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Jennie groaned as she tried to open her eyes, she was sleepy after all. She was about to wake up thinking she'd be late for school but grinned afwards she realized today was holiday. Due to something at school, it was closed and Jennie was happy but also sad, because she wanted her apple and a juice from Lisa.

As promised, Lisa bought Jennie an apple and a juice these past days. She was happy and always had an unsettling feeling whenever she saw Lisa. It was weird. And she was more vulnerable when she remembered that tomorrow was her last day in school. She had to give the file back to the administration and her parents had already signed it.

Although she was sleepy, she tucked herself out from her massive bed and stood up, stretching her arms.

Today was a special day, very special to her.

She quickly managed to wash her face and change into new clothes and ran downstairs. She walked down the grand and big stairs while searching the apple of her eye, her dad.

"Appa?" She called out once she reached down and looked through the living room.

She then proceeded to his study office but still no sight of him.

"Appa!?" She yelled a little louder and it echoed through the big house.

"Jennie,, are you alright!??" The worried mother instead came running after hearing her daughter scream so loud. Even the maids followed to see if the daughter is okay or not.

Jennie flashed a small smile and nodded, "I'm fine, and where is appa?"

"Oh, honey, he went to work because something urgent aroused and he was needed." Her mother said.

Jennie frowned, "It's his birthday today, eomma"

"He promised to get back for dinner, Nini." Her mother assured her as she patted her back lightly.

Still, the frown was evident in Jennie's face but she quickly wiped off the frown and smiled back at her mother.

"It's okay then, I was thinking to go to the mall to get him something."

"Ahh...I'll come with you darling." Her mother replied.

Jennie smiled and said 'okay' because she exactly knew why she had said it. She wanted to protect her and if something suddenly happened to her, it could be tragic. She understood her mother a lot ever since she saw her cry the first time they found out about her disease.

"Well, hello guys." Someone said and got their attention.

Both of them looked back and saw no other than Kim Seokjin,

Jennie's one and only cousin.

"Oppa?" Jennie said with wide eyes because it was a long time since they met each other.

"Jennie!!" Jin shouted as he hugged the fragile Jennie.

"Good morning, omoni." Jin greeted Jennie's mother.

"Aigoo, you've become more handsome." She smiled and looked his face precisely.

"It runs in our blood," Jin said with a cheeky smile.

"What brings you here darling?" The mother asked.

Jin smiled and held the big paper bag up and said, "It's uncle's birthday, so I thought of coming here and saying him my greetings. Where is he by the way?"

"Ah, he's at work, Seokjin. He'll only be back by dinner."

"Aish..." Jin grumbled.

"You can stay here for dinner, oppa." Jennie said while clinging into his arm.

Jin knew about his cousin's condition but loved her no matter what. They've grown together and with so much memories and he wanted to hold her dearly as ever.

"I can't, Jen, I still have work today. I just came for a short visit to greet your father." He said as he caressed her hands softly.

Jennie pouted, "It's not fair, oppa. I rarely see you and you're already leaving..."

"Well, I still have some more hours to slack so I can stay with you upto that." Jin said to her.

Jennie grinned, "Accompany me to the mall, then. I don't want to go with Eomma. She will nag as usual."

Jin laughed and her mother chuckled, "I nag because I'm your mother, Jennie. It's natural."

"It's irritating, Eomma." Jennie giggled as well.

It was irritating but she never hated it, instead Jennie loved it no matter what. She loved her mother.


"You know what happened in my work, Jen?" Jin asked as he turned around to face Jennie, who was reading a novel.

They were at Jennie's room after eating breakfast, although Jin refused because he had already eaten. It was too early to go to the mall, so they were just doing their own stuffs.

Jennie looked Jin and raised her brows asking 'What?'

"So, a week ago, one of my friend named, Jimin, was thrown out from the company." Jin said.

"What's the deal then oppa? He must have been slacking like you so he got fired." Jennie rolled her eyes.

Jin shook his head and continued his story, "No, he was really good employee with the best skill and results."

"The reason was that he is homosexual..." Jin added.

Jennie looked away from her book and looked the latter so serious. It drew her attention.

"Nobody knew about it but one of the employees saw him with his boyfriend, I presume. They were kissing in the alley. The next day, the whole office knew about it and he was humiliated so badly. I tried to take his side but the others just insulted him. Because of the ruckus, he was fired."

"It's not even his fault, oppa. The people who insulted him should be fired. What the heck?" Jennie spitted as she was disgusted to listen what happened to the boy.

"Exactly, I even told the office head about it but they just saw him at fault. This society scares me, Jennie. It was so wrong. I felt really sorry for him. He was a good person." Jin hummed.

Jennie didn't say anything because she knew how conservative the society was and they could never accept it. He was mistreated and it was wrong, he deserved better. If it is love, then it holds no beyond.

But, thankfully, Jin changed the topic and started to share other stories to her. Jennie also listened to it carefully and also told him about her days.

In the midst of their conversation, she didn't know when she started to tell him about Lisa. It had been a few days and Lisa was frequently in her mind. Lisa had a nice personality and Jennie liked her for that, she was honest. Jennie loved honesty.

