Comforting Elementals

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"It's... about Solar and Blaze" said Gempa serious



The hot chocolate mug that was about to touch Boboiboy's mouth was stopped as he heard Gempa's statement. He quickly put the mug back on the table and looked at Gempa

"Eh? What about them?" asked Boboiboy surprised
"It's what I have been seeing for a while now... Both of them rarely to never did something together"
"Hmmm, but that's normal right? I mean, Solar is usually alone doing experiments, while Blaze loves to play and do pranks with Taufan and Thorn. They both have polar opposite personalities, so it should be normal that they rarely do something together"
"It's what I first thought as well, but recently, both of them have this kind of distance that made me worried"
"Since when did you feel this?"
"Ever since the nightmares that Taufan created a week ago"

Boboiboy remembers the incident clearly. Due to some malfunction in the elemental's feature, the owner got Taufan's dream that he made to prevent his own nightmare from getting to him and since Taufan's dreams are nightmare for Boboiboy, he got really anxious for the whole vacation and rarely out of the elementals sight

"Yeah... I did get too sensitive that time, so I am always close to all of you" said Boboiboy
"Yes... But after you took us back to the watch, it's like both of them gained more distance than before. They rarely talk or scold each other like they used to" said Gempa
"I see... So you want me to talk to them?"
"That's too, but I also want you to see closely since maybe you can figure it out before asking them?"
"Hmmm I will try my best then... I do have a schedule to let out you, Ice and Thorn tomorrow for training and Solar out to continue the feature... Should I change it to all seven of you coming out instead?"
"If it's okay with you, then yes, please... I can be in charge of looking after the other elementals and maybe you can confront Taufan as well"
"Hahaha of course, I will do my best then"




Time Skip~

At Training Room

Boboiboy currently alone in the training room and he has already asked permission from Commander Koko Ci to use the room for the whole day since he has already finished his tasks and his friends will not disturb him since he did tell them that he wanted to practice with his elementals. Ochobot said that he would come by later after talking with Motobot

"Kuasa Elemental! Halilintar, Taufan, Gempa, Blaze, Ice, Thorn, Solar Kepada Jam Kuasa Elemental"

As Boboiboy said that, seven colored light balls comes out of his watch as it glows up and moments later, all seven elementals are in front of him seems to be doing whatever they just did inside the watch. Although they seem to be just lying around or playing, Boboiboy can't help but see that Taufan seems to be stopping in an exact dance phrase that he used to do with Tok Aba

"Good afternoon guys" said Boboiboy smile
"Wait, I thought you were just calling Gempa, Thorn and me?" asked Ice surprised
"That was the plan, but Solar also wants to go out to continue the feature yesterday with Ochobot and I want to talk with Taufan for a moment, so I should just let all of you out"
"Eh? Me?" asked Taufan surprised
"No fair... Getting all the privileges" said Blaze unhappy
"We have some discussion to do my dear wind elemental" said Boboiboy with a terrifying smile
"Okay never mind, good luck, Taufan! I will happily get away and start practicing my powers with the others"

Blaze quickly goes away, pulling Thorn and Ice with him. Taufan just got scared as he hides behind Halilintar's back while the oldest elemental just sighed

"Boboiboy, you should try to lie better. I can see through you" said Halilintar
"You are the one who has my lying trait so of course you will know... Lying is hard okay" said Boboiboy unhappy
"Ahahaha... How about both Halilintar and Solar come with me as we leave you two alone, okay? Have fun!" said Gempa as he hold onto both Solar and Halilintar's arms

After leaving the two alone, Boboiboy just giggled as he held onto Taufan's hand and pulled him right near the corner as they talked about the ranking and Taufan was sulking with the results. After some talking, Taufan got much better as he put his head on Boboiboy's shoulder

"Seriously, Gempa has to tell you about this" said Taufan giggle
"He's worried about you of course. After what happened a week ago, it's visible that we're still very sensitive about you" said Boboiboy

"I'm sorry... I will try my best not to sulk again... Still, Solar did say about his plan about making Hali's rank drop and I will happily cooperate"
"Not you too... If Halilintar suddenly got angry at you, then don't come to me"
"Come on Boboiboy, you are my precious owner so you should be by my side!"
"I'm more of a pacifist for this one"

Taufan began to sulk again as Boboiboy quickly hit his head a little and the wind elementals just let out a cheeky smile. Boboiboy then looks at his elementals again and he sees Blaze is practicing with Ice's help while Thorn is watching them, and Halilintar is sparring with Gempa. Solar just in the corner, starts tweaking more of the power watch with Ochobot beside him. The owner looked closely and realized that Blaze seemed to be secretly looking at Solar as he practiced and as Blaze looked away, Solar did the same as him. This particular scene surprises the owner

