15. Infrastructure.?

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"Mama..." You and Jungkook are woken up by the Seol's voice in the morning, your body was stiffed and legs are numbs, Jungkook try to get up but his body was also hurting, you both looked at each other seriously.

His temper was like a volcano, you didn't know how to explain it to him, your top was half torn, Seol rolled over happily, he was unaware of the war between his parents last night.

"Get changed!" Jungkook stood up and took Seol, still his head was hurting, you quickly went to washed up as if nothing had happened between you two, he acted normal and so you.

You quickly made a breakfast and handed a cup of lemon water to Jungkook and check his head wound, fortunately his head didn't cut deeply, it's minor so you just applied medicine and feed Seol, it's working day so you speed up to finished all the work.

You kissed Seol on the head and let him play with his toys.

Siah came to teach Seol and you rushed out of the door, Jungkook usually leave before you but today he was staying up till the late morning and you wonder if he felt sick drinking a lot yesterday night.

Anyway, who asked him to drink that much if his body couldn't handle it? you ran to the subway station.

------- Jungkook sat on the sofa after breakfast working on his laptop and Seol was in his watch as Siah looked around the room "Mr Jeon, you haven't gone to work yet today?" she was somehow scared to approach him as she offended him yesterday's banquet supporting her friend to insult you.

But there's little hope for her, when you were in trouble, he didn't go to help you, which mean that he still minded that you're a mute!

Siah is a beautiful and smart, her family background was also brilliant and she could do anything and have a wonderful talent, she can attract a men with her elegance, furthermore Mrs Jeon support her and asked her to get close to her son, 50% she definitely win to be wife of Jeon family.

It was because Mrs Jeon's support that she dared to continue and come to teach Seol today, to be instructor of Mrs Jeon's grandson's was her bonus, however she seemed to be subconsciously afraid of something, so she first looked at the situation when she entered.

You didn't even spare a look at her and she was afraid that Jungkook might say something to her regardless of yesterday's matter, she wasn't confident like before, she seems to have noticed scar's in Jungkook's face when he looked up at her coldly "Miss YooA."

His voice was low and hoarse "Yes?" her body trembling slightly by his sharp gaze "Considering your ability and education, it's not fair for you to waste your time on tutoring small child, you can seek many opportunities and make your own career, so from now on, you don't have to come to teach Seol."

Her heat beat faster and she felt like basin of cold water poured from her head freezing her, that was what she was afraid of, if she could no longer come to teach Seol then the chance of getting close to Jungkook would be zero.

"M.mr. Jeon, I love children's and I want to first research before I settled down and I love teaching Seol, I really like him that's why I want to teach him." she responded fast to fight for her last chance for herself.

"Oh?" Jungkook sneered inwardly "Does Miss YooA, really likes to educate children?" if that the case then why did she purpose to work on project before? he was not stupid and he knows about her intention, he knew that Siah is a little self righteous but for the sake of his mother's order he turned blind eyes and ignored whatever she did.

However, if she went too far then don't blame him for being shameless, he saw how his mother wanted to match him with Siah and she gained his mother's favour, you definitely felt humiliation at party.

So, he had already made up his mind, how can he let people looked down on you? even-though what was the most important for him was his son but you're his legal wife.

Siah's body trembled slightly and her face pale but she forced herself to smile "Yes, he's so cute and I am really attached to him."

He looked at her coldly "Well, Miss YooA, you can try to be a teacher in an institution, I shouldn't pressure on Seol to learn according to his age, he will adopt whatever he can with his IQ."

He won't spared her another chance, he started to work on his laptop after dismissing her, he had hired a Nanny and who can help you in kitchen and take care of Seol at day, as at night he will be helping hand of his wife.

Rubbing his temple while making phone calls and booking the trip for Paris with his wife and son for next week.

He was feeling little unwell, before he always insisted on going to the company even if he was sick but today he felt like that he needs to stay at home but he didn't expected that you will ignored him and rush back to NGO.

So, he's working from home today, he asked his assistant to interview the few models for Traveling project.

