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(A/N: okay so since Jin speaks Irish, his t's will be considered as ' / ' / d. But it will only take effect in times that he speaks not when he's narrating and when it's really hard to read the word.)

"Whoa, da' was one heck of energy 'ya go' der!"

The girl stepped back at me. She seemed shocked.

"And here I thought I'll have a chance in defea'ing a royal. Yer one formidable foe, I say." I added.

"Thanks... I guess." she mumbled.

"My name's Jin. I'm a friend of your 'win bro'her, if da''s wha' makes 'ya comfor'able." I said.

"I'm sorry I just—my head is just aching and I can't talk right now." she apologized and I showed her a grin.

"Dun 'ya worry. I'm no' offended." I said as I patted her head and walked towards the ring. It's the second batch's turn so that means I have to go there now, right?

Our batch didn't took long since one of us can control the ground and it made the others slip out of the ring. To be honest, all I did was float in the air and let him do the job. The others weren't much of a challenge. I think the guy's name is Hiro. He's a friend of Mizumi too.

I was bored so I went to watch on different fights. The other rings weren't far away because it was in the same place.

Touya is on the sixth ring. He's currently fighting with other demons using his Ice Cutlass. He's slashing every demon that comes to him. He then became one of the victors in the end. He looks like he saw me because he jogged his way towards me.

"'old 'ya I'll finish up firs'." I laughed.

"The first batch was just too slow to finish. It only took me half a minute to defeat my opponents." he stated.

"Oh by the way, have you met the Empress already?" he asked. He looked too eager to hear my answer.

"Yeah. She's 'he same as before. I 'hough' she's remembered every'hing already. I''s been a month af'er all." I answered.

"She still haven't remembered? Even a single memory?" he asked and I shrugged.

"Does she still look... the same?" he asked again.

"S'ill pretty. Yeah, she's s'ill pretty. Ya'll never 'hink da' she's Urameshi's sister a' all. No' da' I didn'' fel' da' before." I admitted. He looked satisfied with my answers.

Did I forgot to say? Touya likes Mizumi.

Before the second Dark Tournament began, Mizumi was with Master Genkai to train. At first, Master Genkai kept her identity a secret. But then, Mizumi was the one who said us who she is. I thought she was just an ordinary human or demon that Master Genkai adopted. Touya liked her the very first time he saw her. He first panicked about it—it was the funniest thing I saw—but he coped up. I think even Master Genkai knew of it.


After waiting for an entire day, the Preliminaries had ended. There are only 200 of us left.

"Congratulations to all of you who passed the Preliminaries!" Koto exclaimed. "Now, here's the First Round's mechanics!"

"The First Round will take place on the same rings. There will be 20 groups—which are based on the ring number you were in in the Preliminaries. Don't worry, they're all listed on the screen for you to tell who your group mates are. You're 10 in the group. And 2 should be removed. In the end, there'd be 160 left." the other girl—Juri explained. I looked at the screen to see who's in the same group as mine.

"She's on the same group as yours." I heard Touya muttered. True enough, she is.

"Jealous, are 'ya?" I teased him and he just huffed and walked away. I chuckled before flying towards ring number four.

Mizumi, her other friend—Tomoko, and Hiro are there already. I went towards them.

"Hey you're the one who was floating earlier." Hiro greeted me and I grinned at him.

"I heard you're the wind master. Is that true?" Tomoko asked.

"He's a wind master?" Mizumi asked and I grinned wider.

"Dat's wha' 'hey call me." I proudly said.

"Begin!" the announcer exclaimed. Everyone was aiming at us. Unlike the Preliminaries, this time all of them had their own weapons. But none of them looked strong enough to beat any of us.

"All of us should work together to kill the Empress!" a green-skinned demon declared.

"But she's too strong!" a blue one fearfully stated.

"Well, if you won't, we will." a red-skinned demon exclaimed as the two of them—the red and green-skinned demons attacked us.

(A/N: CTTO. Omg Jin is so adorb I love him so much. Oops, sorry Hiei.)

"Oh no you dun." I muttered as I spin both my arms into circular motion as small twister forms around my wrists.

I punched the both of them with my Tornado Fist as they fell off the ring from the impact.

"Whoa! What an incredible punch! Two contestants are out of the ring. And that means, the rest are now moving up to the Second Round!" Koto exclaimed.

"Aww. I was about to show off my specialty, oh well." Tomoko commented as she climbed down the ring along with Hiro.

"So you can control the wind. That's why you're the wind master." Mizumi stated.

"Yeah. Sor' of." I shrugged, floating in the air while doing an Indian sit.

"I ra'her like 'o describe it as 'manipula'e'. Has a nice ring in i'." I grinned.

"Okay, then, wind master." she said as both of us also went down the ring for the second batch. Well, technically, it was just her since I'm still floating in the air.

She suddenly stopped walking when she got down. She turned to look at me, her eyes curious.

"But tell me, have we met before?" she asked. I started to panic as I stood up, but still floating. Master Genkai already warned us about this. She doesn't have to remember. Because if she does, something bad will happen to her. We don't know what though. She didn't tell us.

"U-Uhhh... You mus' be mis'aken. I mean—"

"Well, your attack does seem familiar to me. And your alias, 'wind master' does too. So tell me the truth, Jin. Do I know you before?" she cut me off. Her voice is serious now. I was like a mouse caught in a trap. A barely escapable trap, I say.

"We are friends of your brother's." Touya appeared, walking towards us. "But we
neither of us met you, Your Majesty." he paused, bowing down. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Empress Mizumi."

Touya kept a straight face afterwards, allowing her to process it for awhile.

"I got my answer. Thank you, Touya. I need to go. It's also a pleasure meeting you." she flashed us a discontented smile before turning around and walking away.

"Phew! Ya saved me! I just hope she would no' punish us, would she?" I asked. Although it looks like Touya hadn't heard a single word I said.

"She looked right through me..." he muttered before also walking away.

I only shrugged before following him to go to the others.

At least he's got to meet her. Even if she can't remember anything.


Weep! Dat was hard. I'm sorry for this chap without "t"s but you just can't imagine it's Jin who's talking when a word is with the letter "t". Hahahah. Anyways, Chap 11 is done, I'll update it tomorrow night hahaha. See ya!

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