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Angelo was a short, weird kid that collected live bugs and read encyclopedias on the weekends. His parents would often tell him to go and play with the neighbourhood kids but that only let to being bullied into retreating back to his safe haven he called "the insect hub" formally known as his room.

His mother decided that if he wasn't going to try with the kids this Saturday she would out him to work and clean out the attic, which had not been done since they moved in three short years ago. This wasn't work to Angelo though; it was a mystery treasure hunt, and boy was it a victorious plunder. An old frame, glasses, Tupperware containers and a silver metal slinky the size of his head.

Angelo hurried down the ladder with his rich spoils bunched in his jumper like a baby in a sling and rushed to his bedroom to let the goods be free scattered across his bed for him to look at in wonder. The frame could be for a makeshift ant farm, the glasses could keep the searing sun out when he was looking for new bugs in the garden, Tupperware to stock supplies for future endeavors and the slinky, well that was just for fun.

to be continued

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