There is nothing in this world that I hated more than going to school. It's not because I don't like learning or even doing work, it's because I don't like annoying people that I am always surrounded by. So when I walked in to school on that first day in September I was dreading it all.
It was a cold crisp morning which was odd of the first of September, but I didn't mind the cold all that much. It wasn't a long car ride from my house to the school, my grandpa was driving my brother and I to school that morning. My brother Feliciano was excited to be starting school up again and see all of his old friends from last year. I on the other hand wasn't in the best mode on the fact of I now have to get up a lot earlier than in the summer. So I sat there in the front seat with my ear buds in blasting music trying to drown out Feliciano's incessant talking and irritating excitement.
I felt a tap on my shoulder; I took out my headphone and turned around to be greeted by Feliciano's annoying voice, "Lovino are you excited to start school today? I think this will be the year that you will make a lot of new friends!" He says smiling and bouncing up and down in this seat.
"You know Feli the day I have more than one friend at this school is the day that you stop liking pasta," I say while putting my headphone back in my ear to drown him out. When we got to school Feli and I got out of the car and said good bye to our grandfather and walked into the school.
I walked into my assigned homeroom with my headphones still in my ear. I sat down in a free desk and watched the other people walk into the room. I saw a few people I already knew the Frenchman Francis, the Brit Arthur, the German Gilbert, and may other that I recognized. I didn't talk to any of them, I didn't want to and trust me none of them wanted to talk to me either. But while I sat there I saw a face come in the room that I had never seen before. He walked over to Gilbert and Francis so I assumed that he was their friend, but I'd never seen him before.
The boy looked to be about five foot ten with very tan skin like he had been outside 24/7 this summer. He had bright green eyes that looked like morning grass in the spring they were intense but soft, he had short wavy chestnut hair that near came to his eyes. He had a big bright smile that spread across his whole face, one of those smiles that you can see in someone's eyes when they are smiling. He had on our blue and red plaid uniform pants – that fit him VERY well if I say so – our school blue sweater over a white button up shirt with the top three buttons unbuttoned. He had the same kind of happy aura that Feli had in a room.
He has been talking to Gilbert and Francis since he walked in the room and I just couldn't look away from him, for some reason he intrigued me. I was confused when I saw Gilbert whisper something into this new boy's ear. I figured it out when he turned around and looked at me, I looked from them the second I saw his face. I felt my face get red in embracement and put my head down on the desk, Gilbert must have saw me staring at him. I was trying to forget it all but then I felt a tap on the top of my head. I looked up slowly to see the new boy's face looking down at me. I took my ear phones out and just stared at his face.
"What do you want basterd?" I snapped. I didn't want to be that mean but I just didn't want to be bothered; it's just too early for me to converse with people.
"I just wanted to introduce myself, I don't think we've meet before," He say with a smile "My name is Antonio, But you can call me Toni if you would like."
"I'm Lovino, now leave me alone." I say putting my ear bud back in. But he didn't seem to get that I wanted to be left alone, so he tapped me once again.
"I just wanted to come over and introduce myself because Gilbert over there saw you staring at me." He says with a bit of a laugh in his voice. I could feel my face getting red.
"Well you've introduced yourself so piss off then."
"Okay well see you around." He says finally getting the picture that I wanted to be left alone.
That was when Mr. J walked in to start homeroom. He took attendance and read the announcements for the morning and handed out everyone's schedules for the year, and that was it home room was over. I looked at my schedule and saw that I had Chemistry first; I enjoyed Chem so I was happy about that. I walked into the Chem room and saw that there were names on the desks, I took me a bit to find mine but I sat down at my seat and waited for my lab partner to come in. That is when I saw him come in the class room, it was that kid Antonio. My eyes slowly drifted towards the name that said my lab partners name on it, my eyes read it 'Antonio F. Carriedo'. I watched him as he wandered the class trying to find his name hopping for some stroke of luck there are two Antonios in this class. Sadly my luck had run out because he approached the second seat at my lab table and then sat down.
"Hi Lovi!" He says when he sees me. I felt my face flush a little at the nick name it was so cute. No one has ever given me a nick name before.
"Don't call me that basterd," I say trying to hide my slightly flushed face from him.
"It looks like we are going to be lab partners for the year," He says putting his elbows on the table and his head and his hand and giving be a big smile.
"Yeah I guess so." I say trying so hard not to sound like too much of a brat, though it's harder than you think for me. Then an odd question comes to mind, his name tag says 'Antonio F. Carriedo' what does the 'F' Stand for? "Hey Antonio, What does the F stand for?" I ask quietly pointing at his name tag.
"Oh it stands for Fernandez. I'm Spanish so we tend to have three or more names. So Antonio Fernandez Carriedo is my full name," He points at my name tag and says "And your full name is Lovino Vargas."
"Yeah, yeah it is," I say now trying to get him to stop talking to me before he makes my blush again.
"That is Italian right, your Feliciano's brother," He say which just makes my soul fall. He knows my brother; great there goes any chance of a friend now. No one that knows Feli ever likes me.
"Yeah it's Italian, and yeah I'm his brother," I snap. By the small amount of shock on his face I sense that he could feel my growing hostility. He didn't say anything else to me after that. That was around the time that the teacher walked in and started to go over the itinerary and supply list for the school year.
The rest of chem was uneventful besides me trying to avoid eye contact with Antonio. After chem I had history which I had history with Mr. Annoying Gilbert who wouldn't stop pestering me about staring at Antonio this morning in home room, I just ignored him and didn't respond. My next class was math, when I walked into that class I saw Feli in the back of the class talking to his friend Ludwig and I let out the biggest sigh ever. I sat down at the desk next to Feli because he is the only person that I was willing to sit next to.
"Hi Lovino!" Feli exclaims when he sees me. "Have you made any friends yet?"
"Well possibly," I say looking down and felling my face begging to flush a little. "Do you know Antonio?"
"Yeah! Of course I know Toni!" Feli says with excitement, I feel my face flush more at the sound of his name. Why the Hell is this happening to me? Why am I flushing and the sound of a name?
"Well he's in my homeroom and my Chemistry class and he seam tolerable," I say trying to get my face to stop being red. Then I hear Ludwig chuckle a little in the background. "What I your problem potato bastard!!!" I yell
"Nothing, well it just that your face it's red," Ludwig laughs a little.
"Don't make fun of me you bastard!" I exclaim.
"Lovino? Do you have a wittle crushie on Toni?" Feli Teases.
"Of Course not I just met the bastard this morning." I say turning to face front thus ending the conversation. Could I though? Could I like Antonio?
Hi, This is my first Hetalia fanfic so please be nice about it. If you notice any mistakes feel free to coment on this chapter telling me about it and I will see to fixing them as much as I can. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter.
Talk to you next time Miei Pomodori
Eren A ;D
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