Chapter 2: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Mate

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"Hurry up Ari! You are going to make us late for our midterm," Hannah exclaimed. She dragged my arm away from my locker. Freddie groaned when I pulled his arm and took him with us.

Freddie had been my high school crush until I found my mate. We used to go on runs together and we even went on a few dates. His eighteenth birthday passed last year. We knew we weren't mates but we still enjoyed each other's company.

When I woke up this morning I decided to push Tristan and his 'more time' attitude out of my mind. I had already been doing that since the funeral so it was easy.

"Ari, slow down!" he laughed as we all raced into the classroom.

Hannah was my best friend since the beginning of high school. She had short black hair with bright red streaks. Her bright blue eyes made her seem innocent but she was far from it. She could get away with anything. Last month on her eighteenth birthday she discovered her mate was my cousin Jerry. I was more than happy she would become a part of my family next year when he turned eighteen.

Both she and Freddie were from the Hollows pack. Tristan was their Alpha but neither of them knew he was my mate.

"When are you going to give that up?" she asked under her breath. We took our assigned seats on the opposite side of the room from Freddie.

"Why can't I have a little fun with him?" I asked. I gave him a little wave and a smile.

Hannah rolled her eyes at his eager response, "It's just wrong."

"My mate sure isn't going to care," I mumbled under my breath. Hannah gasped and I knew she heard me.

"You found him? When? Who?" she asked excitedly.

"Months ago and you wouldn't even believe me if I told you," I informed her, "It doesn't matter anyways. He denied me."

"No!" she gasped in shock.

"Yes, last night we talked it over and he informed me I was still a child."

"I'm going to kill him."

Pain rippled through my chest. A low growl sound in my throat. The need to protect my mate swelled in my chest.

"Sorry," she apologized quickly. I knew it wasn't a real threat but my emotions were out of control.

"Mind your own business," I snapped. Our nosy classmates were taking a sudden interest in our conversation.

"Tell me later?" Hannah asked.

"Of course."

Randall, our professor, walked into class and commanded our attention.

"Okay class, today I want only a pencil on your desk. No talking, no cheating, no wandering eyes. Don't even think about using your mind link to ask classmates for answers. I gave everyone a different test. You have two hours the moment I hand you the test. Any questions?"

No one dared to speak.


He walked around the desks and handed us each our tests. My eyes glazed over and I shakily penciled in my name at the top. God, I better pass this thing or I was in big trouble.

Before I knew it the bell was ringing. I walked to the front of the classroom and handed Randall the midterm. I collected my things and left for my last lesson of the day. I shared my Wolf History lesson with Freddie. Hannah had to go across the school to Languages of the World.

I said goodbye to her. I promised to meet up before our night lesson and finish our conversation. Freddie had left the exam early. He was a genius and finished within an hour.

I walked alone through the nearly empty hallways. I was trying to make it on time. I was always late. Grant, the professor, would pick on me for the rest of the class time.

My hand reached out to grip the handle of the door when I heard his laugh. It echoed down the hallway and my heart skipped a beat. It was beautiful and full of life. It was also getting closer.

I closed my eyes for a moment and allowed myself to take pleasure in his deep, baritone voice. How could he be laughing after last night? Who was making him laugh? Why couldn't that be me?

Jealousy bubbled through my body. I watched him stroll down the hallway with Astrid, Hannah's older sister, on his arm. I despised her and Hannah wasn't exactly fond of her family member either. He looked so relaxed talking to her unlike last night when he was scolding me like a child.

He spoke softly into her ear and she giggled, drawing her body closer to his. Was this why he didn't want to claim me? She had to be the reason why he wanted more time. Anger took over my body. I was ready to rip the door off the hinges. I wanted to rip her head off. Instead I chose to escape into the classroom before they noticed me.

I turned the handle but it was too late. He looked up at me. Our eyes met and tears welled up in my eyes. His face immediately fell and he dropped Astrid's arm from his.

She noticed his attention was no longer on her. She looked up to see me staring. A snarl rumbled in her throat. It was a warning to back off. My wolf and heart screamed at me to threaten her to back off my mate.

I shook my head when Tristan moved to reach out to me. A look of regret took over his face.

"Don't," I warned him. I yanked the door open to the History class. I was now five minutes late.

I disappeared inside and slammed the door behind me. Grant glanced over me with a look of disapproval but didn't say a word. I took my usual seat in the back next to Freddie. My good mood from acing my previous midterm was gone. It was replaced with anger.

History couldn't hold my attention for more than two minutes. My mind completely ran away with negative thoughts. He didn't want me because of Astrid? I hated her before but now that I knew she wanted my mate the hatred burned inside me.

What was she doing here anyways? He at least had a reason to be here for the night class. She had no business being at the school today.

My wolf wanted me to rip Astrid's throat out for even touching my mate. But he made it clear last night that he wanted time. I had to stand down and let her carry on whether I liked it or not.

