Combatants - pt.4

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"Oh my god! You suck! " you laughed at Jack as he had a big mop on his head, pretending to be you from the past. Your hair wasn't perfect during puberty. Every girl has to get through that phaze of not having perfect hair. But they weren't that bad either. They didn't look like a mop.

"Oh really, (y/n)? Because you swallow." he retorded and continued to dance with the mop.

Your mouth fell on the ground and you took a big gasp. "Jack O'Connell! " you continued to laugh at him. "You are the worst best friend in the world."

He ignored you and continued to dance with the mop on his head.Twirling around, dancing the waltz with the broom and mocking you. All of a sudden he dropped himself on the carpet and started doing the snowangles. "I wish I was outside. I could do snowangels in the snow."

"You are the weirdest person I have ever met in my life." you laughed, looking at your best friend doing snowangles on the carpet.

"(Y/n)? Can I ask you something?" he asked seriously and stopped with the snowangels.

You threw a popcorn in your mouth and smiled. "Are you becoming all deep and wise now? " you teased.

"You and Zoey... what is he excatly to you?" he asked all of a sudden and lifted his body on his elbows.

You didn't expect this question from him. Not right now when everything was going great. Of course you missed Zoey so much right now and you promised to keep him safe. But why on earth would he ask you this kind of question?

But it was Jack. Your best friend, who you trusted with all your heart. "Zoey is my brother. Why?"

"Your brother?" he quirked an eyebrow. He knew that wasn't true, he knew you were lying to him.

" Yes. He's my brother. Well, he's my foster brother, but I don't like using that word. We grew up together. He IS my brother, no matter the bloodline."

"Where is he though?"

"I can't tell you Jack. All I can say is that he's safe." you reasured him.

"But you can tell me. I'm your best friend." he insisted and scooted over to you.

"Sorry Jack. But it's safer if only I know where he is." you finished the conversation, got up, grabbed your books and left the room.

Jack was furious. He promised Collin he will find out where you were hiding Zoey. He promised him he will make sure they get their younger brother back. But you are just the most stubbornest person he has ever met. He NEEDS to know where his brother is and he's not going to give up that easily.

Since that conversation it was really awkward around Jack. He kept trying to let you talk about Zoey and you couldn't understand why. Why was he mentioning Zoey so much? Its your secret. YOURS. So why is he taking it so personally?


You were staring at the book for what felt like hours. You couldn't wrap your head around it. Jack is acting so weird. Why? You looked up at the clock and noticed an hour and a half has already passed.

"Shit." you cursed under your breath and started searching for notes in your books. Out of nowhere your chair rocked backwards and you were facing loving grey eyes.

"Hello darling." he smiled and continued to look down at you.

"Black." you smiled back, staring at his gorgeous stormy grey eyes.

He gently rocked the chair back on the ground and leaned forward. His hand was on the book and his head right next to yours. You could smell his dark woods and warming spices cologne and his bracing, minty shampoo just consuming your lungs. It was the smell that graced you every day. Well, almost every day. The two of you became friends. Great friends and man did this guy show it. Every day he would walk over to you at breakfast and ask you what you have planned for today, tell you about his plans or just stare at you eating your cereal/toast or just drink your coffee. During classes, the ones you two had together, he would sit next to you and make the classess far more interesting than usual. With those classes, which the two of you don't have together, he would simply escort you there and carry your books. He was a real gentleman.

As you saw his bicep tensing up in that tight black shirt of his, made your heart rate go so fast, you thought it was going to jump out of your chest. He noticed your blushing cheeks and grinned. He leaned down to you ear and whispered. "You look stunning today."

You rolled your eyes and snorted of laughter. " Honestly Black. You think I'll fall for that?"

"I don't know. Have you already?" he asked.


"No." you denied and stood up. "Pick up my books will you. They are not going to carry up themselves." you ordered and walked away.

He did as you said and walked right behind you. "I love it when you're bossy." he said enthusiastically. "But you're bossy when something is wrong. So? What is bothering you?" he asked dropping the books on the floor and turning all the attention on him.

