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Ron's POV

I tried catching up with (Y/N) but by the time I did she was running up the stairs to the girl's dorms...

Of course I tried to follow her, but the stupid stairs turned into a slide.

Great. Just great. I've made the girl I like believe that I like someone else!

When I don't!!! I just didn't want her to get in trouble because she is the only person we know who could possibly help us with the whole Sirius Black-coming-to-Hogwarts-to-get-Harry situation!
Or so she says....

Why the hell did I trust her?!

Damn..... Now (Y/N) is all mad at me....

Why are girls so.... Complicated?

I sighed aloud as I flopped down onto my bed and fell asleep, (y/n) being the last thing I thought of before I did.


The next morning when I woke up I got ready quickly and waited for (y/n) to walk down the stairs. When I saw her familiar (h/c) hair, I ran up to her
"(Y/n)!" I exclaimed, hoping to explain everything to her.
"......" she said nothing and pushed me away, walking out of the common room and to the great hall.
I sighed and slumped a bit as Harry walked down the stairs
"what's got you bummed?" he asked.
"Oh, you know, (y/n) is super upset with me because she thinks I like Summer...." I replied.
"Oh... Well why didn't you explain it to her?" Harry asked.
"Because she ran away before I had the chance!" I said with a sigh "whatever.... Let's just go eat..."

(Y/n)'s POV

I ignored Ron when he walked up to me to try and explain this morning.
There was nothing to explain.... He was going out with Summer Shulz.
When I got to the great hall, I sat with Ginny and told her everything that happened.
"I'll get him for you..." Ginny said "When I'm done with him he'll be wishing he'd never met Summer Shulz." she growled.
I admired this in Ginny.
Her determination.
Her confidence.
Her willingness to destroy anyone who stood in her way mercilessly.
What a good friend....

Heya, guys! I'm really sorry that I haven't updated in so long! You guys have been asking me since November and I've been trying to do it, but I've been throwing a lot of other story ideas around and trying to come up with something new.
Again, I'm really sorry, and I'll try to update more.
Thanks for reading!

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