Knowing God

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Every moment Im awake have your ways in me.
And I live for you.
My heart and my soul
I give you control.
With all I am.
I'll trust in you.
(Combined song)

My journey of knowing God

These are the words that God wants us to remember every single day as you begin your journey of Knowing God fully.

1. God chose to forgive you. He did not come to save the righteous. The greatest love was shown when Jesus died for sinners like us.
(Romans 5:8, Mark 2:17)

2. Let the word of God moved you. Acts 17:28.  Impose, practice, make it a daily routine to spend time knowing God fully.
(Psalm 103:1, Hebrews 4:12-13)

3. Make time in praying. This is where you get to know Him better and He'll teach you how to hear His voice loud and clear.

Praying can transform your life and bring you out to extraordinary world. Be faithful in praying.
(Romans 12:12, Jude 20:21)

4. Use the word of God as weapon against all evil. Make them ready in your lips.

(Proverbs 22). Let the Holy spirit lead you as you seek for His wisdom.

(Luke 24:45) let Him open your heart and mind to the scriptures.

5. As you come near Him and hear His voice. You must be aware of the gifts and power He now had given to you. Be aware of His warnings and obey His teachings. Do everything with Love. And yearn for the day God will say, "You are my son (daughter), whom I love; with you I am well pleased".
(John 10:27, Mark 1:11)

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