all for the taking

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Chara pov

Chara: oh no id something wrong is the big bad wolf having a hard time getting out of here

Y/N was trying to punch it has hard as they could. they had no clue i was slowly wrapping my strings around them little by little.

Y/n: what did you do 

Chara: what do you mean " LOVE

then it clicked. they started to relies.

Chara: all of that little dreams of you talking to something in the dark was and is all true. YoURRrrr........MmMIiiNnNnnEeEE

i could not help but let some of the ink fall from my eyes and mouth. the little red strings that i had been wrapping around them quickly acted when i was done talking. they took there arms and legs. i made them get on there knees and keep there arms sticking out. i walk closer to them ink dripping out of my face like a old pipe line. i use the back of my hand to feel there cheek. it felt like a thrive to keep doing something like this for EVER...but why do that when you could do what ever i want.


i pulled my hand up and started to wave.

Y/N: wait wait wait pls just wait

i look at them pleading for something...cute.

Chara: what is it little one

Y/N: there is a book in my left back pocket pls give it to her that's all i ask

i wish i could say no to them at times.

chara: fine i will allow this

i go behind them and take such book from there pocket. i take a look at it, it seemed to be a journal more than a book. it even had its own little pen with a string wrapped around it. i take one quick look at the journal and look at Frisk. i give her a smile and toss it to her. and with the final words she will ever hear from this cave will be.

Chara: was this better than a tragic fall to the death FRISK!

Frisk POV

i was shocked that she said that but that did not even cross my mind because as she said those words to me the cave walls that opened and set me free soon closed up to there it was like there was nothing but the side of a mountain.  i fell to my knees and just started to cry. i was alone once more and all i had to remember my family was the book they gave me. i was heart broken. 

soon after i cleaned my self from crying i got up and started to walk to what ever i could call home.

Time Skip

soon after a year or two i was just about to get up and get ready for school. i found a nice family who really like to hang out with me. they really care for me. but at the same time they have to take care of another girl and boy. they all ready had a family so in a way i just jumped in but they like me so there will be nothing to worry about. i heard a knock on the door.

Mother: Frisk are you up and ready ?

Frisk: just about ill be down in a few 

Mother: ok love you

Frisk: love you too mom 

3rd pov

as we see Frisk get ready for school we slowly get a view of a open book or journal i should say. it seemed old but there was new writing on the journal. but as Frisk close the door on her way out, the wind that comes from the door flipped pages and pages of such journal. back to a new or old hand writing. lets read shall we?

March 25

i just got to this orphanage and the lady who takes care of us seems to be acting weird. maybe she does not like me or something like that i don't know but that seems to be the case for now. i was dropped off today by my real parents. they said that i would be better here. i have nothing to say at least that's what i plan on telling other people if they ask. but i have a feeling i could be making friends here.

March 26

i made my first friend and she is really cute even but i need to play it cool. i need to play it smart but at the same time she acts silly but i like that. her name is Frisk and she really likes her sweatshirt that she wears. don't know why but she seems to wear it all the time. must mean something to her.

March 28

my body hurts all over. i was hit stabbed and so much of that all over again and again. i was protecting Frisk from some ass hats and it cost me a lot i guess to hurt this much. but its worth every little inch of the scars and what ever else i was given just to help Frisk. she was unharmed and that's all that matters. this will be my life goal if needed.

March 30

i was in the hospital for a good two hours. god everything hurts but Frisk is ok and that's all that matters. but i need to get better i need to get better. and i will just for her. :)

Time Skip

Cave day 1

we fell into this crazy mountain full of these..."monsters"? i don't know what i should call them but its getting hard to breath. my heart feels like a rock most of the time and i can't get a break. i feel like something is watching us even in this "safe place" we were given by this 'Goat Lady'? i don't know if we can trust her but i need to make sure Frisk is ok first before i make a move. god why did she have to get pulled into this mess.

Cave Day 2

this is not getting any easier and not a single person in this place is making any better. i was lucky to even see the end of the night? i am not sure what to call this time of day. i feel like i just did sixteen hours of hard labor but at the same time the energy to fight a bear but nothing in the middle. something is wrong with me and i can't find out what. but nothing has changed we move and i keep Frisk safe even if it means me dead...with that i feel like i am being watched or controlled. i keep having these dreams and they seem so real but then nothing as i wake up no memory until the time i all most pass out but i don't know what to say to the others so i will keep it on the low.

Cave Day 3

its been a real shitty day if you ask me. i just killed one of my new friends down here. it hurts all over. Frisk is sleeping next to me but she is scared...of me i just know it. when i was fighting my friend i was different. something was wrong with me. i felt like i was just watching while something took over. it felt like i was just watching and learning from a dream. after all my 'dreams' i woke up and won the fight...but it felt like a mess of things. i don't know what ill do next but...i hope its to help Frisk and that's all.

Empty page

Empty page


New Home 1 

it was my first time trying to get into a new family. so far it was not good at all but i mean it was only the first day maybe they will be better the next.

day 1

i was getting adjusted little by little. and i was not helpful i am still dealing with...feelings. the other kids that live here are sweet but i am not sure how i like them so far but only time will tell.

Day 2

i am really liking it here but i feel like something is missing. but i can't look into it. i am loving it here as much as i can. i have great teachers who care for me and the kids are nice to me as well. i feel like this is the place for me so far. maybe this will be the happy ending i need...i do miss you Y/n and always.    

Chara POV 

you think this is the part where i tell you they are all fine well think again. Y/N L/N is bent to MY WILL 

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