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This is a compilation of my works; most are devotions, out of nowhere thoughts, poems, short stories etc...
I wrote them for me much as I wrote them for you.

I do not deserve any of His love but still He chose and made me experience His abounding love and grace. The same way as how He brought you here to read and decided to know Him fully. It's all fate-- a written love story of you and God.


I usually get ideas from quotes, verses, movies, actual emotions, anything I read about God like Daily bread and Bible, and I mostly done it impromptu.

I didn't own all of the words written here and I give credits to any books or words who inspired me at the bottom of every chapter.

English is my second language so you'll expect lots of wrong grammar here, and sometimes I didn't know if I really got the idea rigth. I'm trying to expand my vocabularies to make it more interesting, and for me to be able to express myself more using English language. Thanks for reading anyway.


Edited 9.2.16

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