Chapter 11: Thoughts and A Pillow fight

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The following days came into a blur, and Beomgyu really did stuck to his 'knight' charade. He walked Taehyun to his second class (they have first class together), sometimes even volunteers to help the younger if their teacher ever asked him to bring the class' textbooks to the faculty room. He even followed him to the bathroom, which made Beomgyu earn a red handprint on his cheek.

But who could blame him?

He was just concerned about his dormmate's safety. Especially from what happened last week.

Right now, Taehyun was heading to the RB club. And of course a certain someone was with him. And no, it's not a stalker.

Just an overprotective dormmate.

"Geez Tae, how long have you been working out? That slap stung!" Beomgyu hissed, rubbing the spot where Taehyun slapped him.

"Long enough so I can kill you," Taehyun humphed as he gave the older a glare.

"Ha!" Beomgyu laughed. "Kill me you say. You can't even hurt a fly!"

"That's because flies are fast."

"Touche my dear, Touche."

It didn't take long for the two boys to realize that they were now standing in front of the RB club's door. Taehyun brought his attention to the older who was caught staring at the blonde male. Taehyun rose a questioning brow, "What?" the younger asked.

"What?" Beomgyu repeated.

"Don't tell me that you'll stand there until I enter my clubroom?"

"I see no problem in that, Taehyun-ah." the older casually said.

The blonde male sighed. "Look hyung, I really appreciate you walking me to my club but you don't have to worry about me okay? I can handle my sel–"

Beomgyu placed his index finger on top of the younger's lips. Causing Taehyun to stop talking, however though. Beomgyu was quite surprised of how soft the younger's lips were against his finger. He wonders if it would feel the same if he crashes his lips against it— Oh stop these unnecessary thoughts Choi Beomgyu!

"Hush sweetcheeks. Just let this noble knight do his job in protecting his duke."

Taehyun let out a defeated sigh. "You really stuck to your knightly charade, didn't you?" 

"Of course I did," Beomgyu said in a matter-a-fact tone.

"Alright then," Taehyun gave in, spinning his body around to face the older completely. "Bye hyung, and thanks again for walking me here," the older smiled and ruffled Taehyun's blonde hair. 

"Anything for you Taehyun-ah," Beomgyu chuckled. "You should probably head inside now, or else Jaemin might force you to drink that iced americano of his."

"Alright alright. Bye hyung, see ya later," Taehyun waved as he opened the door to the Radio Broadcasting club. The brunette happily returned the gesture, "I'll pick you up when I finish my Art session for today."

Taehyun let out a sigh before shaking his head, he didn't expect his dormmate to be so, protective, of him. I mean, it's not like he hates it when Beomgyu does that. And to be honest, the blonde finds it cute whenever his hyung turns into his overprotective-boyfriend mode. Even if Taehyun isn't really his lover.

But the younger bets, whoever becomes his hyung's lover.

Is surely the luckiest person in the world.


Beomgyu let out a sigh, eyes trained on the white yet blank canvas before him. His mind was as blank as the canvas, nothing creative came out from his brain. All he could think of, 

was Taehyun. 

It's been a week since the stalker incident and the older couldn't shake off the fear of it happening again. Not when the suspect was from the art club that he resides. 

Park Yooshin, he should've known. 

Every time Beomgyu sits on his usual spot on the art club and work on his piece. He would always catch him stealing glances of him, and sometimes the brunette would always sense someone staring at him with such killing intent. As if he committed a terrible sin, and all Beomgyu thought that he, himself, was Yooshin's target. 

But he wasn't.

Sometimes he would notice the said latter staring at a particular locker very now and then, and that locker happens to be Taehyun's. Beomgyu's dormmate.

Beomgyu had his suspicions, but he dismissed it, thinking that it was just a harmless crush. But when Taehyun received that teddy bear. That's when he got suspicious, when he was on the phone that day, he heard a static on his line. It was unusual, and weird, it was the first time Beomgyu heard a static inside their shared dorm. But as far as he knows, there was no hidden cameras in their dorm. And that was the time where Taehyun entered their unit, there he found the little teddy bear in his arms. 

It was the one behind the static sounds.


The brunette was pulled away from his train of thoughts as he came face-to-face with his senior. San gave him a worried look, he never seen Beomgyu so distracted before. "Are you okay man? You look pretty troubled, did something happen?"

The brunette stared at San before shaking his head. "No hyung, just a bit tired." taking of his smock and hung it.

The ravenette gave him a skeptical look. "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then."

Beomgyu only gave him a nod as a reply, grabbing his bag and took a beeline to the door. He was about to exit the club room when,

"You know you can tell me anything. Right?"

The brunette looked over his shoulder, he gave his senior a sincere smile. "Of course I do, I'll see you tomorrow hyung. And, don't you have lunch with Wooyoung-hyung  today?"

Beomgyu snickered when he saw his senior's face turn red as he looked away, scratching his cheek. "I'll be going hyung, bye~" the brunette exited the art club, but when he was about to head to the RB club, his phone vibrated.

Fishing out the metallic device, Beomgyu saw a notification pop out from his lock screen. It was from their History class Group chat. Tapping the notif, Beomgyu was lead to the chat room. There his History Teacher, Mr. Lee, said in his message that they'll be having a field trip to a museum in Gwang-cheon next week. 

"We leave at nine-thirty in the morning, don't be late," Beomgyu read aloud. The brunette merely shrugged and slid his phone back into his front pocket and began walking to the RB club to pick up Taehyun.

When night fell upon the city,  Beomgyu and Taehyun were in their living room. The brunette was reading The Hound of  the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. While Taehyun was sprawled on the floor, his upper body leaning on the coffee table that was scattered with papers his notebook and his laptop. A quiet silence surrounding the two boys, that is until Beomgyu decided to break it. 


The blonde shifted his gaze from his laptop to his dormmate whose eyes were still glued on the book he was reading. "Yeah?" 

"Have you seen the message Mr. Lee sent at the group chat?"

"Mmm-hmm," Taehyun replied, eyes back to his laptop, his golden rimmed glasses reflected the light from his laptop.

"We're going on a field trip next week y'know."


"And we leave at nine-thirty, right?"


"So you're fully aware that your boxers are showing from your oversized hoodie, correct?"

"Mmm-hm-- wait WHAT?!" Taehyun immediately yanked his oversized hoodie a bit lower to cover his boxers, face as red as a cherry.

Beomgyu howled in laughter as he saw how red Taehyun's face was. "Oh god, y-you should've seen your face Tae!"

"I HATE YOU HYUNG!" Taehyun shouted, blush evident on his cheeks.

"Well don't you look cute in red?"


Beomgyu kept on laughing his heart out when a pillow came flying to his face. Making him stop for awhile, blinking his eyes to process what the younger male had done before breaking out into a wolfish grin. "Oh so that's how it is, ey?" the brunette grabbed the nearest pillow he could find and threw towards Taehyun. However, the younger easily dodged it and ran.

"Yah! Come back here you!" Beomgyu shouted playfully as he grabbed another pillow, running after the younger.

"Catch me if you can, hyung!" Taehyun giggled.

And so, the book and the research papers were immediately forgotten.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, even though it was a bit boring. I'm really sorry, about the lack of Taegyu moments in this book. I'm not really the romantic type of person.

And a Belated happy birthday to our little Squirrel!<3

Speaking of birthdays, when's your birthday?

Also, the Hanlim line has graduated. Congratulations guys!

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