Honestly, you didn't care about the books on the floor right now or that he dropped them right in front of you. Your head was a mess from Zoey and Jack and all that has been happening. But could you tell Sirius about it?

You sat on the bench, which stood right in front of Professor's Binns office. As you sat down you gripped the edge of the bench tighter. "I don't know if I should tell you.."

"Really? After all we went through and what I told you, you still can't trust me?"

"It's this thing with Jack. He's acting weird and keeps nagging me about something I don't want to talk about and now I lost my study buddy and the exam is tomorrow and I just spent an hour and a half staring at the blank page of a book." you babbled out.

He sat next to you and took your hand from the bench. Feeling his warm touch, you lifted your head and looked at him. His eyes were different than before. His pupils were a bit wider and he was wearing a smile you could never figure out. " How about you come over and I'll prepare you for your exam tomorrow?" he offered kindly.

"Yeah right." you scoffed in disbelief. "Sirius Black, tutoring a Ravenclaw. Now that's a laugh."

"I am in fact the greatest tutor in this school. You said it yourself. I pass everything flawlessly and don't need to study."

"I was pissed at you back then. But you do have a point."

"Great then. See you after lunch." he smiled and walked away.


After lunch Sirius walked you to the Gryffindor house. It was your first time there and you were facinated by the Common room. It had armchairs and fireplaces, portrets on the walls smiling and waving at you, then there was this adorable tiny table just sitting in the middle and basically drawing you to it. It was just like home.

Sirius noticed your glowing eyes as you scanned every corner of the room. You were smiling and pushing your books harder to your chest because of your excitment. You never were to any of their parties nor have ever been invited here but man you wished you were here sooner.

You looked over to the big, long and old couch at the fireplace and the six teenagers laughing and teasing eachother. James, who was staring at Lilly talking to Marlene and Mary, glanced up when he heard Sirius, but as soon as he saw you standing next to him, he jumped from the couch.

"No Sirius!" he yelled determined.

"(Y/n)! It's so good to see you! " shouted Remus from the couch with a big smile on his face.

"Hey Remus!" you waved back.

"Come on Prongs. Can't you move past the whole nose thing?" groaned Sirius, rolling his eyes at James.

"What nose thing?" asked Lilly curiously, switching her gaze from James, Sirius and you.

"Oh Pads didn't tell you?" grinned Sirius with an evil look in his eyes.

"Didn't you hear Evans? It was talking all over school last year." smiled Remus, glancing up from his book.

Lilly gasped and looked at you. "Wait? You're the girl who punched him in the nose?" she smiled.

"Guilty as charged." you smiled back.

"Oh my god. I have been wanting to do that since second year." she laughed and was later joined by the others.

"Lilly!" yelled James angrly.

"You deserved it James. You know you did." she giggled.

You turned to Sirius only to see his big bright smile turned to Lilly and James bickering. It was a gorgeous smile that made you feel happy. Not only happy but you felt the butterflies fluttering in your stomach.


You're here to study not to swoon over Sirius Black. You stepped on your tiptoes and put your chin on his shoulder. As he tilted his head towards you, you whispered in his ear. "What about that tutoring you promised me."

Stepping back on your feet and looking up to his breathtaking smirk he offered you a hand. "Follow me." he added before you took his hand and let him lead the way up to his dorm.

When you entered the room you were quite surprised by how tidy it is. The beds were made, the clothes were folded and you could actually breathe in there.

"How long did it take you to clean the room?" you smirked at him as he lead you to his bed and threw the books on it.

"About a spell or two." he replied and threw himself on the bed. "So where should we start?"

"Hold on a minute." you said and stood up from the bed. "I'm in a dorm of Sirius Black and you expect me not to snoop around?" you grinned and walked over to his nightstand.

"You're really good at procrastinating you know that, right?" he chuckled and laid on the bed with his hands under his head and his elbows pointing out.

The photos he had taped on the mirror was the first thing that caught your attention. There was one photo on the top left corner of him and Regulus when they were kids. They were on the beach building a castle. Regulus was standing on a bucket with a tiny blue shovel in his hand, while Sirius was standing next to him and smiling at his younger brother.

