Chapter 49: Context

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Note: hey guys! Thank you for waiting❤️ this week has been quite busy 'cause our teachers have been throwing projects here and there so I've been procrastinating hehe. (I know its not good, I just can't help it)

And the concept photos for daydream were so AHABDJEJEK MAJESTIC AMD BEAUTIFUL!


Operation Soojun was a back-up plan designed by Soobin if ever his relationship with Yeonjun was threatened to be exposed.

It was supposed to be a simple plan, to just stay low and act like acquaintances. However the situation at hand them require to act as if they really did break up.

Amd it wasn't easy, especially when they had an observant Beomgyu who gets really nosy.

But with a little help from Moh-wa and Kai they managed to pull it off.


Soobin paled when he saw the picture of him and Yeonjun kissing inside the ferris wheel. His heart quickened in panic and his breathing went shallow, but then Soobin closes his eyes and took deep breaths.

He needed to stay calm and rational if he wanted to protect Yeonjun and their relationship.

As Soobin opens his eyes he quickly pulled one of his drawers, there he finds a small keypad phone. Since his smartphone js basically deemed as unsafe due to the fact that the blackmailer has his number. Which said latter is most likely monitoring Soobin's phone calls. The vice president had purchased a keypad phone with a different phone number which only Moh-wa and Kai have access to.

Without any further notice Soobin dials a number and makes a call.

He hasn't used this phone in awhile, but Soobin was hopeful that it would still reach the receiver.

After a few rings the call got connected.

"My, my, my... already?" a voice spoke.

"Unfortunately," Soobin says as he lets out a shaky sigh.

"I need help."

There was shuffling of papers from the caller's side, along with the soft sounds of footsteps.

"No need to ask, what can I do to help?"

The ravenette smiles. "Thanks Hwa," Soobin adds, eyes on the moon that was shining brightly.

"I won't be able to move freely for awhile. They're onto me and they're using Yeonjun as bait for the downfall. Tell the others about the situation."

"I will, don't worry. Leave it to me," Moh-wa assures him.

"Thanks, and make sure Hyuka tells Yeonjun the situation. Tell him to make it as discreet as possible," Soobin says.

Moh-wa hums, "Sounds like Hyuka will definitely enjoy that."

The next day Kai skips around the campus, a smile on his face as he hums to a song he had liked recently.

"I scream, you scream we all scream for ice cream yeah~" Hyuka sings softly as he makes his way towards a specific location.

The young boy scans the area, eventually finding the person whom he was searching for.

'Remember Hyuka, be as discreet as possible. Talk to him like your telling Yeonjun about those gossips you got from Jeongin,' Moh-wa says through the phone last night.

An excited smile made its way to Kai's lips, this was gonna be easy for him.

"Yeonjun-hyuuung!" Kai calls out, running happily towards the older male.

As Yeonjun looks over his shoulder, Kai was quick to give him a hug, earning a surprise yelp from the now black haired male.

"Hyuka be careful!" Yeonjun gasped, grabbing the younger boy's shoulders to balance the two of them.

Kai only giggled before pulling away. "Sorry hehe, I was just sooo excited to see you! Oh, and hyung I heard a cat entered someone's dorm room yesterday."

Yeonjun frowns, "A... cat? That's strange cats had never broke into the school dorms before."

The young boy nods, "Yeah that's what I thought too! But Hwa said it went through the window and it was a black cat, the little fella made a really big mess on the student's room. Poor kid had to clean it up all by himself!"

"Oh my, well is the kid okay-"

"No hyung, the kid was not okay!" Hyuka utters. "Not only did the cat made a mess but also stole the student's necklace that has a diamond! And it was really, really special to him."

Yeonjun's eyes widen, "Oh... well should I notify Wooyoung then? We can ask him for permission to enter the surveillance room since Mr. Wang took a week off due to him being under the weather."

