Chapter 3: Young Midoriya

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Toshinori tried his best to act like nothing was happening. He was doing his very best to act natural as he walked just behind 'Hisashi' as the villain-- or 'ex-villain' was making his way to the opposite side of the mall to meet with his wife and their other son.

Well, he acted as natural as possible all while the small green-haired gremlin--child of his archnemesis was smiling like a tiny maniac at him all while being carried by his father.

In any other situation, Toshinori would probably see this scenario as heartwarming, after all, it had always been his hope to bring light and inspire the younger generation-- but this situation is different and nothing like he'd ever hope to believe.

To think that this child in front of him wearing that almost manic smile is his child-- it unnerves him.

Toshinori internally groaned.

He really doesn't want to think this way. He doesn't want to blame an innocent kid for something his father had done, and he certainly didn't want to intentionally project who his father is--was onto the child. In fact, maybe it's just his imagination that's making the child's smile seem more unnerving than it actually is. He is still a child after all. Malice is just something that's not naturally ingrained into a child.

But what were the chances of him being in this situation? What were the chances that All for One's child would come out to be a huge fanboy of his? Has any other hero ever been in this situation before? Has this ever happened before? Toshinori doesn't know. He was just really confused and conflicted.

All the while, the tiny child noticed that his dad was holding him just a tiny bit tighter than usual during this whole walk but Izuku didn't mind it and even found it really nice.

The small child just continued to smile like an idiot at his idol and hummed happily to himself as the walk continued.

After a while, the two nemeses and the small child finally reached their destination and before long, they should be able to meet with the rest of Hisashi's family once again.

And for the first time since Toshinori had officially met the kid, Izuku finally broke eye contact, and without warning, he suddenly jumped off his father.

Toshinori worried for a second until he noticed that the child seemed to float slowly in the air before safely landing on the ground and running away. Toshinori looked over to the child's father, who was already looking back at him with a subdued look of annoyance.

Toshinori just furrowed his brows at the man's expression, before looking back at the child and following him with his eyes.

Izuku, meanwhile, just happily ran past the multiple people in the mall, even let his arms drag behind him as he ran, like a ninja would. All the while, he listened. Listened for the specific voices he was looking for.

"Another All Might t-shirt for Izuku, Mom? Don't you think he has enough already? Plus, Dad--"

"It's fine! I'm sure your dad will be fine with it too. It's just one."

As soon as Izuku heard his brother and mom's voices, his eyes seemed to shine a lot brighter, and without any warning at all, he suddenly jumped up, surprising all the people around him.

Izuku floated gleefully for a few seconds in the air until he saw where his brother was, wearing a slightly deadpan expression as he looked at their mother.

"If I didn't know better, I'd think Mom just likes messing with Dad." Tenko flatly told their mother, to which she pouted.

"Don't think so low of your mother!" Inko scolded her oldest.

Izuku just chuckled to himself as he listened in on their conversation, before suddenly hawk diving towards his brother.

"MOOOOOOM! TENKOOOOO!" Izuku yelled for his mom and his brother's name as he flew down, surprising all the people that haven't noticed him until then. This also grabbed the attention of his mother and big brother.

Tenko immediately looked up to the direction where his little brother's voice came from, exactly as Izuku dove onto him for a hug, and Tenko was able to catch him and spin him around with his whole body.

Izuku laughed and giggled as he was spun around before getting pulled into a tight hug by his older brother.

Tenko just chuckled as well, "Ohayō, Izuku. Did you sleep well?" He asked his younger brother.

Izuku just flashed him a bright smile as he answered a bright, "Yup!"

Then Izuku immediately brought the topic to the exciting event he was meaning to tell his mother and brother.

"And guess what, Tenko! Guess who me and Dad met in the mall! Come on! Guess, guess, guess! You too, Mom! Guess who me and Dad met! Guess, guess, guess!" Izuku excitedly urged his family as he bounced up and down within his brother's embrace.

Tenko and Inko just laughed at the youngest Midoriya's enthusiasm, and they decided to play along.

"Hmm," Inko playfully hummed, "I wonder what can make my Izuku so excited like this~ Maybe... a hero meet and greet here at the mall? Could it have been Gang Orca? His agency is a little near here, no?"

Izuku's smile got wider as his mom got it wrong and he energetically shook his head no.

"Nope! Try again, Mom!" Izuku told his mother, then he turned his attention to his brother and he asked him, "It's your turn to guess, Tenko! Tell me who you think me and Dad met here at the mall!"

Tenko playfully put on a serious face as he tried to look like he was thinking deeply, and he hummed. He would've reached for his chin while thinking, but both his hands were preoccupied with carrying his little brother.

"Hmm... I also think it could have been a hero... but if it's not a meet and greet, then maybe an off-duty hero that you happened to bump into. So a big hero whose jurisdiction is this area..." Tenko deduced.

Izuku's eyes sparkled as his brother's guess hits close, but he was also holding back his laughter because he knows that his brother was still wrong.

Tenko noticed this, and he was able to tell which part of his guess was wrong, but he decided it would probably make his brother happier if he gets to reveal who the hero actually was.

"Hmm, but I'm not sure which heroes patrol this area so I can't really say." Tenko stated in playful defeat.

Izuku couldn't hold his excitement back anymore, and he started bouncing up and down within his brother's embrace again, "Okay! Okay! I'll tell you now!"

Finally, Izuku decided to reveal who the hero was.

"The hero that me and Dad met, is no one other thannn..."

Exactly as his father and the mystery hero were finally walking up to the three of them.

Inko and Tenko looked over to their patriarch with smiles on their faces, but those smiles were instantly replaced by wide eyes when they saw the expression the latter had, and they immediately recognized what it meant.

Only then did the two of them noticed the blue-eyed blonde man following beside their patriarch, and their jaws dropped.

Then Izuku finally revealed who he and his father had met, though his mother and brother already put two and two together.

"The hero is... All Might!"


NOTES: Hehe, we didn't reach 2023 to get a third chapter. (✿ ◕‿◕)

Be proud of me, pipol that have been waiting. ( / ,\)b

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