Ch 31-35

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Chapter 31

The ten hot searches really shocked everyone. What was even more shocking was that "Dream Legend" was actually broadcast online!

The Lu Group changed the server opening date, which can be considered as an initiative to make "Dream Legend" gain popularity. As a result, they launched it online overnight without even letting out any news, and even spent money.

After the team staff showed the hot searches to He Xiu, He Xiu took out his mobile phone and clicked on the video software to watch the TV series "Legend of Dreams". She is not interested in this TV series, she just wants to see how ridiculous this TV series is.

Did Meng Chu think that as long as there was enough marketing, the show would be able to avoid losing all its money? Does she really think that investing in the entertainment industry only requires money?

Many people have similar thoughts to He Xiu. There are also many people who watched "Dream Legend" simply because of the ten hot searches. There are also many people who would have jumped on "Dream Legend" before, and they all clicked on this TV series. Some people even said that this TV series was at its peak when it first aired.

As a result, everyone was staring at the screen when the first episode started. As a fairy tale drama, the opening of "Dream Legend" was a visual feast, and the special effects were so good that it was unbelievable.

Keep reading, it's a bloody but fascinating plot. The key is that the actors chosen for this TV series look like they can really fly. Their movements are light. The key is their good acting skills, plus they are all new actors who have never been seen before. Any work makes it easier for the audience to get involved.

The first three episodes of this TV series are free, and the last three episodes need to be watched. Those who came here to watch the jokes unknowingly finished the third episode, and then quickly turned on and continued watching.

A certain forum

- listen to my advice, don't watch "Legend of Dreams"

- yes, yes, listen to my brother and don't watch it.

——I'm going to see how bloody they filmed it.

——? ? ? ? ? You guys are poisonous. Did you trick me into driving?

——Ahhhhhhhhhh, what kind of fairy tale special effects are they? How can they be so good!

——Chased! ! !

It was only when He Xiu saw that she needed to continue watching that she realized what she had done. She actually followed the TV series that Meng Chu invested in! I even have fun watching the show.

The staff of He Xiu's team were about to open memberships. He Xiu turned off the video and said: "What are you doing!"

! Hearing this, everyone turned off the video.

He Xiu's fingers clenched her skirt hard. She had always been the most dazzling one, why did she look like this now. She chased that man hard and admitted that he was the one she liked, but why did Meng Chu do it?

"Dream Legend" has been on two video websites, but neither of them has major recommendations. As a result, this drama is about to explode, and it has reached their highest peak value within a month since its launch at the same time? ? ?

The number of views is growing at a rocket-like speed!

"Dream Legend" used sophisticated special effects and the actors' superb acting skills to successfully turn around the film.

Those who previously shouted that this drama must be watched only felt that their faces hurt. The industry boss who exposed Mengchu's scandal on the Internet replaced all the comments below on Mengchu's Weibo with "Does your face hurt? When will it hurt?" Delete Weibo and so on.

Although if you delete your Weibo, you will admit that you feel hurt, but if you don't delete it, then your Weibo will be a joke. The industry boss who stepped on Meng Chu quickly deleted his Weibo. In order to save face, he publicly apologized. It is better to apologize than to be ridiculed all the time.

At the same time, the Dream Legend online game has also temporarily launched its server.

In the hotel box, the dinner party turned into a celebration banquet.

Vice President Tang hugged Lu Gaofei: "I'm in so much trouble. You really don't know how hard it is for me. You know what it's like to be bouncing back and forth between being unemployed and not unemployed every day, and you know that every day you're worried about what your boss will invest in at his whim. What does it feel like!"

"Let go first!"

"You don't understand!"


It's very lively in the box. After all, everyone is planning to watch this TV series. Who knows it will explode?

Meng Chu looked at the news that Meng Chuanqiu would be launched ahead of schedule. Next time, she would be as far away from the Lu Group as she could, and she would definitely not cooperate with the Lu Group.

After dinner in the evening, everyone went back.

Li Meng: "Let's download a game called Legend of Dreams when we go back later. I think this is a bit fun, but this kind of online game takes a long time to download. Let's download it first and play together tomorrow."

