Chapter 3

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Chan had sent the text to Felix notifying him about the change of location, telling him to look for Chan on the cafeteria. And in all honesty, Chan had no idea how to act now. He and Woojin were walking through the hallways at a normal rate, not too slow or too fast, and several other students were walking past or beside them. Walking one next to the other was when Chan realized that Woojin was several centimeters taller than him, but he didn't mind it that much, he was used to people being taller than him, even his younger brother was already his height, Chan just prayed he didn't grow any taller.

He also noticed that Woojin was a really calmed person, even the way he walked was strangely peaceful and made him feel relaxed. Which Chan was secretly grateful for since he was nervous about the whole sudden situation. It had been a while since Chan didn't really interact with people other than his family. Woojin said his friends would like him, and there was something about Woojin that inspired confidence and that made him seem trustworthy, but still. Would they really like him? He couldn't even communicate properly if it wasn't with his KSL or Auslan.* And honestly, he was kind of afraid of using the keyboard screen because it took him time and people could get tired of waiting.

At that moment a text from Felix got to his phone, making it vibrate in his pockets.

'To what do we owe the pleasure of such a sudden change?' It read, and Chan quickly typed back.

'I finally spoke with one of my classmates and he offered (yeah, both of us) to sit with him at lunch.' Felix reply got to him seconds after, and Chan was already entering the cafeteria.

'That is so GREAT (sings Momoland), Channie. I'M PROUD OF YOU, BRO.'

Chan chuckled and decided to get his attention back to Woojin, trying his best not to look rude by using his phone when Woojin had been so kind to him. They walked through the cafeteria, Chan was a little bit behind Woojin, almost as if he was trying to protect himself with the taller. Woojin did notice this, and he internally cried on how cute Chan was.

They a stopped in front of a table where two boys were already sitting. Chan recognized one as Lee Minho, one of his classmates. The other one he wasn't really sure if he'd ever seen him at school or not, but honestly, Chan knew nobody at school, so it wasn't that of a big deal.

"Changbin!" Woojin suddenly said, moving towards the black haired boy Chan didn't know. "You've been gone for three days, are you better now?" He asked Chan assumed the boy had been sick or something like that.

"Now yes, I am. But I swear I was dying before," the Changbin answered, "Who's your friend?" He asked now, making Chan feel the nerves raise again.

"His cruβ€”"

"Yeah, Minho. I missed you too," Woojin interrupted Minho from saying something stupid, he placed his left hand on Minho's shoulder and squeezed it maybe just a little bit too hard. "He's Bang Chan, the new student," Woojin introduced him and Chan thanked that on his mind, "I invited he and his brother to have lunch with us since they know very few people in the school," Woojin explained.

"Our Woojin always doing the right things~," Changbin said in a cute tone that made Chan internally smile since Changbin didn't look like a person who does aegyo at first sight. "Take a seat please, I don't want you to grow taller anymore," Changbin said, this time with an almost serious tone.

Woojin took place next to Minho and Chan, not knowing exactly what else to do, sat next to him, being Woojin the only one he kind of knew in the table. Before they could start a proper conversation, a voice screaming at them called their attention.

"Changbin Hyung!" All Chan could notice before the unknown guy jumped over Changbin and both ended in the floor, was a tall person and black hair.

Before he could even notice, he and the two other people in the table were all wheezing, not being able to contain their laughter.

"Hyunjin, what theβ€”"

"Language," the guy, apparently named Hyunjin, stopped Changbin before he could properly finish with his reclaim.

He then stood up like nothing had happened and helped Changbin stand up too. Hyunjin sat next to Changbin and the last one gave him a weird look.

"You seem excited," Minho said.

"Yup, it's nice to have your best friend back so you can bother him freely," Hyunjin said, a devilish smile creeping up his lips.

"We basically live next to each other. You were at my house last night disturbing me, what are you even talking about?" Changbin said, his eyes narrowing as he looked at Hyunjin.

Hyunjin was tall, probably a lot taller than Chan and had a really handsome face that was beautifully decorated with his black hair. Chan was sure that he had seen him in the hallways before, there's no way you could forget a face like that easily. And that's when Hyunjin noticed the presence of a new person in the table.

"Ohhh, hi!" Hyunjin said kindly, Chan said hi with his hand and smiled. "You are Bang Chan, right? I've heard a lot about you, hope we can be friends," Chan gave him a confused look but also smiled.

He doubted a little before taking the screen-pad out of his pocket and typing on it.

You've heard about me? How? Hyunjin read the message and didn't question the why Chan was using that to talk instead of just speaking, Chan felt grateful.

"Oh, Wooβ€”" a loud rumble startled them, interrupting Hyunjin's explanation, "Everybody knows about the new student that transferred at the middle of the year," Hyunjin continued, his voice sounding hurt. Chan frowned, confused, but let it slide.

Not even a minute after three more guys arrived, and one of them was really cute. He was dark haired and had cute narrowed eyes, and when he saw Chan at the table, he smiled at him, showing his braces. Chan was about to scream at how cute the boy was, and he sat in front of him. Another one of them, which had really big cheeks that made Chan think about a squirrel, took place next to Minho, at his right. And the last one, a red-haired boy, sat next to the cute one.

"You are Bang Chan, right?" the cute one asked and Chan nodded, "I'm Yang Jeongin, nice to meet you."

Chan's heart melted.

"Oh!" the guy with big cheeks tilted his head forward and looked at Chan, "So you're Chan! That's nice," he said and winked. "Han Jisung, a pleasure," Minho, sitting next to him, couldn't help it but burst in laughter.

"I'm Seungmin, nice to meet you, Chan."

Chan smiled back at the two last guys as his phone vibrated and he saw a message from Felix on his screen.


'I didn't know it. Where are you?'

'Near there, but I froze. Changbin is one of my classmates and I think I've had a crush on him since the first day. Seungmin is also a classmate but he ain't my crush.'

'Just come, stupid blonde.'

'IT AIN'T BLONDE ANYMORE, CHAN.' Chan laughed reading this last message but didn't really answer to it, he simply took his screen pad and wrote on it, showing it to Woojin short after.

Felix is coming already, he's a little bit nervous.

Woojin laughed, "I promise we don't bite," and his laughed quickly made Chan laugh too. The other guys in the table observed as Woojin and Chan seemed to be in their own little bubble about something none of them knew. It was cute.

Minho took advantage of how everyone in the table was distracted and quickly let a peck on Jisung's cheek.


*KSL and Auslan = Koreans Sign language and Australian Sign language.

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