"Look at baby Sirius and Regulus. " you jested in awe.

"Hot back then, hot now." he chuckled, not removing his eyes from the ceiling.

You continued with the photos, going to the next one on the right corner. It was the one with James and Remus. They were all laughing and pointing at the tall linden tree. You looked closer and saw Peter in the background hanging upside down.

"Is that Peter?" you asked, looking closer at the photo.

"Yup. That was taken on his birthday when we decided to prank him a bit."

"So blue hair and hanging upside down from a tree...that was supposed to be a present?"

"One of the best." he smiled still not bothering to look away from the ceiling.

After photos and photos of him partying, pushing Remus in the lake, laughing with James and him jumping off the roof, you came to the last photo. It was Sirius with the whole Potter family. You took it from the mirror and looked at it closely. Noticing how James had his arm wrapped around Sirius, both happier that they have ever been, and the Potters smilling down on their two boys made you feel so sad. You didn't think it will affect you this much but just seeing this perfect happy family reminded you of yours.

"Zoey." you spoke quietly, letting a tear escape your eye.

Thinking about your past hurt like hell. Once you were this perfect family and everything is gone. Your mom and dad were gone. Zoey is gone. Why did they leave you?

Feeling your chest crumble beneath the fingers of your past, you felt a warm touch on your shoulders, lifting you back up. Without even thinking you turned around and wrapped your arms around Sirius. He gripped you tighter and you continued to cry on his shoulder.

"You want to talk about it?" he spoke in a soft and kind voice.

You barely removed yourself from his embrace, regretting it immediately. As you wiped the tears away from your cheeks, you sat down on his bed.

"We were such a great family. I mean we weren't perfect, but we weren't bad either." you started. "When I was seven, my dad brought home a young boy, three years younger than me. His name was Zoey. My mom said he had a rough life back at his real family and that he will stay with us for some time. After a year my parents were sick of the social worker coming to our house every month, so they decided to adopt him. But they couldn't. They couldn't adopt him because his father didn't want to give up his parenting rights. After a year of trying to adopt Zoey, my dad soon gave up but my mom didn't. So there was a lot of arguing and fighting. After another year of that, my parents decided to split up. I was ten at the time and they told me they are going to come back soon. But they never did come back. Zoey and I were put in a care of some distant cousin of my dad, Klodvik. He was a terrible man and I tried my best to protect Zoey from him. He always teased Zoey becasue of his name. Becasue Zoey is supposed to be a girls name, not boy's. But Zoey was just a nickname. It was short for Zebedaiah and imagine Klodvik knowing about that. If he found out it would be even worse. " you continued with tears rolling down your cheeks but the pain slowly disappearing. "You should have met him. He was the brightest boy of his age. A prankster too." you smiled as you remembered the boy you grew up with. "He has this dark turquoise hair. He always had them. Not brown, black or blonde, not even ginger. He had dark torquoise hair. His eyes were green. And not just any green either. He had live green color on sunny days and on rainy days his eye color changed into grey-green. "

"What else?" asked Sirius, his hand around your waist pulling you closer to his embrace.

"I loved his humor. The boy laughed to his own jokes sometimes. And the jokes were terrible, but that laugh of his was unforgettable. He was also a short-tempered little boy, still is. It was better not to provoke him or he would unleash the hell on earth. Sometimes he even scared me." you smiled and leaned your head on Sirius' shoulder. "He's my little brother Sirius. And now I don't even know where he is or how he's doing."

"Hey. " he said gently, brushing your tears away. "He's okay. You said it yourself. He's the brightest boy of his age. He's going to get through this, just like his strong sister."


Since your talk with Sirius everything felt lighter. It was like all those feelings and pain you pushed down, finally emerged and set you free. And the exam went flawlessly and you didn't even study for it so much. The boy who once pissed you off was now the boy who hepled you get back up. You couldn't get him out of your head. That smile, his touch, his grey eyes, his cologne,... everything was making you addicted to him. But you couldn't afford a boyfriend right now. You need to stay focused on your main mission here: Find Zoey.

