Secret Admirer

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When I tried to open my eyes K couldn't see anything but darkness. I tried to move but my atempt was unsuccessful. I was just thinking about where I could be when I heard footsteps heading towards me. I felt numb. I think I was lying down because whoever that person was he picked me up and made me sit on a chair. As soon as he removed the blindfold, my eyes tried to adjust in the new environment.

I squinted my eyes to get a better look of my surroundings when my eyes landed on the man sitting in front of me. He had black pants, black shoes and a white shirt on, with a cigarette in his mouth and a lighter in his hand. His  face wasn't visible but I could still say that he looked allegedly handsome.

I think I started at him for too long because he said, "Like what you're looking at?"


"Pretty bold, I see"

"I know, Now will you tell me where am I?"

"In my basement"

"Aaaaand what exactly am I doing here?"

"Well, basically I drugged you and kidnapped you cause I have been in love with you for the past 6 months"

My jaw? On the floor. Damn he is way too straight forward

"How do you know me? Pretty sure this is my first time meeting you?"

"You might not know me but I know you fairly well"


"Remember those flowers you get daily at 8am?"

"How do you know about that?"

"Well I send those, so I guess I ought to know about them?"

"Wait what?"

"Let me get this straight. I've been stalking you for the past 6 months and I have been sending you gifts"

"Do you want me to reciprocate the feelings or something?"

"Doesn't matter even if you do not, cause you are stuck here with me"

"Well, I was gonna say that I fell in love with those gifts and the letters that you sent, So I indirectly fell for you"

"Good, Cause I didn't want to lock you here for long"


Okay so if anyone is planning on converting this into a book you can make it a dark romance/obsession genre

P.S. thanks to my dear friends who wrote the first half of this scene her ID is


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