I have come to accept the fact that life is truly unfair. but there are times that all the unfairness of this world will appear right before your eyes and you don't have anyways to change it no matter how you wish, hope and pray... Lord, just for once do something!
And what's more confusing is this isn't your story.
you're just a watcher, a bystander while people are suffering around.
Long ago, every thing seems so happy then suddenly you were brought into harsh reality and realised how immensely chaotic the world is. And the world is and never had been wonderful. One may be happily eating breakfast at 6 in the morning and yet at the very same time one might be crying in her sleep, trying to forget the nightmare that's been hunting her for so long. A terror that had damaged her instantaneously. Soul and all, nothing left. Breathing yet dead.
You seem to notice that every one wears masks, some have been wearing it for too long that they forget who they are. You see, it's easy to play pretend, to follow the crowd. It is easier to think that nothing is wrong. To get used to it. Wear your mask and get used to it.
But when dimness appears and silence is overwhelming. You're in a safe place, it seems like Madness is half a World away and
yet... within YOU all at once.
This mind of yours where all thoughts lie.. buried yet never forgotten.
I'm no innocent, nor victim. At 3am, everything that i am and not haunts me.
Hang in there! come what may.
God will give you just enough strength to choose to see the sunrise once again.
#breakyourdarkestthought It will pass.
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