NOTES: I'm only updating because AO3 peeps don't deserve no updates for something Wattpad did! >:ppp But also, pipol here do not deserve getting an update after the peeps over there.
Also, when I first began this au, I didn't even think Nighteye moving in with the Midoriyas was possible, yet here we are.
Once the three heroes' visit has ended and they have left, Inko finally came home from her work. She was disappointed that she missed his husband's guests by a hair, but at the end of the day, she's just glad their home was still intact.
As they were waiting for dinner to be prepared, Hisashi caught his wife up on what they had discussed-- or what they were supposed to have discussed-- and he informed her of Mirai's 'predicament,' though he ended up changing a few details the last minute.
Instead of getting kicked out of his apartment, Hisashi informed Inko that Mirai's lease on his apartment was ending, and that he didn't bother renewing it since he had been planning on buying his own home. He was supposed to move in to his new home this week, but there had been complications with the new house, and in the end, the deal fell through.
With his old landlord having already found new renters for his apartment and no new home to move into, Mirai has been staying at a hotel for a few days while he looks for a new place to live.
After hearing about this little dilemma, Hisashi offered to let Mirai stay in their home for a little while as they had enough room to spare, and he told Toshinori and Mirai that if Inko agreed to it then he can move in.
As Hisashi had expected, Inko immediately said yes, and even without him alluding to it, she even said that Mirai would be more than welcome to move in the next day (hurray for Mirai!)
During dinner, they had also informed their sons about the arrangement, to which Izuku couldn't help be excited about, and he ended up bouncing endlessly on his chair after hearing the news. Tenko brought up the same worries his mother also had beforehand-- that being the physical state of their home, if their father was to be in the vicinity of a hero, but Inko assured Tenko that their patriarch has already proved that day that he can handle a few heroes in their home.
Hisashi felt like multiple jabs to his pride were both intentionally and unintentionally thrown his way that dinner, but he decided to think nothing of it, and before long, dinner ended.
The members of the family went to their respective rooms as the servants began cleaning up, with Izuku being sent to his room so he could be given a bath.
Izuku had just finished changing into fresh clothes and was being pampered by Aoi and Millie, the two maids assigned to him that night. He was on his study table doodling and taking notes on his Quirk Analysis notebook when they received a knock on the door.
Izuku's imaginary puppy ears practically perked up as he looked over to the door and his imaginary tail had started wagging.
"I'll go get it," Aoi was the one to go and open the door, and she was surprised to see who it was, "Master!"
Hisashi looked into the room as looked for his son, and he asked the maid, "Did Izuku finish taking a bath?"
"Mhm! Yes, sir! He's on his study table right now working on his notebook." Aoi reported to her boss, when Izuku himself cheerfully exclaimed from his chair on the other side of the room.
"Daaddd!" Izuku was standing on his rolling chair as he gladly waved at his father and he wagged his imaginary tail. Millie, meanwhile, was trying her best to beg their young master to sit down before he fell from the chair.
Hisashi smiled at his son and weakly waved back before looking over to the two maids and asking them, "Can you two leave for a moment? I need to talk with my son about something."
There was a serious undertone in the household's patriarch that both the maids and Izuku understood. Aoi and Millie didn't even hesitate, and with a bow, the two maids responded in sync, "Then, please excuse us, Master."
The two maids then left, leaving Hisashi and Izuku alone. The small greenet got off his chair and as he walked towards his father, he asked, "Dad, what is it?"
Hisashi looked at his son with a solemn expression before scooping him up in his arms and carrying the small child as he sat down on the greenet's bed.
"Izuku," Hisashi began with a somber tone, "Since Sir Nighteye will be staying with us starting tomorrow, I wanted to talk to you about your Quirk. Do you remember what I told you before?"
Izuku slowly nodded his head, "Mhm, that I would need to choose which Quirk to show other people, and that I would have to hide my other Quirks when the time comes."
"That's right. Unfortunately, that time will be tomorrow," Hisashi told his son.