Seol was playing around, after few calls with his secretary Jungkook walked over and watch his little boy squatting on the ground looking something "Seol, what are you doing?"

He turned his little head when he heard his father's voice "Dada, look.." he said softly, the little fellow pointed to the corner and said with excitement "M-miao!"

A small cat, curling up into a small ball in fear, Jungkook also squats to look at and he frowned and a piece of memory flashed through his mind, he seems to brought this cat at home last night, Seol hugged Jungkook's leg and was ready to touch cat but cat roared.

There were a lot of toys for the little fellow but he never saw cat this close, so he's excited but the cat's claws were very sharp and Seol can get hurt, Jungkook have no intention of raising pets here, so he decided to leave this cat from where he brought and grabbed it by back of neck.

Cat meowing in fear and wanted to fight back, making him remember your face in his mind, it seemed that you had followed a lot of pets on social media, he looked at the little cat.

"I want... dada." Seol was stretching out his little hand to support himself up and grabbed Jungkook's trouser, he glanced down "Do you want to raise it?"

This little cat have a big temper, so he have to trained first to pet and it's kinda dirty, because it was picked up causally on the road, it have a white and black fur "Yah.." Seol was excited to play with it.

Jungkook looked at it carefully, since his son wanted to raise it then let's keep it, he put cat in box and headed out with his son in his arm while he hold box in other hand, when he come back grooming cat and injecting vaccine, his hands are full of things and even the little Seol following slowly walking beside his father by himself with hands full of toys.

Having pet is troublesome and when you have a baby at home then you should pay attention on it, at afternoon he was bored and let middle aged woman who was working as a nanny rest and he took Seol with him at the company.

------- You're in suburbs and finished the gesture classes and it was time to get off the work as you only teach them for 3 hours as you being mother wasn't easy, you have to give your time to your little fellow.

After dismissing the class, you're heading towards office, you saw Kind Namjoon standing at the door and smiled waving his hand "Class is over?"

You nodded.

What's the matter? Why did you come here today?

You gesture in confusion "Well, I have something to discuss with Principal and Students."

You understood that the daily vocabulary was only made in the preliminary series, so he needed to make further improvement, only when you're really involved in the project got to know many things when you're able to make a functional software.

You smiled and sort out the lecture tables scattered on the table, he wait aside to see you tidy up, while working you tied your hair to make it convenient for you, some of strands scattered in your face, your eyes focused on your own world and you looked otherworldly with your unique style, your hair is so smooth that it keep falling on your face.

He looked at you and his heart itched to go over and help you to removed your hair out of your face, he almost walked on it but he suddenly realized that it was not appropriate and his heart skipped a beat.

What's wrong with me?

He shook his head and looked at your face, his eyes fell on your smooth neck, there was a brush marks it must be given by Jungkook, his eyes suddenly sank and an inexplicable anger gushed out of his chest but he again once realized that he was out of control and coughed in a low voice and adjusted himself immediately.

"Yesterday..." his voice lowered "Did you go back well?" you paused for a moment and slightly lowered your eyes then gently nodded your head.

Judging from your expression, he knew that it would not be that simple, how could Jeon Jungkook treat you well? he heard something about Yoo family's party yesterday, although it was a private, the mute daughter-in-law of the Jeon family show up and all the guests seen you, getting insulted by own mother-in-law.

No wonder, that you were so depressed yesterday when you meet him and Jungkook's sharp tongue must hurt you, so he wanted to come and see you, at the sight of your he couldn't help but feel a sense of heartache.

He didn't know why he was feeling this way, he wanted to care about you, since the first time he meet in park, he was mesmerized by your personality, maybe because you both didn't have any intersection at the beginning but after he got to know about your situation, he wanted to learn more and more about you.

It may sounds him being homewrecker but he couldn't help, some people doesn't deserve those humiliation.

You sorted out belongings and looked at him.

I will inform Principle.

Both went to meet principal and as a incharged of project, Namjoon had divided people into group and he wanted to work closely with this NGO, which will give the best result, after getting permission you and Namjoon walked out of the Principal's office.

