"Let her go.. she'll come back ."

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Hanging there, in entrene pain. Unbearable, you breath deeply only for the metal hooks that I pale your ribs disturb your focus. Hands tied behind your back. Your  shoulders  go numb.

What felt like hours, you finally heard shouting and gunshots. Intruders? No... it was your time to get out. Your thoughts weren't on Simon anymore. Or task force 141 anymore. It was for yourself. To get out. And get graves; for what he's done. For it all.

You gasped until the sharp pain, holding your breath. You moved your arms back as far as they could, and lift them. Your shoulders nearly dislocate, forcing you forward moving the hooks. You let out a scream, unwilling to give up. You move your arms more over your head, now in front of you. Wiggling on the hooks. You feel em dig and grind on your ribs. You grunt. And breath heavily. That isn't stopping you. But it's crucial to not fuck up, or these hooks will in-pale your lungs. With your arms now in front of you, you bite and naw off the restraints. With your feet free, you move them gently, and warm up your joints for what's next. You look up to see a grid of plywood hanging you up and a metal grid for the hooks. You weakly reach for the chain above you. Lifting up slowly, feeling the hooks loosen in your skin. You moan and groaned as your weak body strained with force as you lifted your self up for comfort. Having so, you lift your legs up and over and wrapped the chain. Now hanging upside down.  Free to take the hooks out. You climbed further up the wood pieces that held up the roof. Sitting up, finally able to take the hooks out. Slowly as you did, you heard blood pouring out and soon stop officially taking out one. You grunted as you dropped one down to hand. Blood still on the hook. Taking off your shorts and ripping them to take a bandage for the wound.

Footsteps grew closer to the door, you stood still as you huffed to yourself. Energized enough to run if needed. The door slowly opened, many people walked in, the commotion gave you enough notice to pull out the other hook. You harshly grind your teeth, as you looked below to see who it was. More blood pooled down, dripping below.

You heard a gasp, and the footsteps stopped. You were too far up to see who, but from the reaction. It was someone you knew. Someone who knew you was here. Completely forgetting who was initially coming for you.

Taking the last hook out, you drop it. Your ears rang from pain, head nearly exploding for pain. Holding in that much pain can damage a lot. Not feeling in the moment any danger.. yet.. you prepare yourself to drop down from the ceiling. Letting your legs flop over the wood, you let out a grunted sigh. Hearing what you thought people talking, you ignored. Landing and failing, you fell and on your knees and hands. The sudden movement made more blood pour. Staining your shirt from your bust line down. Hair covered in sweat and water. It covered your face nearly completely.

"Y/n?" Price whispered ?

You coughed as you stood up.. you turned and brushed your hair back. Look disheveled. Pant less. Shoeless. Looking like a woman from "I survived a kidnapping" episode. Blood everywhere and bruises. Simon stood there shocked, his masked face only showed his eyes. He knew. Exactly what happened.

"I..." you spoke finally .. weakly "Graves.. is mine.." you said,walking over to Simon after noticing your twin guns he had with him in his holsters. Simon stood there and allowed you to touch him, weak as you were, you leaned in him to grab the guns. Hearing him exhale sharply and inhale quickly.
"He's mine..." you repeated .

Leaning off of Simon. Looking up at him again. Seeing his eyes soften and widen again as you cock the guns and walk away. The only thing that sounded were your wet feet against concrete.
"Wait.." price spoke up
You stopped mid step. He quickly walked up and gave you his own bullet proof vest and walkie.
"Let me know when it's done." He said

"You'll know.." you replied

Price didn't respond but he just patted your shoulder. You adjusted your shoulders, hearing footsteps on the other side of the door, you open it wider and walking out, looking towards the sound and shooting down the hall. Taking out the shadow companies men. The task force followed and observed you, you walked over to the men and sat on one of the bodies. Grabbing the walkie, and turning on the channel.

"Graves..." you spoke.

It took a moment for him to respond.

"This is graves..."

"Oh graves... I'm coming for you~" you harmonized with yourself

He didn't respond. 

"This... is for Ghost..." you spoke before tossing the walkie and looking at Simon. As he stood there mesmerized. Shooting the heads of the men  before walking further down the hall. Now feet soaked in the blood of the enemies. Who want your man.

"Let her go.. she'll come back.." gaz spoke softly
His voice echoed slightly, enough to reach you.
You looked back as you turned the corner. Seeing him holding back Simon. His eyes met yours. His scared. Yours...  in rage. A moment, no words exchanged. Just pure soul connecting.

This was the beginning.. of the end.

You looked away first, clenching your jaw and turning the corner. Seeing the mess the group made before hand? Shards of glass in your feet, but that didn't stop you. That was the least of your worries. Your anger overcame all the pain, it even accompanied it. Complimented it. It worked together. All the pain and torture you went through, merged and fused into one. You quickly stepped down the stairs, in full solo mission mode. Turning the corners in caution. The fact that you were barefoot muffled a lot of the sound of walking, giving you the advantage of moving in complete silence. Price spoke on the walkie.

"Where are you now, Fox?"

You looked around for a moment before spiraling back.

"Don't know.." reasonable answer, you really didn't know. You had one objective. Find Graves. And eliminate him.

Price didn't respond for a moment. You continued the levels it was quiet. Too quiet.

"They're hiding..." you added

"We know.. where?" He responded

You didn't reply, as you didn't really know.

You stood there. Not breathing. You looked around, had your ears sharpened to hear long ranges. In seconds you heard movement above.

"Above me. That you?" You channeled to price.
"I don't suppose. Where are you?" He said
"I went down" you replied softly walking up the stairs silently
"I didnt-" price voice cut off when the sound of footsteps got loud. "Running?" You thought
You ran behind it. Still your footsteps are silent, besides of your grunting as you ran. The enemy tried to ambush you by turning the corner and staying there. The way you were running, you were too low for him to grab you from above. You turned the corners tackled him from his hips. Slammed him down and struggled for dominance. His gloved hands tried to grip you, since you were wet and slim, he didn't get the chance. You quickly grabbed his knife and pinned him down. Stabbed every point you got and kept going till he stopped moving.

"Bitch.." you let out a breath, looking around again. Seeing Simon watching at the end of the hall. You slowly got up, and walked towards him groggy.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked softly
"They want you. I don't know why. And I don't want to. The fact they do, angers me.. and no one..-" you look into his eyes deeper "no one.. gets to my man.. without going .. through me-" you took a breath before passing him "first" stepping away finally, and shuffled to watch you walk away and turn the corner. He followed you. You didn't mind. He took his space from you, staying a few feet back.

Hearing more movement, you stood there. Staying silent. Your ears involuntarily moved, Simon walked up behind you. Seeing this, he knew you were in no mood to be intimate. Revenge was all in your mind.

Movement was outside of the building. You looked out the window nearby. Stool your head out, and listened more. You were correct. You observed the drop. Two floors. You jumped. Simon followed.

"Price. You outside?" You channeled
"No." He answered.

Now guns up, and aimed. Simon shot first, jerking you back, behind him. You poked out and shot where he was. No shots returned.

"Graves can't be that far gone, can he?" You said

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