"She even bought me a drink and an apple, all because she thought I was being unhealthier. It was sweet of her and I felt happy." Jennie exclaimed with so much energy.

"That's sweet, so what about your other friends? Jisoo?" Jin asked.

"Ah, Jichu, she's good and as usual, she's bubbly. Irene's good too and even Seulgi, she just returned from Thailand. The dance club had gone to Thailand for 6 months. Oh! Lisa's also one of the dancer in the club and she's the youngest there. I swear oppa; she looks like a pro when she dances."

Jennie kept rambling about Lisa and she could go on and on if Jin hadn't stopped her.

"You seem like a crazy person now, Jennie. You're rambling about her a lot," Jin said with an amazed look, because Jennie had never exaggerated so much like that, not even her best friends.

Jennie stopped talking and hides her blush that was creeping over her cheeks. She felt embarrassed.

"Let's go to the mall," She said as she stood up from her chair quickly and dashing to change her clothes.


"Chaeyoung how is this?" Lisa called her as she showed her an oversized black hoodie.

Chaeyoung frowned, "You choose that every time, do you even have any other dress instead of this all black ones?"

"I love it, and I look so super hot in it." Lisa smirked and wiggled her eyebrows.

Yerim took out the white hoodie from the hanger and passed it to Lisa,

"Try this instead, it will suit you."

Lisa looked the hoodie and examined it thoroughly,

"Everything looks good on me, Yerim-ah."

"You're becoming more and more like Joy. Stop it before I start hating you too." Yeri said as she rolled her eyes.

"Anybody called me?" Joy said as she smiled like a princess.

"Shut up." Yeri said.

Chaeyoung chuckled as she looked through the dresses, ignoring them.

After shopping for a bit more, they were hungry so they went to the food section that was in the middle of the mall. It was very luxurious and comfortable place to eat and talk.

"I want to eat hamburger." Lisa said.

"Me two."

"Me three."

They all looked Chaeyoung and she frowned. This only meant that she had to go and order the food for them.

"I'm not moving an inch, just so you know." Chaeyoung said as she sipped her water.

"Chaeng, it's your job!" Lisa said.

"And what exactly is my job?" Chaeng clicked her tongue and glared her.

"To serve us." Yeri said and Lisa high-fived her.

Chaeyoung hit Yeri and was about to kill the maknae when the prettiest Joy stood up,

"Guys! Be decent when you're with me...You're embarrassing my reputation. I'll go get the orders so just be quiet and civilized." She said as she ran to the counter while clicking her high heels.

"I wonder if she thinks herself as a celebrity or what?" Yeri said.

"I wonder the same..." Lisa said and chuckled.

Soon, Joy returned after ordering the foods and they just sat chatting with each other while waiting for their food.

Just then, Yeri sees Jennie and Jin together afar,

"Jennie unnie has a boyfriend, Daebak!"

Lisa almost jumped and looked the younger intensely, "What? What? Yah, what!?"

"Jennie unnie isn't dating." Joy said confidently because she knew every gossip of the school.

Yeri then smirked at them and said, "If I say Lisa to turn around, she might die."

Lisa quickly turned her head around and there she saw Jennie holding onto someone's arm while smiling so bright. Lisa felt doomed because she could never stand a chance with that guy.

To call him handsome was a lie, he was beyond that.

All of them looked the scene and Chaeyoung being the nice soul, consoles Lisa,

"He might not be her boyfriend, maybe a mere friend."

"I've never seen him at our school and damn, he's handsome. Please let him be mine." Joy almost drooled while gazing the handsome man.

"I told you Jennie unnie is straight as a pole. What will you do?" Yeri asked her.

Lisa was out of words but Jennie freaking Kim was here, at the mall. She had to call her and get her attention.

"I'll call her here," Lisa said.

Joy hits Lisa, "Don't disturb their date!"

"It might not be...We shouldn't just assume it just by looking." Lisa told her friends because she didn't want to believe it.

"What if he is her boyfriend?"

"Then, I have no choice but to let her be happy and be a good junior."

"Didn't know you liked her that much," Joy said as she smiled at her.

Then, Lisa inhaled the air and called Jennie with a loud voice.

Jennie, who was walking with Jin turned and looked around because she heard someone call her. Heck, it was too loud to not even miss a beat of the words. She finally saw the voice owner, Lisa, who was excitedly running towards her while waving with her both hands.

Jennie pulled away her grip from Jin's arm and waved back at her matching the excitement while chuckling.

"Hey, unnie!" Lisa said once she was near them.

"Hey!" Jennie smiled because of the happiness building in her after seeing Lisa.

Lisa then turned to Jin and bowed to him, "Nice to meet you..."

As always, Lisa was polite.

Jin chuckled, "Nice to meet you too."

"I'm Lisa Manoban." She introduced herself. Jennie didn't even need to help them to get to know each other, Lisa was always quick and open.

"Oh!!! The Lisa! I finally met you!" Jin said as he laughed and shook his head.