Meng Chu wanted to refuse, but looked at Li Meng nodded with a smile. It's not that she doesn't want to invest because the Lu Group robbed her of investment, it's because she's not very good at playing games.

After returning home, Meng Chu received a message from the producer of "Dream Legend"! She read the long thank you message carefully and read the reply message carefully.

The general meaning of Meng Chu's reply was that the success of this drama lies in their serious efforts. She just provided them with money. If they hadn't done a good job in the special effects of the TV series and found good actors and acted well, this drama would not have been possible. It will really be like what is said on the Internet and you will lose all your money.

The next day, Meng Chu got up in the morning and received messages from many people, all of them congratulating her. Even Zhou Mian sent her a message.

Zhou Mian's message was much more sincere than others' messages. She asked Meng Chu not to waste the money he earned and asked Meng Chu to consider finding a boyfriend. Also, she said that Meng Guang came back after finishing the recording of the program, but did not go back to Meng's house. During this period, Meng Jian had been begging Meng Guang not to act out of anger, but no matter how hard he tried to persuade Meng Guang, Meng Guang would not listen. Big temper.

Meng Chu: "If you are unhappy, come to me."

There was no word on the other side of the phone. Meng Chu continued: "Don't worry, I will be very strong. Besides, Meng Guang can come out of there, and you have What's impossible?"

Zhou Mian said a few words to Meng Chu in a panic and hung up the phone.

Meng Jian was a member of the Meng family, and it seemed like he had the throne to inherit. It was really difficult to change the character of the people who had been influenced by his ideas for so many years. Meng Guang left the Meng family because he was young and frivolous and wanted to save face, but he was deeply moved by the Meng family. The fundamental idea has not changed at all, it was just made for Meng Chu to see.

Besides, it will definitely be fun to play games with Lu Jingan.

After meeting Meng Chu, Lu Jingan sincerely congratulated Meng Chu. The TV series "Dream Legend" will definitely make Meng Chu a fortune in terms of ratings and positive reviews. The key is that he also earned his reputation.

Meng Chu: "Your company's games are also very good. You should have given out a lot of bonuses. Congratulations."

Lu Jingan replied: "There are not many bonuses. We, Mr. Lu, are very stingy. Besides, I am helping! Helping with this game project , I am still a very ordinary programmer."

Lu Jingan sat next to Meng Chu with the computer and told Meng Chu how to play the game, including how to upgrade quickly and so on. His voice was deep and magnetic, and the fingers holding the mouse were long and strong. Seeing Meng Chu staring at the computer screen, Lu Jingan spoke more carefully.

The game "Dream Legend" has many tasks, including marriage tasks. Speaking of marriage tasks, Lu Jing'an paused and said while operating: "If you want to get married, the man must place a betrothal gift under the marriage tree, and then the two of them will do it. I personally got married under the witness of the marriage tree. The difference between this game and the previous games is that "

if you get divorced after getting married, it will take half a month for both men and women to hold the wedding again. There is also a reporting system for scumbag men and scumbag women. If the report is successful, the system will determine how long it will take before they can get married again in the game.

The two people's computers rang together: "Congratulations on your successful marriage!"

Meng Chu: ""

Li Meng and Vice President Tang were both stunned.

Meng Chu: "Sorry, my hands are slippery."

Lu Jingan's Adam's apple rolled when he mentioned husband and wife.

Meng Chu: "You still have to do the couple mission?"

Lu Jing'an: "Yeah."

The graphics of this game are really beautiful, and Meng Chu likes it, but Meng Chu really doesn't know how to level up and do missions every day, and besides, she's pretty good at it. busy. She planned to play games when she had some free time, but Lu Jingan obviously played games and completed tasks seriously.

No, she couldn't delay Lu Jingan's mission.

Meng Chu took the mouse and operated: "Click to agree."

Lu Jingan directly DJed and agreed without even looking.

The voice in the game rang again: "It's a pity that you two have broken off their marriage. I hope you two can find a good partner in the future."

Lu Jing'an: "???"

Meng Chu said with a smile: "I won't hold you back anymore. "

The author has something to say: Lu Jing'an: My marriage and divorce are a bit exciting, so I'll just be quiet.

