Having a baby? Close your mouth!
Getting a new car? Close your mouth!
Getting married? Close your mouth!
Going back to school/college?
Close your mouth!
Got a new job? Got promoted?
Close your mouth!
Always remember that 99% of the time when we speak on something and it didn't happen, it's because we opened our mouth and the friends we shared the information with.
Jealousy is powerful.
Close your mouth and let God do ALL the talking! Everything happens at the right time. Close your mouth and count ALL your blessings. And always remember a majority of your friends aren't as genuine as they seem.
Most of them want to see you do well but just never better than them.
Close your mouth!
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The Bible says friends deceive friends. You have been warned.
Proverbs 21:23
He who guards his mouth and his tongue keep himself from calamity.
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