"I will send you back .." he stopped and thought for a moment and changed his words "Send you to the subway station."

Jungkook saw you yesterday with him and he had said many things and must have done something bad to you when you went back, so he had better not make things difficult for you again, moreover he shouldn't give Jungkook another chance to insult you.

The NGO was just a 2 km away from the subway station, it didn't take much time for you to walk on your own, however you're tired because of Jungkook as you sat on the floor all night, so you didn't refuse.

He drove steadily, this wasn't the first time that he gives you a ride, the afterglow of the setting sun fell on your face and a layer of golden red, he felt that there was a quiet person beside him but he wasn't bored or lonely, he glanced at you quietly from the corner of his eyes, feeling that there was hope that it would be longer.

However, no matter how long the road was, it would come to an end, what's more you're eager to go back to your home and look after your son, you thanked him after arriving subway station.

He walked till you get in the bus, the Jeon family's servant was waiting for your arrival "Mrs Jeon, madam wants to invite you back to the house."

You frowned slightly, however this was within your expectations, there was such a big commotion at the party yesterday, how could Madam Jeon let you go so easily?

You nodded and followed her to the car, Namjoon looked at your back and clenched his fists.

Your heart was heavy all the way and your steps are even heavier after getting out of the Jeon's house, you entered into the house and saw a family doctor of the Jeon family was checking Madam Jeon, her blood pressure has stabilized a little since yesterday, as yesterday's matter stimulated her.

Doctor prescribed some medicine and told maids to give it to Madam Jeon and care about her regular diet, you waited aside quietly.

Madam Jeon's mood was bad after seeing you and she glared at you "Seeing me like this, are you happy now?"

The family doctor glanced at you and a bit of embarrassment flashed across his face, he knew that Madam Jeon wasn't polite to her daughter in law, he knew about your situation in this family, he can do nothing about it and turned to leave after done checking up.

Madam Jeon sized you from head to toe, you pissed her off "Y/n, do you know you're wrong?"

She lost her face at the party, she never expected you to be so bold in front of people to gesture in front of her face, you pursed your lips and shook your head.

What you did wrong?

You just expressed your dissatisfaction, what's wrong with that? "YOU!" Madam Jeon was so angry that her eyes widened and banged the coffee table, maid hurriedly try to cool down her "Madam, be careful, your blood pressure is high again, doctor just told you not to be angry."

She took a sip and give you a murderous gaze taking deep breath to calm herself down, this mute looked quiet and soft but in fact you had a very stubborn temper?

And with that temper, there's no comparison how madam Jeon hated you "You attended Yoo family's anniversary party yesterday and saw the gap between you and us with your own eyes!"

You frowned slightly and wanted to asked, what she wanted to say but Madam Jeon waved her hand to interrupt you "All right, what you want to say I can't understand but you should know your limit and standing next to Jungkook, you will only be a burden to him."

"With his status, he needs a decent wife to stand beside him and help him to have a broader world, you will only let that vast world stay away from him, fo you understand?"

At the party, Jungkook's words greatly touched her, responsibility meant that her son was not ready to let go of this burden, if he couldn't do it then he could only let his... mother do it for him!

She couldn't just stand and watch such a woman dragging down his son's life?

Earlier, Siah also called that Jungkook asked her to stop tutoring Seol, Madam Jeon didn't say anything else, she support her because Siah is her friend's daughter and she likes her to be her daughter in law but her son has opened his mouth and Jungkook doesn't want to persuade his mother's wishes.

And Madam Jeon's son is serious about this mute!

At first Madam Jeon was waiting for the time Jungkook to developed feeling for Siah but now, she no longer had the patience to wait for nothing, her son already gone against her "Jungkook is only responsible for you! What about you! Do you have a conscience? how can you hurt my son like that? It has been more than 2 years and you're still torturing him and ruining his life, leave by son as soon as possible, don't drag him down along with you!"

She gnashing her teeth and burst out again, she just thought that her son wasted his time on you, as well as she had to watched her friends pitying her son, in short, this woman couldn't be kept?

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