12. Vivaan's Secret Love

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Ria's POV

What is the meaning of Love? Is it good or bad? Since my childhood, I hate love. It's useless and pointless. Even now, I think the same. Sometimes, I do feel like a heartless girl. I am. I sometimes broke people heart by refusing their love. If i'm  correct, seven till now. Yes, I broke seven hearts until today. All of them were boys, they proposed me, unaware of my past. That's why! I reject them! I don't see the logic in love. And also, can we really expect a logic in it?

Today is probably my second week in IAE, I have some friends and three face-offs. Why three? It should be two, that's what I thought too but no. Life didn't have enough with me.


Ria's sixth day in IAE, she faced Inaya so much times that she doesn't even remember what she did to Inaya. The same for Aryan. Of course, they two end up equal, the same arrogance, temerity, anger, hatred, self-defense, lol Whatever, everyone was proud of her attitude and attention towards them.

One day, when she was in the library, she bumped against a boy. For the very first time, it was not Aryan. It was delightful to her. The boy she ran into was Inaya's latest boyfriend, Gaurav. He has always been jealous of Aryan as Inaya is after him all the time. He first showed his arrogance to Ria as if she was going to obey him.

As we all know, Ria is not the crybaby. After all, she challenged Aryan then Gaurav? Come on, he had to get a life. Whatever he did, she gave it back to him. The guy, his full name was Gaurav Kapoor.

Another day, suddenly he met Ria in the canteen and asked her to join his team. You will better understand if I say against Aryan's team! Ria, to prove that she doesn't need a team to defend her self, hadn't accepted it. Why would she? She knew that Gaurav isn't the nicest person ever and  that he was just trying to use her against Aryan as she has some background supports.

Ria hates Aryan but that's not a reason for her, to be used by some morons like Gaurav. That's where their face-off started.

I was in the music room of IAE. I usually spend a lot of time in the music room when I need to make up my mind. Well, now I must leave! I got up and walked straight to get in the gymnasium. Sasha was next to me talking about Rohan.

Ria: Hey, Sash, have you seen Vivaan?
Sasha: Nope, he is weird these days, he doesn't even answer my calls, did he answer yours? (she asked)
Ria: No, he didn't, whenever i called him, it was unreachable.

Strange. Teenagers like him spend more than on their phones than actual work.

Sasha: One sec, he didn't actually answer your calls? This is becoming much more serious than I thought.
Ria: Usually, he answers me. If he is really busy, he calls me back but why isn't he answering my calls now?
Sasha: Hey Ria, is that Vivaan? (she said pointing her finger to a classroom)
Ria: Yes it is, he is alone. Something is wrong with him.
Sasha: Let's go talk to him (she said)
Ria: Yeah, you are right (I replied)

We both walked to him. As soon as he saw us, he wiped his face, much precisely his tears and smiled, obviously it's a fake smile. I can detect fake smiles like a magnet that detects metals. I am used to fake smiling.

Ria: Vivaan, what is happening these days to you? You are not the same Viv!
Sasha: Yeah she is right.
Vivaan: Females, what are you saying? I'm okay so now let's leave (he said and turned around to get to the door)

He turned around, he pushed us and walked away. Just before he could reach the door, if I am correct there was five steps between him and the door, someone entered the room all of a sudden and punched Vivaan. Vivaan fell down and we had access to the idiot who punched him.

Of course. What else could I expect more? It was Aryan. What a waste of beautiful day!

Aryan: You bloody bastard... (he yelled at Vivaan)
Sasha: Vivaan, are you okay? (she questioned and got near him to ensure if everything was alright)
Vivaan: Yeah, I think so.
Ria: Hey? Stupid, why did you punch him?
Vivaan: Finally! thanks female (he thanked standing up)
Ria: It was my duty to punch him first
Vivaan: What? (he screamed)
Aryan: Idiot, he is my best friend so stay out this. Don't bring your ass between us.
Ria: Shut up (I yelled at him)
Sasha: Are you guys done? Shall we now finally talk? (she asked)
Aryan: Vivaan! What the hell is happening? Until now, you have never hid anything from me. Then why are you so reserved and acting all weird? (Aryan enquired Vivaan by touching his shoulder)

Aryan can understand people's feelings? That's super hard to believe.