"What's wrong?" asked Taufan as he realized that their owner was being silent
"Taufan... Can I ask about how Blaze is inside the power watch?" asked Boboiboy as he looked at Blaze
"Blaze? He seems normal to me. He always plays pranks with me and Thorn and of course Hali is our prank target"
"Of course... Halilintar always told me about your pranks"

Boboiboy just gave a serious look to Blaze and to Solar for a moment, but he can't still figure out about those two. Moments later, Halilintar and Gempa comes to both of them

"It seems you're already better now Taufan" said Gempa smiles at them
"Seriously Gempa, you have to use the invincible card on this" said Taufan smiling
"But you like it, right?"
"Well... I did get to be with him today so thank you"

Taufan quickly hugged Boboiboy's arm as if he knew that Halilintar seemed to be jealous without showing it on his face. Taufan always good at figuring out Halilintar so he can't help but pick on him. Gempa just giggled as he sat beside Boboiboy and hugged his arm too

"Let me join in as well" said Gempa smirking
"You have to do this as well Gempa..." said Boboiboy sigh
"We love you so much after all, so let us stay like this" said Taufan happily
"Come on you two, Boboiboy have enough of it" said Halilintar as he folded his arms together
"Oh my dearest Hali, you are just jealous because there is no spot for you to hold onto our owner" said Taufan smirking
"Who said I don't have a spot"

Halilintar bent down and held onto Boboiboy's hands that were free since both Gempa and Taufan just hugged his arm and not his hands. Seeing this, Boboiboy can't help but laugh at his first elementals that he activated

"You three... If the other four see this, they will go crazy" said Boboiboy as he couldn't help to be squeezed by the three elementals
"We have Halilintar and Gempa to cover!" said Taufan
"I'm not going to help you get out of Blaze and Thorn" said Halilintar glaring
"You are evil Hali!"

Suddenly they feel a very disturbing aura which appears to be Ice and Solar folding their arms as they go near them

"Good good, take Boboiboy for yourself" said Ice glaring
"ICE!" shout three elementals surprised as they let go of Boboiboy
"Wow..." said Boboiboy in awe
"Hahaha... There are some ground rules around seven of us, and one of them is not to make Ice angry... Trust me, Boboiboy, his anger is much worse than Halilintar or Gempa" said Solar

"Terbalik lah!" shout Halilintar, Taufan and Gempa together

Solar just shook his head seeing the situation as he bend down in front of Boboiboy as he take held Boboiboy's power watch

"Alright alright... That's enough, Boboiboy can I borrow your power watch?" asked Solar as he had the device to let go of their power watches
"Oh yeah... Here" said Boboiboy as he took the device and took off his watch as he gave it to Solar
"Thank you"

Solar then walks away to continue his maintenance which leaves them alone. Ice then glared at three of them which make the three can't help to be overwhelmed

"I think you three need more practice and sparring, the room is all yours now" said Ice with a cold voice
"YES SIR!!!" shout three of them as they run away

Three elementals quickly run to the center of the room and start talking about practicing which leaves Boboiboy alone with Ice. Ice then sits beside Boboiboy where Taufan is sitting which makes Boboiboy just giggle

"I don't know you can command them like that. Even Halilintar is taking your orders" said Boboiboy as he laugh
"At first, I didn't have that kind of power but once I got so angry at Halilintar for waking me up due to sparring with Taufan and since then, all of them said that they need to be careful if I'm angry and it seems to work like a charm" said Ice sighs
"Well you were rarely to never get angry after all so it is plausible that your anger is ten times worse than Halilintar or Blaze. You have cold powers for a reason and there's a popular saying that the quietest person was actually the most dangerous when he let out his outburst. You might have a chance to be a co-leader with Gempa"

Ice can't help but giggle hearing Boboiboy's statement just now and just smile to him

"Hahaha right... But I prefer just to sleep and doing nothing instead" said Ice as he looked at the elementals practicing
"Of course you did... By the way Ice, may I ask you something?" asked Boboiboy serious
"How is Solar inside the watch?"
"Solar... He's always doing some experiments and maintains our world features. He rarely plays or talk, but he did talk with Halilintar and Gempa sometimes either just small talk or about combinations and fushions"
"I see..."
"What is it? Now I'm curious"

Boboiboy a little hesitated on telling Ice but he remembered that Ice is very good at keeping something so then he told him

"Gempa told me that something is going on between Blaze and Solar... I kind of got curious, so I'm trying to look into it" said Boboiboy
"Blaze and Solar? Hm... Now that you mention it, the last time they talked to each other was when they were fighting in the watch a few days ago" said Ice as he held onto his chin
"Um... Both of them were having a quite heated argument for a while, but before Thorn and I stopped them, they just stopped talking and walked away. We never tried to ask what they were fighting about"

When Boboiboy wants to ask further about it, suddenly someone enters the room which happens to be Laksamana Tarung.

