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Prunaprismia screamed as she gave birth. Her baby was placed in her arms and she hugged her newborn child.

Glozelle walked outside to where Miraz was looking out the window and said, "Lord Miraz, you have a son."

"The heavens have blessed us," Miraz replied. "You know your orders, General Glozelle."

"Yes, my lord."


A Telmarine solder paced the hallway. A cloaked figure quietly snuck into a bedroom and pulled the drapes away.


A figure placed their hand over Caspian's mouth and his eyes shot open. He instantly relaxed, seeing Cornelius. "Five more minutes," he muttered.

Cornelius shook his head. "You won't be watching the stars tonight, my prince. Come, we must hurry."

He pulled Caspian from his bed and to the wardrobe in the corner of my room. "Professor, what is going on?"

"Your aunt has given birth... to a son," he informed.

Cornelius hid in the wardrobe and Caspian followed. He left the door open a crack, so he could see what was going on. Glozelle and his men surrounded Caspian's bed and started firing arrows before they saw that the bed was empty.

Cara, who had overheard the yelling and shooting, snuck into Caspian's room and asked, "What's the matter?"

Cornelius met her eyes. "Your aunt has birthed a son. Your brother cannot stay here lest he be killed."

"I'm coming with you."

Caspian shook his head. "No, Cara. It's too dangerous."

She crossed her arms. "I refuse to live under our uncle's tyrannical rule any longer. I'm coming."

He let out a frustrated sigh. "Very well. We can't waste any time."

Seeing a chance of escape, Cornelius, Cara and Caspian ran down a winding staircase. Caspian grabbed a sword and climbed onto his horse, Destier, then pulled Cara up. "You must make for the woods."

"The woods?" Caspian and Cara repeated.

Doctor Cornelius nodded. "They won't follow you there."

He handed Caspian a wrapped object. "It has taken me many years to find it. Do not use it except at your greatest need."

"Will Cara and I ever see you again?" Caspian asked in a strained voice.

"I hope so, my dear prince and princess. There is so much I meant to tell you two. Everything you two know is about to change."

They heard something and Doctor Cornelius yelled, "Now go!"

Caspian and Cara rode off through the courtyard and accidentally knocked over a soldier. They crossed the bridge and glanced back, seeing fireworks celebrating the birth of their cousin.

A Telmariner crier said, "Prunaprismia has blessed Lord Miraz with a son!"

The Telmarine soldiers on horses pursued Caspian and Cara. They rode into the woods and didn't hear them.

Glozelle entered the woods, but the others hesitated, staring up at the trees. Glozelle rode back to them and asked, "Which of you superstitious old women would like to spend the night in a cell?"

Eventually, they entered the woods, and Caspian and Cara crossed a river. One of the soldiers was washed away in the water. Caspian and Cara glanced back, but didn't see them. As soon as they faced forward, he hit a tree branch and was knocked off of his horse. Cara managed to stay on. Caspian was dragged through the leaves due to his foot being caught in the stirrup. Caspian managed to release his foot after a struggle and laid on the ground for awhile before sitting up. Cara sat next to him, making sure he was all right. A door opened up and a couple dwarves stepped out.

"They have seen us!" Nikabrik cried.

Trumpkin drew his sword and ran towards Caspian and Cara. He saw the horn and stopped. He looked over and saw the Telmarine soldiers coming. He looked back at his friend. "Take care of them!"

He rushed towards the Telmarines with his sword drawn. Cara grabbed the horn and blew it. Nikabrik hit Caspian and Cara unconscious.


Lucy ran across the road as a driver slammed on their brakes. "Watch where you're going!"

"I'm sorry," Lucy apologised.

Lucy raced across the street.

Susan was reading a magazine and a boy walked up. "You go to St. Finbars."

"That's right," Susan said.

"I go to Hendon House across the road. I've seen you... sitting by yourself."

"Yes well, I prefer to be left alone."

"Me too!" Susan rolled her eyes. "What's your name?"


"Susan!" Lucy cried, grabbing her sister's hand. "You'd better come quick!"

The two of them ran across the street to the station. They heard the sound of fighting and saw Peter fighting with a couple guys. Edmund ran in to assist his brother.

"Edmund!" Lucy cried.

The soldiers broke apart the fight and one of them said to Peter, "Act your age!"

Edmund set some luggage down and said, "You're welcome."

"I had it sorted," Peter retorted.

Susan let out a sigh. "What was it this time?"

"He bumped me."

"So you hit him?"

Peter shook his head. "No. After he bumped me, he tried to get to apologise. That's why I hit him."

Susan shot her brother a look. "Why can't you just walk away?"

"I shouldn't have to! Don't you ever get tired of being treated like a kid?"

"Uh, we are kids," Edmund reminded his brother.

"Well, I wasn't always. It has been a year. How long does he expect us to wait?"

Susan looked in front of her. "I think it's time to accept the fact that we live here. It's no use pretending any different."

Susan looked up and noticed the geeky guy approaching. "Oh, no. Pretend like you're talking to me."

Edmund frowned. "We are talking to you."

"Ow!" Lucy suddenly cried, jumping up.

"Be quiet, Lucy," Susan told her.

"Something pinched me!" Lucy cried again.

"Hey, stop pulling!" Peter yelled.

"I'm not touching you!" Edmund retorted.

"What is that?" Susan wondered.

As a train whizzed past and Lucy's eyes widened. "It feels like magic."

"Quick, everybody hold hands," Susan instructed.

Edmund pursed his lips. "I'm not holding your hand."

He grabbed his brother's hand, and as the train zoomed past, the bricks were pulled away. Everything from the world they knew disappeared. They found themselves on a beach. They stepped into the sunlight. Susan and Lucy caught each other's eye and ran off to the water. Peter ran down to the beach, with Edmund following.

They splashed each other in the water for a bit.

Edmund looked up and asked, "Where do you suppose we are?"

"Well, where do you think?" Peter questioned with a frown.

"Well, I don't remember any ruins in Narnia."

The four of them immediately climbed up the cliff to see the ruins. Lucy picked up an apple and bit it. Peter walked up a set of step, and looked around. Lucy stared out across the water.

"I wonder who lived here," Lucy commented.

Something caught Susan's eye and she picked it up. "I think we did."

They looked at the golden chess knight that Susan was holding. Edmund looked closer at the knight. "Hey, that's mine... from my chess set."

"Which chess set?" Peter asked.

"Well, I didn't exactly have a solid gold chess set in Finchley, did I?"

Lucy walked over to more ruins and ran her hand across them. To her, the dais looked all too familiar. "It can't be," Lucy breathed.

"Lucy!" Peter cried as she ran over to the dais.

"Don't you see?"

"What?" Peter wondered.

"Imagine walls." Lucy positioned each of them where their thrones had been. "And columns there..." she pointed across the way as she stood where her throne had been, "and a glass roof."

"Cair Paravel."

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