Ria: Viv, I have stopped considering you as a friend a long time ago. You are not my friend anymore. You are like my brother. I trust you and I hope you trust me too. If you really do, then tell us what is wrong with you? You are so depressed, you are not the same Vivaan as you were some days ago, something is worrying you, just share it!
Aryan: Please bro, tell me what is it?
Sasha: Vivaan, please...
Viv: Guys, as you all are forcing me so much, I will tell you!
Ria/Aryan: Great! (We both said at the same time at eyed each other in disgust)
Viv: Guys, I have never tell you this before, I don't know how will you all react...
Aryan: What is it?
Viv: I have a girlfriend!

Oh nice. Wait. What?

Sash: What the..? Uhh sorry, what?
Aryan: The f*ck? 
Ria: The heck, seriously?

According to what Vivaan just has said, he has a girlfriend and we didn't know it yet. Okay, I met him two weeks ago so i may be unaware of this but Sasha. Or Aryan. They are his friends since a long time... especially Aryan. Vivaan knows him since the last ten years, how could he be not aware of this? Well, he would have known if he paid attention to his friend and stopped treating people like rubbish.

Aryan: Dude, what the hell? How comes that I am not aware of this? I have never met somebody that you called "girlfriend"
Ria: Wow, how pathetic...

Aww. Poor baby needs attention!

Aryan: Shut the heck up (he scolded me)

Sasha: Guys, be quiet! Vivaan you tell me! Who is she?
Vivaan: Her name is Sameera Vedhant, she is actually studying fashion designing in Delhi.
Ria: Okay. If I get that clear, you love someone, her name is Sameera, what is the problem here? Everything is fine, right? (I asked with a confused face) Unless you broke up...

I like break ups. They give you finally peace.

Vivaan: No, that's the thing!
Aryan: What? Just tell me clearly!
Vivaan: Her parents are overprotective, they want her to study in US and she had no choice so she accepted it even if she doesn't want to. (he explained)
Ria: No break up then?
Viv: No.
Ria: Sad... (I mumbled which they all heard)

Sasha and Vivaan rolled their eyes at me. Stop being a bitch Ria. He is your friend. Fine!

Ria: Vivaan, what is the problem? If you are sure that she loves you then you must wait till her return...

Nice love advice from a bitch like me.

Vivaan: I know, I am ready to wait and I really love her. Man, the only problem is her parents. They don't want her to neither talk nor meet me. I wanted to keep it as a secret.
Aryan: Why didn't you tell this before? Okay, this stupid, I am not sure she can keep secrets but me? (He questioned pointing me)
Ria: F*cker! He just said he wants to keep it as a secret then stupid you are, you are asking why didn't you tell this before? Stupid! (I teased him)
Aryan: You keep your ass shut. Buddy, you tell me!
Viv: I didn't tell you this as whether you or you, Ria, you guys hate love then how can I expect you to help me?
Aryan: We are your bloody friends, damn it! You can expect us to help you as we are your friends and we even are ready to die for our friends...

For the first time, I agree with him and it feels strange.

Ria: He is right. For the first time, i agree with you! Looser, sorry Aryan... It kinda became your name, Looser Malik!
Aryan: I will take care of you once everything is over!
Ria: Okay so males, what's the plan? do you want me to kidnap her? I am telling you I'm ready!
Viv: Guys guys guys, I don't want you to kidnap her. I just want you to convince her to meet me once. I have to talk to her.
Aryan: Why doesn't she want to talk to you?
Viv: Because she is scared that her parents could harm me as they have some political backgrounds!
Aryan: True love?
Viv: Yes.
Aryan: F*cking pathetic!

Woah. Hold it up there. I say something like this, they all roll their eyes and when he says something like that, they ignore.

