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(Y/N)'s POV

I awoke, my vision all blurring into one nondescript portrait. I sat up. My head hurt.

I blinked, my eyes adjusting so I could see clearly. I was in the hospital wing, which was empty except for me, and a red-and-black blur that was sat next to my bed.


My head snapped to the side and I looked at the figure. I shrieked and almost fell out of my bed before he caught me, grabbing my arms and hoisting me back onto the oddly comfortable hospital mattress.

"(Y/N)!! You're awake!!" Ron spoke, his ears turning light pink "Sorry for scaring you..." He said "But you're awake!!"

I grumbled and rubbed the back of my head, but smiled a bit and said "It's fine, but I thought you were an evil centaur or something come to kidnap me." I said with a laugh, earning a few chuckles from him as well.

"So, how long was I out??" I asked intently.

"It's been 2 days." The redhead replied.

"Holy crap!! 2 days?! How've they been feeding me???" I asked, worry flooding my nerves as I felt my eyes grow wide.

Ron shrugged "I'm sure there's a spell for it." He said "But I'd rather not look into it. I've got enough studying to do." Said Ron with a sigh

"Thank Merlin it's only Monday." I replied with relief "Otherwise, I'd be blooded with work."

Suddenly, I realized that the last thing I remembered was Summer. With a bat. In the bathroom. Knocking me out.

"Wait, what happened to Shulz?!" I asked quickly.

"She was expelled." Ron said "Thank Godric, she was ridiculous..." He said with a roll of his eyes "She said she could help us with all of the Sirius-after-Harry business, and then she didn't do a damn thing! I don't even know how she knew about it... The bimbo was probably a stalker."

I nodded in agreement as his words sank in. Hold on...
"Sirius? Black? Sirius Black?!?! After Harry?!?!"

Ron clapped his hands over his mouth "I said nothing!" He said quickly.

"W-Well are you guys gonna be okay?! Is Harry okay???"

"Well, yeah. We sort of... Worked it out. And just in time, too. Exams are next week."

I groaned and stuffed my head into the pillow. My voice was muffled by the soft fabric as I spoke
"Ughh.... Exaamsss...."

Ron laughed a bit and then nodded in agreement "Yeah... But oh well. I just hope I do well, I haven't been studying much lately."

"I hope I haven't worried you too much." I said.

The redheaded boy simply smiled, his face flushed in light pink.

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