##### ( Wattpad book)

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Author: πŸ”΄πŸ”΄πŸ”΄πŸ”΄

Genre: Romance / drama

rating: 1/5

The author wanted to remain anonymous.

Recommended to all those new-gen Indian drama lovers (not for those who love dramas where girls cry way too much than necessary) who are not grammar Nazis and do not require poetic beauty of language to enjoy a book. Considering the opinion from, @Anam_Shaz , I have to say that this book is not lagging like many Indian serials, things happen pretty fast.

πŸ”΄πŸ”΄πŸ”΄πŸ”΄πŸ”΄ is a novel that revolves around a family with romance between cousins and family politics. The way that the author does not try to glorify her characters as 'perfect humans' is definitely something that deserves appreciation.

The author does not show favouritism to any of her characters, they have their opinions and ways and the author does not comment much on it.Β Β  She did not waste her time on describing about the abs and dreamy eyes of each male protagonist. She focused more on their behaviors than their physical droopy worthy looks. I am someone who had to skip many paragraphs in wattpad books just because they waste a lot of time describing the male's 'Greek god' kind of look. I have to thank **** for not making me skip any paragraphs because of this reason.

The author has also did a great job by creating strong female characters who can shout 'why shy?' . Both#### and #### have their voice and they do not keep falling to. I believe they will do a lot of things that would question the malpractices of the society in the upcoming chapters.

The book seems to contain some cliche and I believe the cliche lovers would adore those awkward situations between the future sweet-hearts and the bickering among them. I believe that the plot could make a Hindi serial that would be watched by many girls.

However, I believe that the author has to work a lot on her language skills because after all its not just a plot that makes a story beautiful, it requires skilled narration too. I am not too much of a grammar Nazi or something but I feel pretty uncomfortable while reading books with a lot of mistakes. I believe the author should also concentrate on the usage of full stops.

Some parts of the story seems to contain only dialogues like the verbal fight between two characters in chapter 5. In many situations, I am not really feeling the incidents. You see, emotions and the tension in the air can be shared with the audience with the usage of body language and facial expressions too. You can google about it.

All the dialogues are in hindi (or Urdu? I am well versed in neither) and this seems to make me feel a little disturbed. If you intend to write an English novel, I would recommend you to write majority of the dialogues in English and only few in any other language. It is true that the usage of the mother tongue of characters makes conversations more natural but too much of it seems ... Don't be shy to write your whole novel in your mother tongue if the writer in you is more comfortable with it, I mean wattpad is not an 'English only' platform ✌🏾

I have read somewhere that it is important to incorporate all our senses in a story to enchant a reader.Β  Sharing the smell that floats in the air or the noises around could give us a better look into the scenes. Let the readers know how their house is or how beautiful the function is. Give them a background to imagine. However, please keep in mind that, if less details are unsatisfying then too much of details are fatal.

You see my dear, nobody is perfect. I myself am a clumsy writer who made and make a lot of mistakes and its totally okay to have some faults with writing. I am only learning to write better and I want you to do the same.

First of all, I would like to recommend the author to use some App that helps with writing like 'Grammarly' or receive the help of someone who is good in English. Also, reading a lot of English books with good language, I would recommend WA winners from recent years. I have noticed some typos also, just within the first ten chapters but that is quite alright and IΒ  believe you would correct it when you finish the book and edit it, its comprehensible so its okay.

Also, remember that no matter howmuch ever you try to perfect your writing skills, there will always be criticisms. There will be a lot of people who would say that they did not like the work, that does not mean that your work is bad, it only means that your work does not meet their tastes. There will be plenty of others who would take your works to their heart.✌🏾

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