"Arianna?" Freddie whispered in my ear. He pulled me out of my thoughts.

My hands unclenched from under my desk. I took a deep breath and looked up at Freddie standing expectantly at my side.


"Class is over."


I looked around to find the classroom was already empty.

"I noticed you weren't really paying attention in class. We could go to the library and I will fill you in on what you missed while you copy my notes."

"You're a life saver Freddie," I thanked him.

He pulled me up from my set and placed an arm loosely around my shoulder in comfort. I ignored the sensation in the pit of my stomach that it didn't feel right and let him lead me out of the classroom.

Time quickly passed by in the library. Studying with Freddie was surprisingly easy and fun. I already knew he was incredibly smart but he didn't make it so serious like the teachers. He made today's history lesson actually interesting. Grant should take a few pointers from him.

I met up with Hannah outside the school. We walked to the open field in the back where Tristan held the training sessions.

I did a quick sweep of the crowd of teenagers ahead of us. They were forming a circle around my mate. The usual gaggle of lovesick girls swarmed his side but they were harmless.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I found Astrid nowhere in sight. I turned to face my best friend to question her about her sister.

"So I saw your sister today," I began cautiously.

"Oh really, where?" she asked, clearly uninterested.

"Walking through the hallway with Tris- Alpha Tristan," I gritted through my teeth. The image of earlier today of her pawing my mate flashed in my mind.

"Oh that," she looked at me curiously when she heard my tone, "She's been trying to get him to take her out all year. He finally agreed yesterday."

I couldn't hold back the snarl anymore. Most of my classmates and Tristan turned to look at me. They looked hopeful of a fight breaking out. I glared at Tristan while Hannah furrowed her eyebrows.

She looked me straight in the eyes before she spoke again.

"Why? Does it bother you?" she asked slowly.

"Not at all," I choked out.

She looked like she didn't believe me. I didn't even believe me. But for now she would have to drop it.

Tristan cleared his throat as a signal for attention.

"Good evening young wolves," he addressed us.

I couldn't help but feel like the 'young' part was a stab at my age.

"Good evening Alpha Tristan," we all responded.

"Tonight I thought we would take it slow. We will start off with some simple fight tactics. I want to ease you back into your lessons. Everyone should break off into pairs please. We are going to practice some human-wolf combat tonight."

Hannah and I looked at each other. We silently agreed to not pair off together as usual. We were both extremely competitive. Fights between us never ended very well. Last time she cut me on my shoulder. I bled for hours.

I turned my head in the opposite direction. Freddie caught my attention.

"Beautiful lady, would you like to be my partner?" he jokingly asked.

"Why I thought you'd never ask," I replied, taking his hand.

He smirked and kissed my hand like a gentleman. We laughed and found a space to practice.

"Let's start with simple combat moves. One of you will need to shift please."

"I'll do it," Freddie offered. He pulled his tight-fitting shirt over his head. Normally I would have been drooling over a half-naked guy with chiseled abs and biceps. But only Tristan could do that now.

Someone behind me cleared their throat.

"See something you like?" he growled.

"As a matter of fact," I began as I turned to face him and look him over before turning back, "No. Have fun with Astrid today?"

"So I can't escort a woman through a hallway but you can check out one of my pack members?" he gritted through his clenched jaw, which tensed after my comment.

"You were flirting with her and dating her. I looked at him for a moment. You better back off. Wouldn't want people getting the wrong idea," I hissed at him. I waited for my partner and the rest of class to finish shifting.

"He should be the one backing off," he grumbled.

"You have no right to ask him to back off."

He snarled in response. My body froze as he spun me around to face him. His eyes were hard when he looked into mine. Sparks shot up my arm from his touch. My breath caught in my throat.

I resisted the urge to reach up and touch his smooth face.

"You are mine."

I snorted at his declaration. His wolf was a little possessive tonight.

"No, you made it perfectly clear last night and these past seven years that I'm not."

"I never said that. I just need time Arianna."

"Time so you can be with Astrid?

"Uh Alpha Tristan?" Hannah interrupted.

"What?" he snarled back. The entire class was staring at him, waiting.

"They're waiting for you," I informed him. I shook my head at his display. I had to hold my tongue from adding 'you idiot' at the end.

"Oh, right," he replied, letting go of my arms, "I would like to see where everyone is at and who needs to most work. I hope you all have been practicing in my absence. The wolves will be attacking."

"You're not going to give us any weapons?" Logan asked.

I was surprised to see him in human form. He loved shifting. I looked over to see his partner was Jerry. He was lazily sitting at Logan's feet. I shook my head and smiled when he yawned to show his boredom.

"Are you always going to be armed?"

"No," Logan grumbled.

"As I was saying, wolves attack."

