Chapter Six

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Skylar cried. No, actually, sobbed would have been a better term. She could not believe what she saw and heard. His mother's Italian words were sharp like a knife stabbing into her victim every time she spoke. Her victim was Bennett and he took the stabbing with no fight. The look on his face was permanently branded into her mind. His blue eyes were cast down at his lap. His fingers picking at a scab on his wrist. Just like that night, she found him. Every time his mother spoke, Skylar could see the tension building in his body. The whole situation was a sight she would never want to see again, if possible.

Her father peeked through the cracked door. He noticed Skylar's body in the fetal position and slightly shaking. His whole body was consumed by the heat of his fury.

"What did that boy do?" he asked angrily after almost breaking her door down.

"Nothing." She said trying to stop her tears.

"I knew he was no good when I saw his car. A 2017 Audi R8?" her father scoffed. "It's still 2016. Why does he want to rush the rest of the year by? He must not like Christmas and if he can't celebrate the Lord's birthday, then he's not welcomed here. Number two, why does he even have an Audi R8? What is he? A male prostitute? Third—"

"Nicholas, honey, have you folded those clothes I told you to fold earlier?" Monica asked, halting his rant.

"Uh, um, well..." he stuttered.

"Uh, um, well." She mocked, "Go do it now... please."

"Yes, dear." He sighed then left the room.

Monica entered the dark room and closed the door behind her to stop eavesdropping men. She quietly walked over to the bed then sat on the edge of it. Neither of the women spoke. Skylar's sniffles were the only source of any noise.

"Are you okay, sweetie?" she asked.

"I'm fine." Skylar's voice cracked.

"You know; you can talk to me." Monica encouraged.

"Yeah." She replied.

Skylar hoped she was short enough for her mother to get the hint. She did and she kissed her daughter's forehead. Her door creaked open then closed back. Her cries came back at full force.

Skylar's eyes cracked open. She didn't remember falling asleep, but the drool on her cheek was a tell-tale sign that she did. She pushed herself up from the mattress and spotted a bowl of steaming chili on her nightstand. She pushed that aside and grabbed her phone instead.

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Skylar rubbed her aching eyes before grabbing the food. She thought while she quietly slurped up the chili. She thought of Bennett and how he was taking his mother's words. She wondered if he was going to revert back to the man she met only four days prior. She thought about how much he had opened up to her within that time. She had known her brother her whole life but still—. She closed her eyes tightly refusing to cry again. She didn't want to go back down that road. She didn't even know how that topic got into her head. She thought she had locked that uptight and shoved it into the recesses of her mind.

She set the empty bowl aside then called Bennett. It wasn't until the fourth ring before he answered.

"Bennett Carolos." He answered.

"Skylar Woodwork." She responded.

"Sorry, I didn't look at the ID." He asked noticeable more relaxed.

"It's fine. How has your day been?" she asked; her mind more relaxed than before.

"It's been going." He chuckled and Skylar was confused why.

"Have you eaten anything?"

"Yes, ma'am. I'm actually coming back home from dinner now." He said.

"Glad to hear that I instilled hunger into your mind." She teased, "Have you thought about going out on Saturday?"

She heard him curse, "I forgot you asked. I told my sister that she could come over that evening."

Skylar smiled widely, "I don't mind. Maybe next time."

"Yeah," he agreed.

They both feel into a silence. It was a comfortable silence that neither of them minded. She listened to him. Someone greeted him, but he said nothing back. There was a ding, then a couple seconds later, another ding. A door was unlocked and then closed before it was re-locked. A sigh came through the phone.

"Good sigh or bad sigh?" she asked.

"Good sigh. The maid service has been by to clean up the mess from last night. Now I don't have to clean." He admitted.

Skylar tsked at him, "So lazy."

"What are you doing right now?" he asked abruptly.

"Laying in my bed." She replied confused.

"Hm, and you called me lazy." He replied.

A smile broke out on her face. Her finger drew circles in her sheets, not knowing how to reply to such a teasing statement.

"I've got a question." He said.

"Shoot." She replied.

"I know you as head marketing, but is that what you went for?"

"No, I didn't, but I wanted to work as soon as possible to move out, so my dad hired me in order to get me out the house faster."

He let out a laugh that warmed her heart. His laugh almost gave her the same reaction when he gives her that special smile he smiles when he's truly happy.

"I don't understand." He chuckled. "You have the apartment. Why doesn't he just pay for your rent?"

"My brother used to cover rent, but now Dad wants me to work for my money," She explained, "so I'll know the value of a dollar, he says. I'm 22 years old. I know what money is worth. I actually worked three out of the four years when I was in college. I think he forgets I'm not a child anymore."

"Ah," he said. Skylar remembered how his mother wouldn't even spare him a penny and she immediately felt selfish for complaining.

"I'm sorry, Bennett." She said desolate, "I have no right to complain."

"Don't worry about it." He said uncomfortable, "Um, look, Skylar. I have to go."

Skylar didn't even get to say goodbye before he hung up.

edited 8/18

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