"And I know I told you that you would be able to choose, but since Sir Nighteye, All Might, and Gran Torino have already seen you using your gravity manipulation Quirk, you will have to keep using it from now on as your official Quirk. You can still train and use your other Quirks, and any other Quirks that you'll get, but you'll have to do it in secret, even in our home."
Izuku's eyes slowly widened and he tightly grasped his father's shirt as he buried half of his face in his father's torso. Hisashi could only slowly caress his son's hair to comfort and support him.
Izuku's Quirk is an incredibly rare one-- it is a Quirk that lets Izuku manifest multiple Quirks over his lifetime-- which is why he has his gravity manipulation Quirk, his Silkweave, an eavesdropping Quirk, and many many more.
Gift is what they call his Quirk, the Quirk to have many Quirks-- and it is a blessing and a curse.
In the eyes of someone so enamoured by the variety and countless possibilities in Quirks around the world, Izuku could never have been any happier to learn that he was going to have more than one Quirk to train and master. But that was also where the troubles and worries came from.
If you have a powerful Quirk, it's natural that you would be the subject of both the awe and envy of others. That's how this world works. But what if you have more than one powerful Quirk? It would've been taboo. No awe would head your way, only jealousy and scorn.
It was this concern that led the family to keep the true nature of Izuku's Quirk a secret. It was for Izuku's sake.
"Do you understand, Izuku?" Hisashi asked the small child in his arms.
Izuku only had a blank expression as the small hands grasping his father's shirt balled tightly into fists, "Mhm. I understand, Dad."
"Good," Hisashi said in a relieved tone as he tightly squeezed his son into a hug, "Keep Gift your deepest and most guarded secret, Izuku, for your own safety."
"Mhm," The small greenet only responded blankly, "My Gift is a secret."
--except, his Quirk is a lie.
A lie told to Izuku and the rest of his family by their patriarch.
Izuku's real Quirk is All for One, no doubt about it. It's the Quirk he really inherited from his father, and just like his father, Izuku has the ability to steal and give away Quirks. But Hisashi could never let him know that, so he told Izuku about 'Gift,' and he let his son believe this fantastical lie, when this whole time, he has been the one giving Izuku his Quirks.
Izuku's gravity manipulation Quirk, his Silkweave Quirk, his unnamed eavesdropping Quirk-- each one of them were Quirks that had been meticulously reviewed by Hisashi himself before being given to his son-- or fed to him, would be more accurate.
Despite being an almost exact copy of Hisashi's Quirk, a notable difference in Izuku's All for One was that he needed to be fed DNA from his target so he could take their Quirk for himself, much like how his uncle's Quirk could only be passed on after its successor ingests a piece of DNA from the predecessor.
It was only because of this peculiarity in Izuku's version of All for One that Hisashi was able to create the illusion of Quirks randomly manifesting.
But Izuku can never learn of that. Izuku can never know that his beloved Quirks were stolen, because Hisashi knows that it would break his son even more than having to just hide them. Just imagining Izuku learning of the truth-- it would've been better if he didn't inherit Hisashi's Quirk at all.
As Hisashi thought about his lie, he subconsciously embraced his son tighter as he could only repeat one thought.
I'm sorry, Izuku. I'm so sorry.
NOTES: For some reason I had a hard time writing this chapter, specifically the second half, maybe because I've written that part a few good times already before? Idk.
Also, I'm sorry that this downer of a chapter had to be included in here when this is supposed to be a feel good Dad for One au. You just can't really help it, you know?
I feel like any story with Dad for One, especially one tackling shite like All for One giving up his old life for his family like this and that also has the AfO Izuku tag, is expected to have some sort of angst to them. It just depends on the author how they'd steer the story with that thought in mind.
A good example of a trainwreck of a Dad for One au is actually my first BnHA au. That au was also intended to be a wholesome Dad for One au, but it turned into a shit show at some point and it's still continuing to be derailed. :'D
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