Sasha: Argh. (She groaned)
Ria: Okay, let me get this straight, even if I love hating love, I will do everything for my friends. So here's the plan, tonight I am going to Delhi. I will convince her to meet you, okay?
Vivaan: That's not that easy, her home is covered with security guards and if you get trapped then even the god doesn't know what will be your punishment!
Aryan: Then you can't go alone... and how can I leave you alone?
Ria: Duhh?
Aryan: I mean we both care for Vivaan so I can't stay here without doing anything...
Ria: So?
Aryan: Idiot... I am coming with you!

Not even in a billion years.

Sasha: Vivaan, you better say goodbye to your Sameera because these two, in a same mission. Uhh, it will may work... in your dreams...

How rude!

Ria/Aryan: Cut it off (we said and the same time and glared at each other) Argh!
Vivaan: See, this is the proof!
Ria: Okay, i agree, we can't work together but...
Aryan: But we will try all our best to avoid fighting... Okay? So now, we both are going to Delhi to find that Sameera...
Ria: Okay... but I lead the mission
Aryan: And I will make rotis. Stupid, stop dreaming okay?

Not that I care but I don't dream. Well, I need to enter a profound sleep to dream and I don't sleep really... So I never have dreams.

Ria: Look who's saying that? Duffer!

Sasha: Hum hum (she fake coughed) Didn't you say we will do our best to avoid fights?
Ria/Aryan: Oh... About that...
Viv: Incorrigible...
Aryan: Hey, I have a plan
Ria: First, my name is not HEY. Second I have a plan... (I ensured)
Aryan: I'll go first!
Ria: No, I'll go first! (I argued)

This is going to be a tough game.

Aryan: I don't need you, just back-off
Ria: You mean I don't need you?
Sasha/ Viv: Shut up (they both yelled at us)
Viv: Ria, you tell us your plan and then Aryan, you tell yours, clear?
Ria: Fine, so hear out Duffer, tonight we are leaving Mumbai.
Aryan: What a delightful plan!
Ria: Shut. Up. Putain de merde! (I cursed and ignored him before speaking) If I'm correct we will reach there by ten in the morning. I will enter Sameera's house by saying that I'm her friend and I will manage to take her out of her home. Until then, you wait for us in the car so once we're there, we both can take her to Vivaan... How is it?
Aryan: Wow... It pathetically sucks...
Ria/ Viv/Sasha: Argh!
Ria: Oh really? Then propose your plan if you think it's better than mine!
Aryan: That's what I'm gonna do. After all, my plans are always better than yours...
Ria: In your dreams
Viv: Go ahead Aryan
Aryan: So listen to me, tonight we are leaving and as soon as we reach there, we will sneak into her home and get her out of there... Everything else will work as it is planned...

That's exactly what I said.

Ria: Hey, it sucks... How do you want to enter the place? Where will we bring her? What will we pretend to be to sneak into her house? Just think, Duffer!
Aryan: You just keep quiet... Keep your ass out of it...
Vivaan: I think Ria's plan is better
Sasha: Yeah me too
Ria: So you are against three and the majority wins!

Great point!

Aryan: Fine, we'll go ahead with your plan!
Ria: Great, that sounds like a good boy
Aryan: I am not a good boy... Stupid!

I am not a good boy! I tried to imitate him in my head and it made me laugh.

Ria: So tonight, 7pm at the college
Aryan: No tonight, 9pm at my place!
Ria: Have you lost it?
Aryan: Dude, Aryan Malik doesn't wait for anyone...
Ria: Dude, Ria Mishra doesn't wait for anyone at his place and I am not your slut!
Aryan: Oh gosh...
Sasha: Ma...
Aryan : Ria Mishra , you better change your attitude!

Ria: Aryan Malik, you better stop breathing! (we both yelled at the same time)

Yah Khudha!

Sasha: Ria, he agreed with your plan then just agree with his timings
Ria: Sasha, he did not agree to my plan. He didn't have a choice because my plan was better.
Aryan: I can refuse it even now
Viv: Ria, the best is Aryan's place and time, so please accept it...
Ria: But...
Aryan: The majority wins. Take that you sucker!

Give me peace Lucifer. Even if it's by murdering him.