Lisa looked him with confusion written on her forehead, "I don't get it."

"It's pleasure to meet you because only recently Jennie was rambling about 'Lisa that' 'Lisa this' and I wondered what kind of person you were but then, we met. Such a fateful day." Jin said.

"Jennie unnie talked about me?" Lisa asked surprised because she couldn't believe it.

It was embarrassing for Jennie to listen their conversation and she felt shy but the two of them were just talking about it easily like Jennie never existed.

"Yes, she did, a lot." Jin said.

"That's enough, oppa." Jennie said as she nudged his elbows to make him shut up.

Oppa? Why oppa?

Lisa was more than curious about it.

"Ah, sorry for that, Lisa. He's my cousin, Kim Seokjin and even if he's older, he acts like a child." Jennie apologized.

The feeling of victory rushed through Lisa and she started to dance like crazy forgetting that Jin and more importantly, Jennie were in front of her.

Lisa then almost cursed after she realized what she had done,

"I-I'm sorry...just a habit of dancing everywhere, ha ha ha"

She laughed nervously and was completely cursing inside.

Jennie laughed, a real and genuine one, "You never fail to surprise me, Lisa."

That was odd for Jin because not many can make Jennie laugh like how Lisa did. It was quite shocking because Jennie was hard to befriend with.

Jin then smiled to himself and wanted to leave them alone for sometime so he offered Jennie to get her a latte and even, Lisa but she declined. Jennie obliged to it so, he went away to the cafe to buy the drinks. So, the two were just standing in the middle of the mall facing each other.

"Isn't that your friends?" Jennie said once she saw the small group staring at their direction interestingly.

Lisa looked at her friends and mentally chuckled, they looked cute.

"Yes, they are."

"What are you doing here?" Jennie asked her because they literally ran out of questions.

Lisa answered her while crossing her arms, "We came for shopping. We were literally bored."

"What about you, unnie?"

Jennie looked her and saw Lisa softly gazing at her that her heart almost jumped out,

"It's my father's birthday, so I thought of buying him something but I couldn't find anything interesting."

Lisa nodded and blurted out, "Love is interesting,"

"What?" Jennie looked the latter.

"I mean, you can just show him love and the way you feel about him, unnie. It's not compulsory to give him something. Just give him a letter pouring your feelings and I'm sure, it will be a beautiful gift." Lisa explained with so much easiness and slowly.

Jennie blinked her eyes in amazement and she smiled widely, "You never fail to surprise me, Lisa."

Lisa smirked and Jennie felt her body temperature rising.

They both noticed, Jin coming back with the drinks in his hand. So, Lisa quickly questions the latter, about which color hoodie she should buy,

"Unnie, which color is the best, black or white?"

Jennie gave a meaningful answer that only she knows of,

"I used to love the color black but now days, I prefer white more than anything. If only I'd chosen white sooner, then everything would have been different."

Lisa didn't understand it at all so she just looked at the latter curiously.

"Jen, here you go." Jin said as he handed the latte to Jennie, who acted like she said nothing.

Lisa then bowed to them and said that she had to go back to her friends. Jennie nodded and also Jin.

Lisa looked at Jennie one last time and said, "Go home safely, unnie."

"I will, you too." Jennie replied back with the smile and Lisa almost tripped over.

They departed from each other and Jin asked while sipping his coffee,

"So, which store should we go in now?"

Jennie shook her head, "No need for any gift, I've already got the perfect gift for him, let's go home."


To say that the birthday party went happily was a lie.

It was a crying mess.

Jin had already returned to his work quickly dropping Jennie at her house. Jennie then proceeded to her room to write a letter to her dad explaining everything and every gratitude towards him. She was very well satisfied with it.

The night came and also her father came, Jennie greeted him and hugged him tightly while wishing him. They sat for dinner.

So, the crying mess was because of the letter. Jennie had stood up and read the letter to her dad and he cried too, he was too emotional. To be honest, everyone in the dining hall cried, exact to be herself, her dad, mom and even the maids.

They were crying and sobbing. Jennie wiped her tears and she placed the letter at her father's warm hand.

"Happy birthday, appa." She said and smiled at him.

Her dad flashed his proudest smile and stood up offering his hand to her.

"Dance?" He asked.

"Without music?" Jennie mumbled.

He nods his head and helped Jennie to stand up. He leads her in the middle of the living room and puts his hands around her waist. Jennie smiled as she kept her arms around his neck. They sway their body without any music and just enjoying the company.

Jennie then leans down and keeps her head on her father's chest, her tears brimming out.

"I can hear your heartbeat, appa...." She said with a fragile voice and with a small smile.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to hear mine anytime soon...."

That killed her dad the most as his tears fall down one by one.

He stroked her head and hugged her softly and said,

"I will always love you."

That made Jennie smile to the fullest as she looked her dad and tiptoed to meet his height. She gently placed her lips in his cheeks and kissed him.

With tears still flowing from both of them, Jennie showed her gummy smile and said,

"Thank you for loving me from the start....

Thank you."


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