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Us students were told we wouldn't have training with different wyverns for the next few days for a weird reason, no one knew how most of the training wyverns escaped, there was proof someone did it but who? No one knows.

"It is weird, why would someone free the wyverns?" Randi asked as I shrugged, arm thrusted upwards to block her sword swing by grabbing her forearm. "I mean there is no way they could have killed the wyverns on their own."

"There were small ones." I said, leaving her enough time to look which each sign was on her given scroll of answers.

"True, I shouldn't say this but the chief is looking through everyone's home to check if there are new skulls as those wyverns were caught for the academy, I trust you to not tell anyone else." She joked as I held back a gasp and nodded, they might find Soren.

"I need to go early sister asked for help for chores" It was slow as she wasn't at all used to it but practice makes perfect and it would be easier for me talk like this in case I didn't have a piece of charcoal on me.

"Oh." She said, almost disappointed which made me displeased to do this but Soren's life might be in serious danger already. "See you later half-eyes."

"See you."

I jogged away quite fast, almost sprinting.

I approached my home from the back and climbed on the patio's roof and crawling to my window, glancing in and seeing no one.

I opened it and climbed in.

I heard happy chirping and I hushed the excited baby as I closed the window so no sound would leave the room.

Thora slammed the door open having heard the baby and probably waiting for my return.

"Renva this is too much! Keeping silent about a wyvern is bad enough but how could you do that?! You realize what could happen to us if they find out?!" She yelled, slamming the door behind her.

"That's why I'm here chief searching homes for missing wyverns skulls might find Soren."

"Who cares about your stupid lizard!!?"

"I do."

"You doomed us."

"Leave if you feel like this."

"You should be the one to leave!! Leave, I don't want this monster in my life!!"

"fine." I gave her a cold look, Soren tucked under my arm and hand around his jaws to keep him from making to much noise.

"So you'd choose a monster over your own family?!"

"He's family too."

"Not mine!!"

"Then you are not family." I turned my back to her, opening the window again and hopping out.

"Shit Renva wait!"

I jumped out on the small roof and glared back at her.

"Please think this over, you are throwing away your life for that thing." She said.

"Thing is called Soren."

"Renv--" There was a loud knock on the front door I heard from here and it was then opened, I already wasted enough time here, I dropped of the roof and bolted. "RENVA COME BACK HERE!!"

I just ran, towards the forest, I am sure they heard her and I am not letting them take Soren.

I held the short cape I have over him as I ran passed behind the houses as fast as I could.

I hushed the worried squeaks that got passed my hold on his jaw, rubbing his scales with a finger.

I ran up the hillside, tripping and almost falling over the branches as I was not following the dirt road.

I looked over my shoulder as I hurried deeper in the forest, I am sure I will be followed soon enough.

I ran passed the gate of gods, running further into the forest, as far as I could, I am not letting them get him.... I am sorry mom.... I know you talked of peace once but I just can't do it.... I can't risk it....

I sighed, how disappointed you'd be in me to side with wyverns totally..... I am sorry.... but just like how you died for us I'll die for him.

I made a small yell, tripping as the ground gave out underneath my feet and I fell forward, my chest smashing against the opposite edge of the hole before I started falling deeper, seeing the entrance of the hole get further.

I hugged Soren to my chest, covering him and holding him tight so he couldn't open his wings and damage them against the walls.

My back slammed against the side of the tunnel sending me forwards into the other side before.

The straight down side must have sloped as I hit the stone differently and caused pain to spring through my leg and head to smack into the wall.

I groaned, coming too slowly to the sounds of loud hissing and chirping around me.

I rubbed my head with another groan, the back of it extremely soar and the pain in my left leg was making itself known to me.

I blinked my one functioning eyes and looked around, eye widening in awe.

Ahead of me laid a huge cave and I was laying on an upper stone lip of it, huge stalactites grew from the ceiling of the cave with a blue glowing liquid dripping down them and down onto stalagmites that formed ponds of that liquid, the whole cave filled with the soft glow, plants and vines growing down from the ceiling and trees twisting up from bellow.

I was in awe until a gust of wind blinded me for a second, needing to turn my head away before looking up at the gamma sized wyvern that flew up from bellow.

As my eye got used to this I started to see more and more wyverns setting in the stone lips, the tree branches, the vines, in other cave entrances.

Oh my dear gods I fell straight into a wyvern filled cave.... This.... This is where they come from.... Their nesting grounds.... This is where wyverns come from!!

I heard a loud hiss again, the same that woke me, almost sounding as it the wyvern doing that had its mouth full of rocks.

I looked over at the angry chirping following that.

I pushed myself on my elbow as I was laying on my side, looking over by my feet to see a huge, probably beta sized, wyvern just looming over me, hissing and its saliva dripping from its open jaw, drenching my pants it was so close.

I heard it hiss loudly when it saw me turn towards it and I covered my head, eyes closed, terrified what it would do but angry chirping was the response.

I looked over my shoulder behind me.... Soren.

I made a whistle longer then normal and he looked at me, hopping up with his pawed wings on my shoulder as he nuzzled his head in my neck.

I lifted my hand to rub his head slowly, the other wyvern way to close for comfort.

I held back a hiss of pain as I twisted my legs to sit on my butt instead of laying on my side, I think I broke my leg.

I really slowly reached down to feel it as Soren climbed in my lap and still hissed back at the wyvern, gods this hurts so much.... Okay upper leg not broken so lower leg pain radiating upwards.

I hissed in pain when I felt lower, needing to bend my leg closer causing the big wyvern to scream into my face and trying to blast my head off, lucky I ducked in time and the edge of the stone was what exploded instead.

Trembling I turned to see the molten rock the was on the edges of the blow away part.... Gods help me.

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