I barely had time to dodge Freddie's massive wolf as he attacked me. I dropped to the dirt and rolled to the left side to avoid his next few advances.

He attempted to pounce on me but I was faster than him. I rolled back to the right side. I growled when he nipped my shoulder playfully. I gave his bell a hefty shove away me so I could jump back to my feet.

Snarls and howls sounded around me from my fellow classmates as we battled each other.

I dodged a few more of Freddie's attempts to attack me. He was having trouble deciding whether or not he should fight me with full force or go easy on me. I was going to be the next Alpha female. People tended to dance around me as if I already was. The only people who would full out attack me were Logan, Teague, Theo, and Hannah.

Hannah cried out in pain. It distracted me for a moment and I let my guard down. I looked around the field for her. I didn't see Freddie's next move coming.

His sharp teeth sunk into my right thigh. I guess he decided to go full force.

Pain flashed in my eyes. I let out a loud scream as I clutched my leg and fell to the ground.

"You idiot," Tristan exclaimed. He knocked Freddie in the side. It forced him to let his grip on my leg go.

Freddie let out a whimper. He tried to return to my side to check on me. Tristan snarled at him and he quickly backed away. He ran his hand along my thigh as he tried to assess the damage to my leg.

Even through the pain his touch sent tingles throughout my body. I hid the moan bubbling in the back of my throat. That would be hard to explain and embarrassing.

"Are you okay?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "Nothing that a shift later won't heal."

"Shift now."

"No really, I'll be fine."

"Be quiet Arianna. It's getting pretty dark now," Tristan glanced down at his watch, "Class is dismissed. We will pick this back up tomorrow night."

I watched as everyone left the field to go home. Hannah and Jerry lingered behind.

"Guys, seriously, I'm fine. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Are you sure?" Hannah asked, eying her Alpha a little warily. She knew something was going on between us. She was starting to put things together; my reaction to Astrid and Tristan's reaction to my injury.

"Yes now go."

"Arianna," Jerry began to reason. I shook my head.

"Go on. Tell Uncle Bruce I won't make it to patrol tonight."

The couple turned away and left me with my concerned mate.

"Shift with me. I want to show you something," Tristan demanded. Before I had a chance to argue with him he was already shifting.

I sighed and reluctantly stripped down to shift into my white wolf. When I finished there was a black wolf sitting next to me.

He rushed at me and pinned me down. It was a sign of dominance. I was lying on the ground in front of him. He nuzzled his face into my neck. I shook my head.

I didn't understand why he was being like this. For now I would let him. It made my wolf happy that he was showing affection. I understood he wasn't ready to claim. But that didn't stop my heart from soaring at the attention. I wasn't going to complain.

Tristan lowered his head to my leg. He was checking on Freddie's bite. It was already starting to heal. He nudged my side to ask how I was feeling. I shook my head. I was fine and he needed to stop worrying. The shift was accelerating the healing process. When I shifted back it would be a faint scar since it wasn't that deep.

My mouth nipped playfully at his neck. I wanted him to get on with whatever he wanted to show me. He stood up and nodded his head forward. He wanted me to follow him into the forest.

He started to run ahead of me. I found myself needing to run faster than usual to keep up with him. I wasn't used to that. Usually men were chasing me to keep up.

We passed a border within ten minutes. We were running through his territory now. I had no idea where he was taking me. Whenever I was in his territory it was with Hannah or Freddie. They never took me back here.

He slowed down when we came up to an opening in the forest a few miles from the mountains. We walked out into a clearing. I stopped in my tracks as I took in the sight.

It was the most beautiful place I had ever seen. Pink, blue, and yellow wildflowers were growing all around the clearing. In the middle there was a clear blue lake. In the back there was a rushing waterfall.

Without giving him another thought, I took off past Tristan into the meadow. I rolled round, thrilled at the feeling of the grass and flowers around my fur. The pace of the run left me thirsty. I walked over to the lake for a drink of water.

I felt Tristan's presence next to me. My eyes locked with his. We stared into each other's eyes for a few moments before I broke the connection. I longed to know what was going on with him and what he was thinking.

Did he really prefer Astrid to me? He must if he knew he was my mate for years yet still dated her through all that time. What a jerk! How many others had he taken out on dates or spent time with when he knew about me?

Anger and jealousy rose in my chest. I needed to calm down before I did something rash. Breathe, Ari, just breathe. I tried to tell myself to calm down but it wasn't working.

Tristan must have felt my rising anger. He rubbed his nose under my chin. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to revel in the calming feeling his touch brought me.

We walked back through the field of wildflowers. We lay down together in the middle. I let him lick my nose and returned the sign of affection. I rested my head on my paws. I closed my eyes for a few minutes.

He crawled up to my side and placed his head on top of my back. I had this nagging feeling in the back of my mind but I pushed it away. I allowed myself to enjoy the moment and fell asleep.

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