Is daddy really a murderer?'. You killed me, Sirius, so please just leave! "

His eyes softened yet they still held a big amount of guilt and burden you only had to wonder how was he still standing on his feet. "I just want to see them." he mumbled once again.

For a second you thought about it. For one short second you thought about letting this man see the children he abandoned.

"We don't want to see you." spoke another sharp voice from the shadows, his eyes grey as his father's, black locks matching his.

All heads turned to the boy, the other two sitting on the stairs and staring at their brother. "Dani, what are you doing?" you puzzled at the boy, his wand pointing towards Sirius.

"Eridani." smiled Sirius, looking at his eldest son. "My god, have you grown."

He was so handsome. Eridani Orion Black. His eyes, his black curls yet your nose and your eye shape, matching your fiery personality.

" It's Dani and she said to leave." he stepped in front of you, his eyes filled with fury and the tip of his wand letting out tiny purple sparks.

Sirius stepped back. That was his son. So much like him yet so much like his mother.

His son. He finally realized, blinking twice and knowing his surroundings.

His own son didn't want him here. He didn't want him around. It almost sounded familliar for Sirius, too familiar indeed.

"Leave." he sneered once again at him, taking one step forward towards his father. "Now."

And he did. He turned his back at you as he did the night twelve years ago.

He left. 

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