"Boboiboy!" shout Laksamana Tarung as he enters
"Yes Laksamana!" said Boboiboy as he quickly gave him a salute, followed by all elementals
"May I talk to you alone? It's about next week's task"
"Eh... Alright, Gempa you will be in charge here"
"Okay Boboiboy!" said Gempa with a thumbs up
"Wait Boboiboy, I'm not finished with your watch" said Solar surprise

"Don't worry Solar, I'm with Laksamana Tarung so there shouldn't be any problem. If there's an emergency, I'm sure you can all locate me" said Boboiboy smile to all of them
"Okay then... Be careful Boboiboy"

Boboiboy then walks out with Laksamana Tarung leaving the elementals and Ochobot alone in the room. Everyone goes back to what they were doing while Ice quickly goes to Gempa who was sitting beside Thorn

"Gempa, did you ask Boboiboy to look at both Blaze and Solar?" asked Ice quietly
"Yeah... They are really out of it. They didn't talk to me about their problems" said Gempa
"Don't tell me... You know about their problem?"
"Well... I don't know the detail, but I think I have some clues..."
"Mind that you tell me?"

Ice let out a smirk as he put on sunglasses and then acted out with cool pose

"Figure it yourself, my dear Watson" said Ice smirking
"Oi..." said Gempa with doted eyes
"Where did you get those sunglasses?" asked Thorn innocently
"A secret" said Ice with a cheeky smile




Time Skip~

Boboiboy arrived back after the meeting and some elementals let out a relief sound seeing him fine with no injuries. Boboiboy just smiles at their overprotectiveness as he goes to Solar

"Solar, how's the feature I asked about a few days ago?" asked Boboiboy seriously.
"That's done, I am now going through the one I wanted to put in yesterday" said Solar looking serious at the power watch
"I see... Good work!"

The owner of the elementals patted Solar's head and the elemental can't help to blush by the act. He also notices that six people inside are giving him a good amount of glares that he tried to ignore

"Stop it, Boboiboy... I'm not a child" said Solar in a low voice as he covered his eyes with his hat
"But you are the youngest" said Boboiboy smile
"Come on... Not you too"

Suddenly someone hugs Solar from behind who happens to be the green elemental, Thorn. He showed a pouty look to Boboiboy which the owner knew immediately but Ochobot asked him instead

"You want to be patted too, Thorn?" asked Ochobot giggle
"Yes!" said Thorn happily
"Seriously, you are indeed the child version of me" said Boboiboy laugh
"Hehehe terbaik!"

Boboiboy gave him a pat and Thorn is very happy with it. Solar just shook his head by the green elemental as he's done tweaking Boboiboy's power watch and giving it to him

"Here, I will continue the rest later if you let me out again" said Solar
"Thanks Solar" said Boboiboy smile as he put his power watch on

The owner then goes to the center of the room as he claps his hands to get his elementals attention

"Okay guys! That's all for today. Let's continue another time since it's almost the end of the shift" said Boboiboy to all the elementals
"Yes..." said all of them together

They quickly go right in front of Boboiboy as if getting ready to go back to the power watch. Boboiboy show off his watch as he about to take the command

"Alright guys, see you next time when I call you again. Taufan, remember what we talked about earlier" said Boboiboy smirk
"Yes sir!" shout Taufan as he salute
"Terbaik! Okay, Kuasa Elemental!"

All seven elementals are now back into the watch. Ochobot sighs in relief but suddenly Boboiboy lets out a hologram and presses something seriously. After he's done, he quickly goes to Ochobot and shoves his watch to the power sphere

"Ochobot, take the power watch off from me" said Boboiboy serious
"Eh? Why?" asked Ochobot surprised

Boboiboy let out a small smile which Ochobot did and the power watch was taken off. Boboiboy look at his power watch seriously and then look at Ochobot



"Ochobot, let's meet the others. There's something we need to do now" 

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