Chapter 4

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So I finally decided update Schedule for this book

"Hi hoes.. EWWWW" Felix walks upto his friends to see Hyunjin and Seungmin eating each other's face.

"I know right so DiSgUsTaNg" Jisung runs over to Felix hiding his face into Felix's neck.

"Like you two aren't" Seungmin pulls away from Hyunjin, glaring at jilix.

"Ugh whatever let's go.. school is gonna end tomorrow anyways" Felix drags Jisung as Hyunseung follow behind, giving each other dirty looks.

~(after school cause that shit is boring, they're on their way to Felix's house)

"Right Felix what are you gonna wear tomorrow, last day and all that" Hyunjin asks a sleepy Felix.

"H-huh? Uuh idk that's what you guys are for.. help me choose"

"So... We're gonna ignore the fact that Hyunjin and Seungmin are together?" Jisung leaned on Felix who lifted him up and ran piggybacking Jisung.

"YES WE ARE" Felix yells as they reach near his house, Hyunseung running after them.

What they didn't know was that someone was following them..

Well more like some people

~(Felix's house, dinner)

The 00 line hears a knock on their door, "I'll go see who it is" Felix opened the door only to be punched in the face.

"DUDE WHAT THE FUC-" Felix is immediately knocked out by the person in front of him.

"FELIX WHAT HAP-" Jisung rushes to the door along with Hyunseung to see a Felix and a strange guy knocked out on the floor.

"FELIX are you ok?" Hyunjin bends down to shake Felix up as Jisung and Seungmin walk out to see who was there-

Chan and Minho.

"What the fuck?"

"We'll explain stuff later Ji, is Felix and Hyunjin there inside?" Minho says after a quick hug.

"Ye-yeah Hyunjin is tryna wake him up.."

"FELIX?" Minho sits beside a fainted Felix and the other guy at the side.

"Eclipse.. Minho, we gotta get outta here"

Minho nods before looking at Hyunjin and Seungmin and Jisung.

"You three.. you guys aren't safe here right now come with us.."

"And what do we tell our parents?" Hyunjin interrupts, suspicious about everything that was happening.

"Well.. just tell them you're staying over at our vacation house, outside the city for a few weeks. Chan pick up Felix and get him in the car, you three get in too I'll start it.."

Hyunjin nods before sending a message to his parents about his 'plans' along with Seungmin and Jisung, then getting in the car.

~(at Stray kids' base)

Felix wakes up to find himself in a huge and comfortable bed, he carefully checked his surroundings to see a dagger a the table besides him, two doors, a window behind a couch, a walk in closet (he guessed) on the left side of the bed and a sleeping Chan at the edge of the bed.

Felix shifts up to lean on the headboard before hissing at the movement.

"Oh you're awake.." Chan whispers getting closer to Felix, "I know you have a crap ton of questions, shoot" he says sitting on the couch beside Felix.

"Well, where am I?"

"My room"

"What just happened?"

"You were attacked by an enemy mafia"

"What. Explain"

"I'm the mafia leader of Stray Kids, you were attacked by an enemy mafia called Eclipse"

"Why and where are my friends"

"... You remember we were attacked during our date?"

Blushing at Chan calling their meet up a date Felix nodded.

"They were stalking me to see if there was something they could use against me, your friends are with my members"

"What about Minho?"

"You sure ask a lot of questions.. he's working in my mafia"

"I.. I need to be alone for a bit.. I need to think about all this-"

"Get some sleep too then, it's late good night" Chan gets up making his way to the door.

"WAIT.. umm I.. I'm scared could you please stay here till I fall asleep?" Felix calls out his voice fading out slowly as he requested Chan to stay tonight.

".. fine" Chan walks upto Felix sitting down on the bed right beside Felix.

"Can I.. lay my head on your lap?" Felix blushes at his own request making Chan chuckle and nod.

Chan makes himself comfortable before Felix lays his head on Chan slowly falling asleep once the lights shut off, still thinking about everything that just happened.

Look I can't help but write chanlix ok?

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