mate and savior (trigger warning)

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Hunting such a disgusting pass time Caleb thought to himself as his father, who was very traditional, had thought he and his brother needed to go hunting little did Caleb know what his father's true intentions were hid father and brother had discovered he had been in the closet and his father was going to make Caleb's  death look like a hunting accident and as they put the riffles over there shoulders reluctantly followed his father through the woods as he began to go over a lesson about tracking something seemed to be off to Caleb who was very perceptive.

he got up when he heard the rumble of moving feet and as quickly as they were heard out came a pack of wolves and Caleb got up slowly putting his hand out when he noticed the wolves weren't hostile towards him but they were hostile towards his father and brother they sensed something in them like something evil and when Caleb's father was about to grab his riffle they transformed and one grabbed Caleb's father and the other grabbed the riffle breaking it over his knee like it had been nothing more than a weak twig and Caleb's brother crawled backward obviously terrified as the three men stood there they were all guys who looked in their early twenties and one spoke you planned to kill my mate?"

"Mate?!" Caleb said in a shock as Caleb's father said "what is this some sort of fag social you planning to fuck my son?" He said in a rude tone and the leader who spoke said "my name is Jeremy and he didn't continue before grabbing caleb's father's throat and said "and no this is not a what did you say fag social I hate such a word" he said his grip tightening on the man's throat  he said "I should kill you right here but since my mate is present I must ask his permission" his eyes looking into Caleb's as he breathed and said "don't kill him I will give him something as warning" that's when Caleb grabbed his gun and cooked not having a bullet in it as he had checked before the treck he did have a empty magazine in though as he put the barrel to his father's face next time you ever come up here and we cross paths he pulled the trigger causing his father and brother to flinch "this won't be empty" he warned he slung the gun over his shoulder as he said" you know I think I found who my real family is" the man smiled and Caleb went with them walking away as he was later reported missing Caleb was never found as he ended up living his life with his alpha who would later become his husband.

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