Happiness is Now

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Remembering the past is ok.
But hoping to be on that very moment
again is not.
People always tend to think about the happy moments from yesterday that they created an ordinary, not so worth to remember now.
And when they looked back, and count the supposedly NEW happy moments;
THEY HAD FOUND NONE, because they are still stack in the same past that can never be repeated and yet can always be replaced or remake, maybe not with the same set of people but with the people you were able to make friends with now.

Create as many happiness as you can
day by day.
Learn to be grateful to whatever you have now.
Make the most out of it. So when you go back once again to your memory lane, you wouldn't have to compare yesterday from now. You wouldn't have to compare anyone to anybody from the past because in the very first place, you are responsible with your own happiness. You are happy because you chose to.

Live the life you love or
Love the life you live.
I'd go with the latter. 😊💕

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