Chapter 18

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"Guess im a quitter"- Benee, Gus Dapperton

(Annie's POV)

I woke up to a bright light in my face. Ugh, stupid sun. I tried to get up but Asher just tightened his grip around me. I put my head back down on his chest. Wait. I didn't have any nightmares. Wow. Was it Asher? My friends? Feeling comfortable? I don't know.

Asher: Hey beautiful...

He mumbled.

Annie: Hi

I looked up at him. His eyes were closed, I just kept looking at him with a smile plastered on my face. And it was real.

Asher: You know it's not nice to stare right?

Annie: Oh shush.

He chuckled. I let out a small chuckle too. 

Annie: Can I get up?

Asher: No

Annie: Why?

Asher: Because you're cute.

I struggled to get out of his grip. But i managed. I got up and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth then went back to get clothes. Asher had gotten up too and he was changing into some new clothes.

Asher: You ready?

Annie: No, I need to shower and put on make-up.

Asher: Come on, you don't need make-up.

Annie: Yes, I do. End of conversation.

Asher: No, you don't.

I ignored him and grabbed my clothes. I went back to the bathroom and showered. I got out of the bathroom and walked over to my make-up.

Asher: Hey, the others want to go out for breakfast.

Annie: Alright let them know we'll be down in like 30 m-minutes.

I've been getting better at speaking, but sometimes it's still hard. I started to put on my make-up and Asher just stared at me.

Annie: What?

I smiled. He reciprocated it.

Asher: I just don't get why you believe you need make-up. You are so beautiful without make-up.

Annie: Believe whatever you want to believe.

Asher: It's a fact.

He put up his pointer finger. I chuckled. He walked over to me.

Asher: You know.. It'd be nice if I could take you out.. Can I?

Annie: Y-yea

I responded, startled by his sudden question.

Asher: Great! Be ready later at seven pm.

Annie: Wait what do I wear?

Asher: Something comfy, but casual.

Annie: Ok.

Asher: I'll be downstairs waiting with the others.

Annie: Wait, im ready.

Asher: Well come on!

Annie: Ok ok!

He grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the room, downstairs.

Asher: She's finally ready!

He yelled as we got to the bottom of the stairs.

Kenzie: Hey! A lady needs her time!

Said Kenzie as she walked into the room. Jayden and Anna came in next to her nodding. 


What a great filler chapter. well there will be action hopefully. lol

Stay safe 


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