Let your flag wave high

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Heyo! Sorry for not updating yesterday, if you didn't see the post on my mb, I had to go to my cousin's Girl Scouts ceremony and there wasn't any cell service there. But, here it is now!

Sophie: Age 13

The June afternoon sun was beaming down on Sophie as she skipped up to the front door of her small cottage home, backpack rubbing up against her back as she fell a light breeze slightly blow her raven curls into her face.

"Hello? I'm home!" She cheered, slipping off her bag and catching the gaze of her two fathers who stood to the side of the couch. Sophie grinned and rushed up to them both, wrapping her arms around them as they hugged her in return.

"Hi, sweets," David greeted as his daughter pulled away, a smirk gracing his lips.

This look allowed an uneasy and suspicious feeling to crawl and settle into Sophie's stomach, knowing that whatever they were up to was not good. Whenever both Patrick and David had a smug look plastered on their faces, there was something that had been planned.

"What's going on? Why do you both have that stupid look on your faces?" Sophie giggled, giving her fathers some side-eye.

"We have a surprise for you, but, you have to close your eyes, okay?" Sophie reluctantly nodded, jumping back when she felt a pair of hands cover her eyes, leaving her seeing nothing but pitch black.

As the two men began to guide their daughter up the steep set of stairs, she pestered them with questions on what her surprise was, responding with chuckles and saying that she'd have to wait and see when they got there, otherwise it wouldn't be a true secret.

The moment Sophie stepped off the last stair, she felt Patrick take her hands in his and rub his thumb over her knuckles, something he knew that she adored when people did it. She felt Patrick steer her to the right, which meant that they were leading her into her room.

"Why are we in my room? What did you two do?"

"Nothing bad, I can promise you that," David responded, "it's good."

Suddenly, the pair of warm hands that had been grasping her pulled away and let her go, leaving her arms to drop down to her sides. Sophie heard some rustling in front of her, followed by David knocking something over and letting a curse word slip out, to which Patrick slapped his arm and told him to watch his language.

"Sophie, are you ready to open your eyes?"

"Yes! Hurry up already!" Sophie teased, becoming impatient to see what her parents were hiding from her.

"Okay, three... two... one, open!"

As the young teen sprung open her eyes, her gaze landed upon a large piece of colored cloth hanging on the wall above the headboard on her bed. It took a moment for her brain to process what she was seeing, but when she did, a gasp escaped her lips as her hands flew up to cover her mouth.

There, above her bed, was a lesbian flag, hanging proudly next to her cream-colored shelves of succulents and small knickknacks, Patrick and David standing with a stupid grin on each of their faces.

"Is... is this for real?" Sophie asked, eyes twinkling with hope and joy, watching as David gave her a tearful nod.

"We got it in Elmdale this morning while you were at school. We were walking around and there was a small shop with a shit ton of pride merchandise and we saw the flag and thought 'oh, Sophie might like this, let's surprise her with it after school,' so, do you like it?"

Sophie could barely muster up the strength to speak before she broke down in tears, prompting her fathers to stoop down to her level and engulf her in a warm embrace, feeling her bury her tear-stained face in David's shoulder.

"I can't believe it! I love this so much, thank you, thank you, thank you!" The teen cried, happier than she would ever be able to put into words.

Grasping her tighter, David and Patrick could only mutter a quick 'you're welcome' before getting choked up by their child's reaction. After a few more moments of comfortable silence, Sophie weaseled her way out of their grip and ran up to the flag, admiring and looking over every inch of its fabric.

All Sophie had ever wanted in life was to be accepted as her honest and real self, and knowing that was who her fathers wanted her to be made her overjoyed, and this was just the cherry on top.

Hey! Hope you enjoyed this short little fluff and I love you all! ❤️

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