"Yo, check out this myth I found online," my friend Emma Eli said. She entered the classroom. It was really loud with students and rustling papers. She walked over and plopped herself next to me.
"Hi, Bryant," she said to my brother with a wave.
"Why are you checking out myths? Oh my god, have you stopped taking your pill?" I joked.
"Guess she finally lost it," Bryant chuckled.
"GET LOST!" I said into his face.
"Anyways, I was researching for the project for my literature class and it just popped up. Just listen." Emma took out a piece of paper.
"20 years ago, a woman named Betsy Ball owned a clothing store. Her mannequins were really creepy, and lots of people hated them. Her brother decided to join her in her business, Brian Ball. Thinking that her business would succeed if she got rid of the mannequins, Brian suggested that she got rid of the mannequins. That same night that she threw her mannequins away, she was found dead in her store. Her limbs were ripped off. Brian saw a woman come into the store and turn off the lights, then he heard screams. Police investigated and found a mannequin in the dumpster behind her store with blood smeared all over it and an evil expression. A day later, Brian was found dead too. And the creepy thing is, carved into both bodies, was a note that said, 'I will be back in exactly 10 years for the descendants of Betsy. Beware.' It's really creepy."
I shuddered. Not because my name was Bessie Ball, but that Betsy Ball was my ascendant.
"You don't think it means that I...," I was speechless.
"It's scary. Weren't you hired by Macy's? It's a clothing store too, isn't it?"
I gulped.
"Let me see that." I grabbed the paper from her. I was reading quite intently until I felt a burning sensation on the back of my hand. Something invisible was carving in it and I could see my own blood dripping. It hurt like a bitch.
It said: 'The descendant of Betsy Ball. I am waiting for you in the deepest, darkest place where no one can hear you scream...'
I screamed.
"See what?"
"LOOK AT MY HAND!" I shoved my hand in front of her face.
She gave me a quizzical look. "There's nothing there Betsy. Are you sure you're not losing it?"
"What?! What are you talking about?!" I glanced back at my hand. Sure enough, the blood and pain went away.
"It said, 'The descendant of Betsy Ball...' It's for me. I'm the one that mannequin wants. And my mother? She was murdered 10 years ago! She was the daughter of Betsy Ball herself!"
"That's ridiculous!"
Emma started giving me dirty looks. Then one of her friends came over and she started talking to them.
Bryant looked at me. "W-hhy w-asssss th-herrrrreeeee b-llooodd onnn youurrrr handd?" He started shaking.
"You saw it? I'm not just seeing things? To be honest, I-I don't know."
I was at Macy's working my shift. It was late at night, so not many people were here.
"Hey Bessie. I'm going to use the bathroom, so can you close up? I'll be back to help." my co-worker asked.
"Bessie, I'm going to go to the car. So hurry up or else I will leave you!" Bryant said with a wink.
"God, okay fine. I'll be there in a couple of minutes. Bryant walked away.
After five minutes, my co-worker still wasn't here. I decided to check the bathroom. I cautiously walked among the aisles until I could smell blood. I smelled a lot of blood.
I was starting to get really scared. I looked into the mirror on a nearby pillar. I saw a grisly face with hair covering red eyes dripping with blood. That thing had an arm, my arm. I quickly turned around and screamed. No one was there.
I began to roam the floor again.
"Stacey? Bryant? I swear if this is a j-joke, it's not f-funny at all." I stuttered. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a shadow. I swiftly turned around. Nothing. Then, I heard evil laughing then high heels clickity clacking on the hard tile floor. Then, the lights went out one by one. Just as it had 20 years ago.
I slowly turned around to find a circuit box.
Then the lights came back on. I was glad, only to find out that the face that was in the mirror was right behind me. It grabbed my right arm, and ripped it off like it was paper.
Let me tell you something. Having your arm ripped off is the worst feeling ever. It's not pleasant at all. I saw how much blood was flowing out of my missing arm. I saw my bones, my organs, my vessels. My blood was squirting out everywhere. I felt an imbalance in my body. I clutched my shoulder in pain and my face scrunched up.
I faced the mannequin who was smiling with eagerness. Too much eagerness that was unsettling. Its red eyes seemed to lust for my blood. It had dents everywhere on its body and its hair was practically yarn. Every inch of its body was covered in blood, but not just from me.
"W-what do you want from me?" I said breath by breath.
"I will keep you alive until I finish my side of the story. I want to make Betsy Ball PAY for what she did to my friends."
Then the thing ripped off my other arm. I let out a shrill cry and saw more blood flowing out of my missing arm.
"Only my friends were loyal to Betsy even with all of the B.S. Brian gave to her. They didn't want to kill her. I, on the other hand, wanted revenge."
She tore off my right leg. I shrieked in pain. Without any balance, I fell to the floor. I couldn't even get up because I was missing three of my limbs.
"I tore off each one of her limbs in anger and I enjoyed every second of it. And every night on this exact date I will be back to make sure that none of her descendants ever LIVE!"
And then my last limb was ripped off. The sounds of bones crunching and the smell of all my blood was making me lose consciousness. I was covered in my own blood, and so was she.
Footsteps frantically pounded against the hallways
Bryant ran over.
"Bryant." I could barely talk.
"You're a descendant of Betsy Ball?" it questioned. The mannequin started walking away from me.
Bryant was so scared. He was shaking and his mouth was wide open.
"I can smell your blood. The scent shall be my new perfume. You'll be joining your sister soon. Very soon," the mannequin said with a ferocious smile.
"I only hope you will be alive so you can watch me shred your brother into tiny pieces..." The mannequin faced me and glared at me.
Bryant stood there shocked. The poor boy was scared for dear life.
I said the only word that I could say from the last breath of my life.
"Dance my puppet, dance!" a mysterious and eerie voice says.
Did I mention I have a fear of anything that resembles a doll? Especially mannequins?
-Pitakarot ¬.¬
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