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Joel's POV
I woke up with Jenesis still in my arms kinda. My dad was calling me. I answered it. "Hey, where are you" he asked

"I'm at Jens house. Sorry I'll come home. I forgot to come back"

"It's ok. Just tell me your going there next time"

"Ok. Bye dad"

"Bye" he hung up and I laid back down because it was ten am and I don't wake up at this time in the summer.

I felt Jen move. She has to be a light sleeper. "Are you going back home?"

"Yes. Go back to sleep. I'll see you later" I kissed her forehead. She was too tired to respond so she nodded her head and went back to sleep. I got out of the bed and put my shirt on. I walked downstairs and left her house. Her dad wasn't home. I guess he was working.

I walked in my house and went straight to bed.

Jenesis' POV

It's one pm and I'm eating some breakfast in the living room because I woke up late. Im scared that my dad might have seen Joel sleeping right next to me. I really don't want to get in trouble or have a whole conversation about something that's not even that big of a problem. I can't believe I cried in front of Joel. I barely cry in front of people. I feel so comfortable around him and I only known him for a week. That's amazing to me.

I got a FaceTime call from Joel.

"Hey shorty"


"Is your dad home yet?"

"No. He doesn't stop working until four and he gets home at five."

"Oh ok . Do you think he saw us? I know how your dad is."

"I don't think he did. He barely goes in my room before he goes to work but I don't know."

"Ok. I'm sorry I didn't leave. I just fell asleep with out hesitation. I was so tired."

"It's ok and if I get yelled at I know it was worth it."

"Awweee. Why were you crying mi amor"

"I was crying my pain and my mom. I wish it would and I wish my mom was a better person. But I don't want to talk about it"

"Everything will be ok mi amor. I'll stop talking about it then."


"No problem. I gotta work in two days and I really don't feel like it."

"You work? Where do you work at?"

"I work at this restaurant that my family owns. It's a Mexican restaurant with great food. It's down the street if you ever wanna go there."

" I would love to go. I love Mexican food. I'm trying to get a job next year. Hopefully my hip will feel better".

"What job are you trying to get. Makeup artist?" He asked

"Yes. You know me so well Joel"

"Yes I do." He laughed "who cooked that food for you. Where You standing up Jen?"

" I made it and yes I was standing up. I would have used my crutches but they slow me down."

"Your not supposed to put pressure on your hip. I'm coming over there."

"No. You don't have to" I was cut off by him hanging up on me.

I can't believe he is just gonna come over right now. I look so ugly. I just woke up.
After five minutes I hear him knocking on the door. "Where are your crutches Jen" he looked around.

"Upstairs in my room." I looked at him

"Where you gonna stay down here of go back upstairs?"

"Go back upstairs. Why?"

"Grab your food."

"Ok.." I grabbed it then he picked me up.

"Joel put me down" he took me downstairs and put me on my bed.

"Stay here. I'll turn the TV off." He left my room and I continued to eat. He needs to stop picking me up like that.

He came back " I turned the TV off for you. What else do you need"

"Why are you doing all this for me?" I looked up at him

"I hate to see you in pain and I just look making you happy and being nice to you."

"But I haven't done that many things for you."

"You make me happy and I know you will help me out one day. Your very nice and I can tell. You look innocent"

"Thanks. Yeah I am innocent. I don't do that many things."

"I'm going to change that especially when I get a job. I do a lot of things. I get out of the house a lot when I can."

"I wish I can say the same thing"

"You will be able to soon"

"Ok" I smiled

"Do you need me to throw this away?" He grabbed my plate

"Yes. I'm going to wash my face, brush my teeth and take a shower"

"Ok"he handed me my crutches and I rolled my eyes

He went downstairs. I washed my face then got in the shower.

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