God has given mothers a unique capacity for showing gentleness and compassion, and for influencing the spiritual direction of her children.
As you read and pondered Proverbs 31 you'll know how a woman of God specifically a mother should act. Loving, wise, noble, praise; these are some of the qualities of a woman of God. As woman becomes a mother, by grace she received most of the qualities of Proverbs31woman.
As we grow older, our mother may not be able to control or command us to go to church every sunday just like on our toddler's years, but still no matter what age even at 50's, our mother has her words, a mother's touch, "Mother knows best" etc..
We always wanted to know her opinions, advices just even a hug from her when we're sick, lonely or depressed is truly relieving. No mother wants no best to her son or daughter. They have the ability to give a 101% TLC (Tender Loving Care). Having a mother like that is such a great blessing that nothing compares.
Maybe few couldn't relate due to world's imperfections. But God is in control. (Read Purpose Driven life and be inspired).
Each and everyone has issues to deal with. You're really tough to survive without a mother not because of your strength but because God is able to give you everything to find beauty in any circumstances. He didn't put you there but he can get you out of where you are now.
Jame 1:17
Every good and perfect gift comes from above.
Daily Bread.Devotion for today. 6.2.15
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