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           Three days later Dumbledore went on trail half the house was at the trail and I was a train reck. Of course daddy was in much in same position mommy was doing her utmost best to keep daddy occupied I was currently hiding from everyone in the kitchen baking cookies and cakes. Of which I burned half of them. I had even made fudge and treacle tarts.  When a soft knock was heard at the door me and the elves froze. When Barty voice came through the door I relaxed "have any of you seen Harry his emotions are filling up the manner with wild shifts and I can't find him." He sounded so lost I set down the mixing bowl and went out to Barty. His eyes went wide for a moment then he engulfed me in his arms.

        He picked me up bridal style and carried me out to the gardens. Whispering that everything would be okay and either way I would be safe. When he stopped and sat I looked around Rabastan was there setting up a picnic basket. He smiled at me softly and continued unpacking the basket. I snuggled into Barty's arms. "But what if..." Barty silenced me with his hand and shook his head. When Rabastan finished setting up he sat with us "what if..." This time Rabastan silenced me by kissing me senseless. When he pulled away I was a puddle of goo in Barty's arms. And had not one clue what I had been thinking or doing to get him to do that but I was definitely going to do it again if that was my reward for it.

           "I think you melted his brain Bas. Let's see if I can make it better." Then Barty kissed me just as thoroughly. When he finally broke the kiss so I could breathe I was panting. And definitely hard as a rock. It was actually rather painful. Rabastan seemly noticed my brain starting to work again so he grabbed barty and started kissing him like the world was ending. Honestly it was so hot I couldn't help the moan that escaped from my lips. It only seemed to encourage them. The more they kissed the closer I got to cumming in my pants I could feel my female bits get wet. When Rabastan ran his hand up my arm I came undone. I came hard pressing my hands against my mouth to try and stop the sound. My eyes rolled up and and closed. As I came down from my orgasm I saw them both smirking at me "that was hot as hell Harry. I can't believe you came untouched. But maybe next time don't cover your mouth we would love to hear your cry's of pleasure." I blushed hard as Barty talked.

        Rabastan smiled at me. "I cast a privacy spell around us when you started moaning when Barty was kissing you." Then he lifted his wand and muttered a spell. I felt the sucky cum in my pants get cleaned up with a wash of magic. But my female bits didn't so I frowned. "What's wrong Harry?" He looked concerned.

        "I um wasn't counting on needing to tell you yet. Cause well I know I'm not ready to go all the way yet. But um well the thing is..." I looked away not wanting to say it and see discust at me on their faces. "I'm not just a boy. I I was born different. That only cleaned up the boy mess. My girl bits are still all wet and messy. I'm sorry I know you didn't sign up for this. I just didn't want to ruin things and...." I tried to get up only to have Barty pull me closer after another muttered spell I felt the wash of magic clean up and dry my lady bits. Then Rabastan turned my face to him and kissed me slowly and softly.

         After he pulled away Barty turn me to him. "We like you for you not what bits you have. We know your not ready yet. And I'm glad you told us." Then he kissed me gently. After he kissed me I relaxed. They had been showering me with kisses and I had yet to initiate a kiss. I wanted them to know how much I liked them both and enjoyed time with them but I was nervous. Barty had clearly picked up on my nerves as he directed my attention to the sandwiches and fruit. They spent the day distracting me. And even told me about how people born with both like me were revered by magic users. Due to them being stronger and often smarter. When it started to get dark out we went in this time Rabastan carried me dispite my protests of being able to walk on my own.

       When we reached the doors to the dinning room Rabastan set me down. As soon as we opened the doors confetti was shot and cheers all around. Leaving me shaking from the surprise and confused as to what was happening. Then uncle Luci came over to me he set a hand on my shoulder and gave me a watery smile. "Tried and convicted. He was immediately given the kiss it vote was unanimous. First unanimous vote in decades." Seeing the information still not sinking in he smiled brighter at me. "you did it Harry."

          Hearing that I jumped into uncle Luci's arms. Hugging him and squealing like a muggle girl that just got daddy's credit card with no limits. Then I spun and grab first Barty kissing him on the lips. Then Rabastan kissing him just as quickly. I felt the room go still. And both of them stiffening. I backed away thinking they didn't like it. "Harry James Potter come here right this minute!" Daddy yelled the anger lacing his voice scared me. Now I knew why they froze I'd just kissed them in front of everyone. And daddy was pissed off. I started shaking with fear where I stood. "Did you hear me! I said NOW!" I was starting to panic I knew my hair had gone to that discussing green color that showed my fear.

      Without even registering what I was doing I bolted running not sure of my heading. When I couldn't run anymore I drop gracelessly onto the ground. And just cried. Eventually registered that I was somewhere in the garden. Though I knew I hadn't been in this part before. I didn't recognize any of it. It was a colder evening so I curled up to keep warm. Sniffling and feeling horrible for leaving Barty and Rabastan there. Not able to  deal with my own failure I closed my eyes and slid into an uneasy sleep.

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