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I was in my room when I was about to strip my clothes off when I stopped halfway, when I noticed there was a shadow at my windowsill. I was about to throw my shoe but the shadow did the weirdest thing ever, it waved st me *Dafuq?".I started walked up to my window to be greeted by you guessed it James."What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked.

"Just chilling" he says nonchalantly like it was normal to be sitting on someone's windowsill .speaking of windowsills how the hell did he get on mine "Hey how did you get on my windowsill? " I asked ."I climbed "he said I just stared at him then I walked up to my window and opened it."Get in here.I don't want the neighbors to see you." I said as I pull him inside causing him to fall on top of me.

"I like this position " James said with a smirk on his face,"Get off of me" I screamed as I try to force him off of me.*Its no use his stronger than me.Damn.* I gave up.Then I looked up to meet his eye I felt like I was in some type of trance, I couldn't look away from his eyes and before I knew it I felt his cold lips against mine.It was intoxicating and I love it his taste its so sweet.

After kissing for a few minutes of kissing we pulled away to catch our breath, my whole body was on fire.James got off of me "I'm leaving see you tomorrow " and with that he left,*I must be dreaming or something *I thought as I lay down.I touched my lips "this must be some type of dream.I barely knew him for day and he's already calling me his,and kissing me.what the hell is going on here." I said out loud.

There was a knock on my door "COME IN" I yelled it was my brother's friend justin "Hey Tyler "he said while smiling. "Hey justin what's up?" he sat on my bed "I was just thinking of inviting you to my party I'm having this weekend. " he said."sure I'll be there but why did you invite me." I asked "because I've noticed that you don't go out as much as you used to so I wanted to invite you" he said.

I started blushing "oh ok then."I said then he scooted closer to me "and I wanted to spend more time with you " he said as he brushed his hand against my cheek.I was red as a tomato at this point"you know I've been thinking about you a lot lately " he whispered in my ear.I could feel myself getting hard just by feeling his hot breath on my ear "Ju...justin"I stuttered.

He got up and smirked at me "Come to my party " then he walked out *what the hell just happened here?* I thought.I closed my eyes and let my mind wonder off as I fell asleep and for some reason I felt like someone was in my room.I opened my eyes and I realized that I forgot to turn off the light I looked at my alarm clock to see what time was it *12:30* .

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