caring for you

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-requested by L1ttleSp4ce
You stared at the demon as it started to disintegrate. It was so strong,but you were stronger. A smile made its way to your face as you collapsed to the floor. Your eyes were half-lidded,you heard ringing. Am I...going to die?

The smell of lavender and vanilla filled your nostrils. Your eyes fluttered open and you looked around. You were in Shinobu's bed. Huh? Why? The last thing you remembered was killing a demon.
"You're finally awake." The sweet voice of your girlfriend,Shinobu said. You just looked at her and nodded.
"Giyuu and Tanjiro found you passed out in the middle of the woods about 3 days ago. They brought you to me. " Your eyes widened. You've been out for 3 days?
You tried getting up but Shinobu held you down.
"You have a fever,and you're badly injured. You need to rest more."
"I've been resting for 3 days." You said. Your voice sounded raspy and your throat was sore.
"Yes and you need to rest longer,until your fever and injuries go away."
A sigh of annoyance escaped your lips. This caused Shinobu to smile.
"Can I atleast shower?" You asked. She nodded her head and told you to stay put for a minute. She left and came back with a bra,underwear,a pair of sweatpants, an oversized t-shirt,and hygeine products like a toothbrush and toothpaste.
"They're all brand new. Shower in my shower. If you need anything,just yell for me."

About 5 days had passed since you woke up. You were feeling a lot better. And it was all thanks to Shinobu. She had stayed by your side the entire time. It made you happy.  Shinobu in general made you happy. Happier than anything had ever made you. You loved every little thing about her. You stared down at her sleeping form and smiled." I love you" You whispered,before falling into a deep slumber.

I have to go to school in,like,an hour and a half and i don't want to lol.

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