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There are two kinds of Father according to Bible. One is the Father of Truth and the other is the father of Lies.

In the old Testament, people used to call God in many names such as; God of Moises, God of Abraham, God of Jacob, God who created heaven and earth, God who's beyond our reach.

But when Jesus came on earth (on His first preaching), He introduced God as someone whom we can be very closed with and knows our needs even before we ask---He introduced Him as Our Father.

He said, when you pray go into your room and close the door, and pray to your Father who is unseen. Your Father sees what you have done in secret and will reward you... Your prayer must be in this way:'Our father who is in heaven, Hollowed be your name. Matt. 6: 6, 8-9

John 1: 2
But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become the children of God, even to those who believe in His name.

When WE ACCEPT Christ, we RECEIVED the right to become children of God, therefore we belong to Him. He gave us THE RIGTH to become part of Abraham's descendant, heirs according to promise.  Gal. 3: 29

So it is not automatic. You must RECEIVED Him first and be called as children of God. And since it is given, this right can be taken away but it is not God's will. It is all up to you.

The Devil is also father.
John 8: 42-44 (... Jesus asked, 'why do you not understand what Im saying? You cannot hear my word because you are of your father the devil--- (Murderer, do not stand in the truth, speak in nature, father of lies.)

BEWARE because he is the father of lies, he can twist the truth with facts in life. The fact that you are suffering, hurting and being condemned can become your truth and let him win you over. he can also make you prosper, seek God in vain, and bless you with twisted reality. Shower you with false freedom. he can be your god of truth if you let him.

But the words of God hold the truth and only Him declares what is right. (Isaiah 46: 19)

We need to know the Biblical pattern of fathering so that we will be able to father our children well. The study of Abraham's life is a good example to follow.- WRB

Ptr.Wilbert Butial Preaching
The City of the Lord Church

Happy Father's Day Abba!

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