The Well

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Long ago, there was a town called Bastadon.  All the villagers had sufficient food, but everyone was still bothered by a pest.  There was a troublesome child that managed to destroy everyone's property, and that boy's name was named Red Rovera (A.K.A. the pest).  He was a mischievous little boy, and damaged the farmer's crops and food for the animals.  His mother told him many times to stop, but he just wouldn't stop.  He threw rocks at people's homes, set hay on fire, and once he let a horse out of the stables!  Then, one day there was a man who had enough of Red's play time.  He decided to confront Red.

One day, this man met up with the boy and whispered:

"Okay, little boy.  I will tell you a story.  It's a very good one, but you can't tell anyone.  Alright?"

Gullible Red nodded his head.

"It has been said that if you go to the well in the middle of town at midnight on Wednesdays, you will hear a moan echoing through the air.  The person inside the well, Hunchback Helena.  It was said that since she had a hunchback, she would be ridiculed and mocked by the other children. She would go to the middle of the town to the well, where it was peaceful and quiet.  On one Wednesday at midnight with a full moon when everyone was supposedly asleep, sleep eluded her, so she went to the well and sat on the rim of the stone wall and thought.  There was a group of kids from her school who snuck out that very same day.  They followed her to the well and pushed her.  Helena fell inside the well and she just could not get out.  She could hear the kids laughing as they walked away.  She screamed and cried.  When day took over, no one noticed she was gone, and no one helped, not even her own parents.  Days passed as she grew weary.  Since then, her spirit has been waiting down there, prepared to grab mischievous children who sit at the well, to make children who live in the town suffer that terrible fate she had experienced.  She's waiting to this day for someone to lean into the well so she can get out and have a replacement.  Who knows who that person will be?"  The man slowly focused his gaze on Red.

"Me?  Pft.  As if."

Although Red was mesmerized and skeptical by this folktale, he thought, "I will go to the well at Wednesday at midnight with a full moon, and see if she's there.  It's probably not true."

As the days passed on, Red finally found out that there was a full moon coming by the stargazers in the town.  Whilst in bed, he could hear a voice saying, "Red...come to me..."  and it was coming from the well...

At midnight when his parents were sleeping, he slipped out of the creaky house and into the middle of the town, where Hunchback Helena was haunting.  The grass bowed to the wind's force.  He stepped onto the cobble stone path, careful not to make a sound.  He tiptoed over into the tall well, and peered down, only to gaze into darkness. 

"Knew it was a story," he muttered. 

He turned to leave, but accidentally knocked over the bucket into the well.  It fell for a few seconds and banged the sides of the stone well until it hit the water with a splash.  Red then heard these eerie chuckles and he could feel evil eyes staring at the back of his head.  He suddenly felt chills around his body, and somehow he knew something was coming.

"Meh.......," he heard a voice groan.  It was dripping with evil.

"Who dares disturb my sleep?  Have I not been tortured enough?" The voice asked again.

"" he heard again.  Red turned around to run back to the village.  However the minute he turned to look back, his eyes met a girl with a hunchback.  The flesh on her face was decaying so much he could see her skull.  Her eyeballs weren't in their sockets; they were merely hanging out limply by her organs.  Her nails were cracked and bloody, probably from trying to get out of the well.  Her hair was shaggy and some spiders thought it would be a good place to lay their eggs.  The only prominent thing that Red could see was her hunchback.

This grisly creature wrung her hands around Red's neck and squeezed while digging her nails until Red felt a stinging pain.  His blood slowly dripped down the sides of his neck.  He screamed, but all he did was cough out blood onto the ghost's face.  He clawed desperately at her scraggly fingers as he tried to call for help. 


Red then scratched at her wrists with his own nails.  Helena dropped him with a loud shriek and he scrambled onto the grass.  He was prepared to run for his life.

"You little annoying brat!  I'll show you what it means to be tortured.  Truly tortured."  Helena's lips curled into a sadistic smile. 

Her arms extended and grasped Red by the ankles, nails digging until her nails reached his bone.  He quickly fell onto his stomach and cried out in pain.  His ankles were bruised, bloody, and sore.  Helena slowly walked back to the well as Red tried to grab something, though all he could do was desperately rip out tufts of grass.  His nails dug into the dirt, but all that was doing was dirtying his nails.  He turned around on his back in defeat, and saw a silhouette of a hunchback. 

"IT'S TIME THAT SOMEONE HAS REPLACED ME IN THE WELL!  NOW I CAN BE FREE!!!" the spirit screeched.  She dragged Red into the well as he free fell and hit the bottom, waiting for death to overtake him...

Meanwhile, the same old man was hiding behind a tree watching the entire gory scene with a sadistic smile on his face.  Little did poor Red know that he was the one who pushed Helena into the well...

Moral of the story: Don't go out at night by yourself to a well with a possible ghost inside. 


Sorry if it's a bit drab and dull.  T__T  My first scary story.  Vote, comment or fan! 

~Pitakarot ¬.¬

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