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Your POV


As I walked back into the great hall, I tried to piece everything together.

But none of the pieces fit.

Ron doesn't like Summer.
But yet he is her boyfriend?


I suppose it could be the Imperius curse again... But I can't be sure.

This is really starting to annoy me...
Both mentally and emotionally.


Maybe I should go and talk to Hermione about it.
Yeah, that sounds good!
She's pretty smart, I'll ask her before dinner.

Later that day, after classes were finished, I walked around in search of Hermione.
I asked Harry, who told me she was in the library.

As I walked to the library, I went on to make several attempts at fitting all of these broken puzzle pieces together, but it was useless.

I opened the door and walked into the library, spying a bushy-haired brunette sitting down at a table with her nose in a book like usual.

"Hey 'mione!-" I called before I was shushed by the people around me.
I walked up to her "hey -Mione." I whispered "I need some help." I said as she looked up from her book.

"I'm not doing another essay for Snape, you are fully capable of doing it yourself, (Y/N)." Hermione said.
"Well actually, it's not that at all." I said " and I've been doing just fine working on my own essays, thanks." I added.
"Well, then what can I help you with?" Hermione asked.
I went on to explain the whole situation, and I could tell this interested Hermione. She had the look in her eye that she did every time she raises her hand in class, as if she were so excited just to answer yet another question.

"Are you sure he's under the imperious curse or is someone just jealous?" Hermione asked.

My face went light pink as I replied "I'm not jealous, I'm just worried that she's pulling him into a relationship he doesn't want!"

"Mmmhmmm, suuuure." Hermione said disbelievingly with a smirk "well, I do suppose you have some solid evidence. Let's tell Mcgonnagal at once." she said, standing up.

"No! We can't do that, Ron said we couldn't." I said quickly, grabbing her arm and making her sit down again.

"Well why in the world wouldn't he want us to- ohhh....." Hermione said.

"What? What is it? Tell me, 'Mione!" I said.

"Ummm no, it's nothing, don't worry it's just uhh.... Nothing, nothing at all." Hermione said quickly.

"Hermione, I know you're lying, tell me what's going on!" I demanded, raising my voice a bit.

"I'll have to think about whether or not I can tell you... If I can, I promise I'll tell you tomorrow, alright?" she said.

I let out an exaggerated sigh "fine..." I stood up and walked out of the library, leaving Hermione to her studies.


Heya, Guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, even though it was yet another short one. How do you all like the new cover? Is it okay? I hope so! Anyways, I'll have another chapter up soon and I'll see you guys later! Bye!

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