Deciding if you should talk to Jack about what happened the last time you two spoke, you paced up and down in your room and continue to bite your nails.

"Hey best friend." you practiced in the mirror but immediately cringed to the sound of that awful line. "Ew. What was that? Hey Jack. I was thinking about yesterday... about what you told me about Zoey..." you started off talking to yourself in the mirror. "That's about right." you added before leaving your dorm and walking to the boys dorms.

You knocked on the door and waited. "Come in!"

A tall latino boy with dark dense hair and brown eyes was standing in front of the mirror, combing his hair. "Well, well, well. I see you finally made a move on Tina." you chuckled and walked next to him.

He turned around and opened his arms. "What do you think?"

You looked at him from head to toe. "Really Bruto? Red shirt and dark green jeans? Where is your usual all-black-like my soul look?"

"Ugh!" he groaned and threw himself on his bed. "Help me (y/n)!" he begged as he continued to roll on his bed. "I tried every combination and I have nothing to wear." he whined.

"Okay. Let me see your warderobe." you said and walked over to his closet. You pulled out some black jeans and tight black shirt. "Here." you turned around and threw them at him.

"Thats so basic." he vacillated and looked up to you.

"Better looking basic than like a clown."

He shrugged his shoulders and stood up. " You're right." he agreed and started staring at you. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. What was he waiting for?


"Can you turn around." he demanded and shooed you away with his hand.

"Oh my god Bruto. What are you? A girl?" you scoffed and turned around.

"I don't like people staring at me, okay." he murmured quietly as he continued stripping down those ugly green jeans of his. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"Just meaning to talk with Jack." you explained and continued to stare at the blank wall.

"Oh he's coming soon, he just left to take a letter for his brother to the owlery."

"Brother? Jack doesn't have a brother." you denied.

"You can turn around now." When you turned around, he turned towards the mirror and started fixing his hair. "I don't know. It's just a daily thing he does. Writing to his brother."

You walked over to him and took a comb in your hand. You turned him towards you and started fixing his hair. "Here let me. You are useless." you added. "So he's either lying to you or to me?"

"Yeah, but why?" asked Bruto, looking down at you getting him ready.

"I don't know." you sighed and turned around for the hairspray. "That's why we need to talk."

Bruto and you always had this weird kind of friendship. The two of you met in the first year and became friends right away. He was your best friend for about two years but as soon as he entered puberty, getting hotter than ever, the two of you drifted apart. He became a selfobserved jerk and only hung out with you when he needed something. Of course the two of you went along just fine when you were alone but sometimes he really was a big jerk, that loved to pick on you. Never the less he was also your first kiss. Like I said, weird kind of relationship.

After the last touches on your ex-friend the both of you smiled at eachother and let out a laugh. " Who would have thought my frenemy would help me get ready for my date?" he chuckled.

"Twirl around princess." you smiled and as he took a spin you noticed something was missing. " Now I searched your closet for some leather jackets but I couldn't find it. I'll just take one of Jacks and you can return it later." you added and jumped to Jacks side of the room.

You opened the the closet and searched for his black leather jacket. As you pulled it out, a big pile of letters fell down with it. You knelt down to pick them up but noticed something weird.

That handwriting. You saw it somewhere. You knew to who it belonged to. "Collin." you mumbled under your breath.

"Is that it?" asked Bruto grabbing the jacket and putting it on. "Woo I look fine." he boasted as he kept staring at himself in the mirror. "Thank you love. I owe you one." he added before waltzing out of the room.

You kept staring at the letters. Only one person wrote that kind of the letter G. The G with the two waves on the end. You couldn't help yourself but to open up the envelope.

' Dear brother,

I got your letter even though your owl is as dumb as a peacock and almost threw it into the fire. Seriously, get a new owl.

Anyways, I told you not to ask her questions about Zoey directly. You know that will make her suspicious. If we ever want him back, you need to do more than just "talk".

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