What To Look For When Reading Fics

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As a victim of walking into a b!l fic multiple times I've come across some signs that can help. If you don't want to read the entire book, searching the text for an answer-basically missing out on he whole thing, here's a guide.

1.) Point of view.
Usually when reading a fic, the person who bottoms is who's point of view the story is in. (For all those triggered people: this isn't facts, it's just something I think helps)

2.) No Stubble?
If daddy Louis ain't got no stubble beard, I ain't reading it. (This is me literally reaching right now)

3.) Suck it up
Sometimes you have to just suck it up and read. There's always an option to skip


First I want to say sorry I've been gone so long, my phone broke and I just got a new one

I feel like this book is garbage and rushed excuses for updates. But damn 500 reads? Thanks so so so much!

love ya allxx

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