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To cheer Marissa up from the disaster that was cotillion Summer and Erika decided to take her to the beach, a girls day.

Summer glanced down at her arms before frowning "Ugh! I'm totally crispy. Let's go do something. Shopping? Get exfoliated? Anything." She suggested "And I'll pay for it how? I mean, my dad's credit card got shut off yesterday." Marissa questioned, closing her eyes "I can pay for it no problem Ris" Erika offered "Have you talked to anyone?" Summer asked, worriedly "No one but you two" Marissa sighed. "Okay, Coop. This is so not the way to handle this. I mean, you're going to become depressed. And then you're going to need medication. And then you're going to stop feeling like anything. According to our step mom" Summer ranted "Sum, please do not listen to anything she has to say" Erika pleaded.

Silence followed before Erika started laughing being joined by Summer and Marissa "Come on we'll buy you lunch, our dad left us his card for emergencies" Summer leapt up.

The three girls made their way to the crab shack, Erika pausing when she saw Ryan in uniform "Hey" She smiled, walking up to him "hey what are you doing here?" Ryan smiled "Girls day" Erika smiled "I gotta tell you the uniform is really working for you." She wiggled her brows at him "yeah, you like a man in uniform" Ryan raised a brow, smiling at her. Giving him a quick peck on the cheek Erika ran back to Marissa and Summer.

Summer looked guilty before she spoke "Oh! What do you know? Luke! What a coincidence!" she laughed nervously "What?!' Erika whirled around and saw Luke "ew." she whined looking at summer who had the decency to look sorry. Summer sprung up "Let's go" She said, grabbing Erikas hand and pulling them towards the counter.

Seeing Ryan at the counter Erika and Summer waved a quick good-bye to him before leaving.

Since yesterday at the beach was a total bust, the girls decided to have a re-do.

After a few hours of sun tanning, Summer went to go say something when her eyes drifted over Erika's shoulder "What are you looking at?" she questioned glancing back "Erika" Ryan was there calling her name "Hey Ryan" Erika stood from her chair, smirking slightly when Ryans eyes drifted lower than her neck, "I was uh- wondering do you wanna have dinner with me tonight?" He asked her. "Ya i would love to, Summer's not home tonight and i was going to order in if you wanna come over?'' Erika suggested. "Yeah i would love that '' Ryan smiled, pecking her on her forehead before walking away with his bike.

While watching Gilmore Girls the house phone started ringing, springing up from the couch Erika rushed to pick up the phone "Hello?" she questioned "Erika?" Ryan answered "Hey...where are you?" She wondered when she heard the loud music "I got dragged to a party, but uhm, I'm leaving. I'm on my way. I just... got to get Seth away from, uh... this - this dancer." Ryan tried to explain "Dancer?" She responded curtly " It's - It's a long story. But, uh, be there soon. Save me some food. I swear I'll be there as soon as I can" He promised "Ya um- see ya" She cringed before hanging up the phone.

This was a shorter chapter the next one is longer i promise

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