Earthquake Ready

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An old woman said, "I rejoice to know that I have God who can shake the world".

It is indeed a very powerful message. Nothing can shake those who know that they are secured in God's hand. Let us all put our confidence to our God, an omnipresent God who can rattle the world in His hand.

Isa 13:13
In that day we'll be safe with our Lord and will be glad that he who shake the universe is our God and Savior.

I learned through reading that "do not fear" was 365 times written in the bible. I don't think it's a coincident. That's how God simply worked. It only proves that everyday in a whole year, we have nothing to worry.

It only takes a little faith. Faith that remains not just because it sees miracle but grows everyday by reading the words of God that won't fail us ever.

John 13:7
Jesus replied, "You don't understand now what I'm doing but someday you will".

Daily Bread. Devotion for today.


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