Sasha: There is no but... It's for Vivaan so agree!
Ria: Fine... so tonight at 9pm, your place...
Aryan: What? I didn't hear it well, repeat it! (he said and came close to me to hear my words again)
Ria: F*ck you! (I yelled in his ears)
Aryan: You bloody... bitch...

Sasha's POV

Why god? Why? Why always us? These two are like time bombs, which we don't know when it's going to explose. Sometimes they agree with each other and sometimes they fight. Sometimes, they again agree and sometimes they again fight. Argh! I am gonna become crazy if I stay here.

Sasha: Viv, let's go ( I whispered as Aryan and Ria were shouting continuously)
Viv: Okay... (he whispered back)

We both got out before they could actually notice us. As usual Aryan and Ria keep on fighting, shouting out until one of them actually remembered they are civilized human beings who can stay without killing each other.

Aryan's POV

Ria: Do you know something? You are not an idiot because to be an idiot, we need a brain but I just noticed that you are brainless. Then how can you be an idiot?
Aryan: Look who is talking! An arrogant brat who has hair like peacock feathers and who walks like a chicken... cock cock cok (I insulted her)
Ria: You, bastard! You know what? Even a donkey is better than you! You look like a hippopotamus. You are jumping around like a monkey and after all of this, you are talking about me? Seriously?
Aryan: Listen... i am even ready to go out with this college's cheapest creature, Inaya but not you!
Ria: I am even ready to go out with a monkey but not a monster like you!
Aryan: Ha ha ha, what a creativity!
Ria: Even Vivaan agrees with me, isn't it Viv? (she said and turned her stupid head to see Vivaan)
Aryan: Vivaan, buddy, bro are you there? God, where is he?

I couldn't see Vivaan anywhere.

Ria: And where is Sasha...? She has left me too?

So if I'm correct, these two have left...

Ria: Sash... Sasha... Where are you?
Aryan: Hey stupid, they've left a long time ago. We didn't notice it as you were shouting with your Godzilla voice... Thanks!
Ria: We were shouting! (she corrected)
Aryan: But my voice is a seductive pearl. Irresistible...

I love my voice!

Ria: Trust me, I have heard enough to say I wanna puke out every time you talk!


Aryan: You... you... (I can't even complete my phrase)
Ria: You? You? Wanna pee?

For some reason, I started to laugh. The last reply was a good one. Ria started to laugh as well. We both were dead like as hell.

By the way, when she laughs, she is cute. Uh uh, I mean, she is stupid but when she laughs or smiles, she is cute.  I would have never quarreled with her if she didn't have so much arrogance and attitude.

Ria: You know something?
Aryan: What? (I asked without stopping my laugh)
Ria: Uh uh if...
Aryan: If?
Ria: If... Forget it... You'll show me your attitude if I say it. It's not as if you don't have enough. Anyway, catch you later and don't hesitate to ask me if you have doubts... as you are brainless, it's not your fault at all!
Aryan: Cut the crap! Be on time and now get your silly ass lost!
Ria: Okay A-hole, bye... (she said and left)

She is so incredibly incorrigible. I mean, she is incorrigible. She is so adamant. She believes in herself before anyone else. She challenges every one. It wouldn't hurt her to stop considering herself as the empress. Over all, she ABC. A for adamant. B for believe. And C for challenge. A, B, C, the perfect portrait of Ria Mishra.

Why is like me? She is the first and only girl who challenged me. After all the dark incidents in my past, I am sure that Ria has crossed as much darkness as me. Even now she is in the darkness. I can feel that because I too live in it. Despite her temerity, arrogance, stubbornness, she has innocence in her.

Last time, when I saw her eyes just before I burnt her car, I could see her innocence after all of her drama and tantrums. Yes, she is doing as if she is rudeass queen with everyone but inside of her, she is not mean to be like this. She is better as a person. Better than me at least.


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It means a lot.

So guys here is the chapter. This is the first mission together of Ria and Aryan. It will be quite adventurous and may be, there will be some romantic sequences.

Aryan, he can feel Ria's innocence and Ria too...

Why Ria is like this? A, B,C ?

What's the past of them?

You'll get to know in the following chapters... if I am correct, not very far...

Stay tuned


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