Chapter 10

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'Skype! Now!' I send to Francis and Gilbert through our group text as soon as I got home.I sit down at my computer and wait to get the messages that they were on, then I video called them both.

"What happened is everything okay?" Gilbert says seeming a bit worried.

"Everything is absolutely wonderful."

"Well you seem to be in a much better mood than you were this morning. Did you you talk to Lovino today?" Francis said with a big smirk, his way of smiling, on his face.

"More than talk! He kisses me!"

"What?!" "Your kidding" they said so simultaneously that I couldn't tell who said what.

"He just grabbed my face and kissed me. I was the most incredible kiss I've ever had. He was just so soft and warm and he tasted like chocolate. I could have kissed him forever." I stopped when i hear quiet laughter coming from the computer. "What are you guys laughing at?"

"You sound like a little girl falling in love is all." Francis says gaining his composure.

"You know what you need to do now, right Toni?" Gilbert says becoming almost serious now.

"I need to actually take him out on a date. And I will, tomorrow I promise. But you guys need to help me with some ideas on what to do."

"I got you covered, trust me." Gilbert says and i just laugh at his determination.



"Lovi!!!" Feli yells from outside my door while he knocks repeatedly.

"You can come in Feli, as long as you don't yell" I say and he immediately walks in, closes the door and comes and sits next to me on my bed.

"So did you do it?"
"I did" I feel my face get red as I say this, i blush way too easily, "It was amazing he kiss just melts me inside." I say as fall back onto my bed and grab a pillow to cover my face.

"Now all you have to do is wait for him to respond in some way. How did he take the kiss by the way?"

"He took it wonderfly, he was surprised of course but he pulled me closer to him and i just knew." my face some how managed to get ever redder, "I just hope he doesn't take too long to make a move with me."

"I'm excited to see where you guys end up. You just work so well together, and trust me when i say you need the company sometimes i worry about your mental health always being by yourself."

"I'm fine I promise. Also don't tell grandpa about this yet, I'm hoping to introduce Toni to him sometime soon, if everything works out well. We don't need two secret relationships happening in this house." I say giving Feli a telling glare of disapproval.

"It's not a secret, I just am worried about what Grampa will think of him and I know that good impressions are very important to Luddi"

"Whatever you say Fratello, no leave me alone for goodness sake I plan on beating Ocarina of Time tonight." and with that Feli leaves me to my thoughts, replay that kiss from today over and over again in my head. I really hope that I get to do that again soon.

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