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Oh, you bet your ass I did.

How can I not? He's literally sitting across from me as we're having dinner.

All these signs, I've known them, denied them, dismissed them but you could only go so far avoiding the truth before it comes to you and hit you like a freight train.

How do I even tell him that?

Do I even need to tell him that? What if he doesn't feel the same anymore?

I'm not just pulling your leg when I said you're it for me.

Fuck, okay, so maybe there's still a chance for me. Right? But how do I tell him I like him now? I just can't go 'Hey, Kong, guess what happened when you opened your door wearing nothing but a towel a while ago? I realized that I'm in love with you. Crazy, right? C'mon, let's date.'

Mentally cringing at that thought, I mindlessly thanked auntie who's serving our order before us and dug in. Since my realization of my unexpected attraction towards this younger guy, my eyes seemingly couldn't find anything more interesting than him. Even the food in front of me wasn't spared so much as a glance before they went back to staring at Kong.

"Is there something on my face, P'?"

There is, in fact, a rice on his lip but he's kinda missing it by wiping his right cheek instead. I don't know exactly what came over me but the next thing I knew I was already standing up, leaning across the table with a hand at the back of his neck to hold him in place as I swept my tongue over his bottom lip to rid off the stray grain off his mouth. Then I sat back like nothing fucking happened whilst Kong looking at me like I've grown another head.


"You... Did you just... kissed me?"


Like a balloon, he visibly deflated, proverbial puppy ears drooping from sadness and disappointment and of course, that one look is something I never wanted to see gracing his face.

Standing up, I bent over to tilt his chin up and kissed him square in the lips. Nothing big, just my lips pressing against his before I gently captured his lower lip.

"That is a kiss." I muttered, sitting back after pulling away from him.

I kinda feel proud that I've rendered him speechless seeing that the junior would always have a witty comeback up his sleeve. I raised a brow and that's the only time he closed his mouth. He opted to sip his iced coffee then and being the maniacally evil being that I am who enjoys seeing others suffer, I blurted, "Let's date, Kong."

I almost felt bad on how he choked on his drink and how red he became when it seemed like his coughing fits ain't about to end. I offered him my drink instead, hoping the sweetness would soothe his irritated throat.

"P'..." He heaved a sigh before continuing. "Your timing surely is impeccable."

I shrugged nonchalantly, "So, do you agree?"

"Are you seriously asking me out?"

I pouted in mock offense. "Have I ever pulled a prank on you?"

"Okay. Point taken." He wiped his face, hand covering his mouth, forefinger over his lips. "Are you sure about this? I don't think... I don't know if I can..."

Go on if you're not serious.

Go back to the way it was when you realized this isn't what you wanted.

He never said it out loud but I heard it, nonetheless. And I really understand because, honestly, I never gave him any indication that I'm interested. I sighed. Maybe I should have. But what can I do? This is already the best I can pull off.

"You know that we're both men, right?"

Confused, he nodded. "Yes."

"And you do know that you're my junior and I'm your senior, right?"

"I do."

"But you also know that I like pink milk, right?"

A hint of smile adorned his still confused face. "Yeah."

"And you do know, right? That I can be incredibly stupid sometimes. I can be really selfish. I whine a lot. I get annoyed easily. I'm just a laid-back kind of guy. I can wake up really late at any day. Even though, you know all these, do you still accept me?"

"Yes, I do." Confidently, without a hint of doubt, the smile on his face only widening ever so slightly.

"I do not know you well." His smile faltering a bit and I took his hand and smiled gently at him. "But I really wanted to."

And there it is. That smile that made everyone fall for him.

The smile that I fucking love so much.

Out of nowhere, a round of applause erupted from all around us and seriously, how the fuck could I forget that we're in the cafeteria? Whooping and whistling noises are definitely from my friends that I don't even know how or when they came here. Embarrassment already creeping up my spine, I tightened the grip I have on his hand and nodded at him to which he returned in kind and we dashed out of the cafeteria. Running far away from the campus, hand in hand, I can't even remember the last time I smiled and laughed so much.

We reached his dorm, seemingly a unanimous decision from the both of us, and decided to stay there for the rest of the weekend. We flop back down to his bed and he turned his head to me asking, "Pizza?" to which I chortled at and replied with, "And chicken." He winked and got up to where he threw his phone, dialing our order.

I sat up and stared at him, him smiling at my direction from time to time before getting back to the person he's talking to.

I could get used to this.


Right palms up, Toota and Knott only had one sentence in mind. "Pay up."

Prem and Bright could only slump their shoulders as they hand their precious 500Baht over.

So much for being shy, Ai'Oon.

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