"Oh no worries hyung, the kid said he was already looking for his necklace and the cat along with his friends. He said he doesn't wanna report it to the lost and found because he doesn't trust them or sumn." Hyuka says with shrug, "But don't worry I already informed one of the student council members on the way. And Soobin-hyung already told Wooyoung about it too!"

"Well then maybe I-"

"Oh! I have to go bye hyung see you later!" Hyuka gave Yeonjun one more hug before skipping away.

The ravenette watched as the younger boy weny further away, he then averts his gaze on the trees that were aligned outside the school.


It was a codename he had accidentally acquired a year ago when he and Soobin were watching the stars late at night.


One year ago...

"Hey, Jun?" Soobin calls out and the older looks over at him.


"Remember that plan I told you about? If ever someone threatens our relationship, we'll have to act out as if we broke up?" Soobin asks him.

The pink haired male nods, "Yeah, I remember. Why? Did we get found out?"

Soobin shakes his head, "No, its just that I think we should have codenames if that ever happens. That way we can be a bit discreet, will that be okay with you?"

The pink haired male smiles, "As long as we can update each other then that's fine with me."

"Are you sure? Jun I-"

Soobin was cut off when Yeonjun's lips met his, relaxing his body and mind. The older male pulls away and saw that his lover was no longer stiff.

"I'm sure," Yeonjun says with finalilty. "Now what codenames do you suggest?"

Soobin gives him a smile, entwining their fingers together. "How 'bout diamond? It suits you very much."

"Diamond?" Yeonjun chuckles.

"Why not? You're precious to me," Soobin utters connecting their foreheads together.

"Just like a diamond."

Yeonjun closes his eyes and hums behind his smile, "Alright, if you say so."

"Then it's settled," Soobin mutters, "You're diamond."

Yeonjun lets out a sigh, eyes on the clouds that covered the sky.

"I guess it's going to rain today."


As their act continued, it was time for Beomgyu to know.

The meet up they had with the three was planned, Moh-wa had told Kai to drop the news on Taehyun first before Beomgyu.

The call was staged, Yeonjun calling and crying on the phone for Taehyun to be with him. And of course to make Beomgyu go find and comfort his brother.

Eventually Beomgyu had saw Soobin making a mess, on his office. But that was until Soobin had spoke a name.

"Say have you heard from Soojun?" Soobin asked out of the blue.

Beomgyu had no idea what Soobin just said, because for one thing, he doesn't kmow anyone whose name is Soojun.

And in Beomgyu's opinion, it's a rather lame name.

"No, was he from mom's side of the family?" Beomgyu asked, playing along with the act.

"Yeah well, he's our cousin from aunt Jisoo-"

"Oooh... now I remeber, the little rascal," Beomgyu comments, sounding as if he understood.

Soobin however, was quick to catch that his brother wasn't getting his secret message.

But no matter, he knows Beomgyu will figure it out.


It was Taehyun that knew first before Beomgyu, as soon as he saw the text 'Soojun' from Soobin last monday. He got suspiscious.

However, Yeonjun did that intentionally; he left his phone that was on the messaging app with Tyun before going to the bathroom.

"So you're saying that... the breal up was all just an act to catch the blackmailer?" Taehyun whispers, still in disbelief and also relieved as well.

Yeonjun nods, "Yup, but you can't tell anyone Tyun. I need you to act as if you didn't know what happened, is that okay with you?"

The young male nods, "You can count on me hyung."


Unexpectedly Beomgyu was the one who knew, surprisingly he figured it out later than usual. And Soobin wonders if this was the effect of not having Taehyun near him for the past days.

Could it be that his brother grew clingy on the boy?

Hm, perhaps he has.

"I cannot believe this, you actually outsmarted me for once!"

This lead Soobin to chortle, "I outsmarted you lots of times, what're you talking about? I hope you didn't forget who taught you everything in the first place."

Beomgyu clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"I can't believe your Soojun plan worked."

"Of course it works."

The older male only gave him a smirk, pulling his hoodie to cover his face as the wind picks up and the rain droplets flicked on his clothes.

"I'm Choi Soobin after all."


I hope you liked the chapter:)


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