Chapter 32:

As the playback volume of the drama "Legend of Dreams" exceeded one billion, two billion, and three billion, Meng Chu became famous. Everyone said that she has a keen eye and knows how to choose TV series to invest in. The key is that she is brave. If it were anyone else, who would dare?

For a while, many people paid attention to Meng Chu's movements and wanted to see if they could get a piece of the pie from Meng Chu.

The most direct manifestation is that more and more people invite Meng Chu to participate in various activities, including some dinner parties. Meng Chu never liked this, so he left it all to Vice President Tang and Li Meng.

Vice President Tang probably heard too many compliments recently and even forgot about Meng Chu's "virtue". He was gearing up to make a big move to make Shining Entertainment reach the top of the industry and become a leading company in the entertainment industry!

Vice President Tang: "What are we going to do next?"

Meng Chu: "Li Shu has not thought about what to shoot, so we will not invest for the time being."

When Cao Cao arrived, Li Shu came in excitedly and faced Meng Chu. And Vice President Tang bent down at 90 degrees before handing his project plan to Meng Chu. When he spoke, his face turned red with excitement: "This will definitely be popular!"

Before he could finish speaking, Meng Chu said: "Then start the project, everything will be left to you. Vice President Tang, take him to the Finance Department to get the money."

Vice President Tang covered his heart: "You don't even have to look at it. What project?"

Meng Chu: "He said it will be popular."

Vice President Tang: "We, we can't do this. We want to become the top entertainment company in the industry in one go!"

It's still the same as what was written in the original article. His first TV series was a TV series of the Republic of China. This drama will definitely be popular, but it is still too overwhelming to watch. However, Li Shu's monologue once said that his success is summed up by the failed movies and TV series. Without past failures, there would be no current success.

Meng Chu didn't want to change the trajectory of Li Shu's career. She also thought that if Li Shu didn't follow the previous path, she would have to find a way to bring Li Shu's career back to the trajectory in the original text.

Now Meng Chu was relieved. She said: "Since I signed him, I will trust him unconditionally." After saying that, she returned the project information directly to Li Shu and encouraged: "You will definitely succeed. !"

Meng Chu didn't know that Li Shu's eyes were sore and he almost crushed the project information in his hand. He didn't expect that someone would believe him so much.

Li Shu opened his mouth: "Chairman Meng, why do you believe me so much?"

Vice President Tang also wanted to know this question. The two of them stared at Meng Chu, waiting for Meng Chu's answer.

Meng Chu's expression didn't change: "Because, you look like a famous director!"

Chinese culture is profound and profound, and Li Shu understood it to mean something else. He asked: "Which famous director do I look like?"

! Vice President Tang: "Definitely not from abroad."

Meng Chu took a deep breath: "Get out, everyone."

In just one day, Meng Chu wanted to invest in new projects, as if he had wings, and many people knew about it. Many people want to follow Meng Chu. After all, Meng Chu's discerning eye is no joke. The cautious ones are still waiting and watching, while the bold ones have already begun to test.

When Meng Chu got up early the next morning, Vice President Tang started bombarding the group with messages.

[Vice President Tang: I'm so touched. I've met a fool, several of them. 】

【Meng Chu:? ? ? ]

[Li Meng:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ]

[Li Meng: Vice President Tang, weren't you busy socializing yesterday? Where did you go after the socializing? ]

[Meng Chu: It's good for charity. ]

[Vice President Tang: No, he is a fool who is willing to invest in the TV series "Dream of the Republic of China". They also said that the name, like "Dream Legend", all has the word "dream" in it. ]

[Meng Chu: Exclusive investment by Shine Entertainment. ]

[Vice President Tang: Why! ? 】

How to say this, to say that you can't bear to deceive others?

Meng Chu really planned to use real money to support Li Shu, so that his journey would be smoother and he would not have to worry about money. It is also written in the original text about Li Shu's character that he is serious and rigid about some things, and repays every drop of kindness with a spring of spring. In the end, he chose He Xiu as the heroine, and it was also because of the reason of kindness.

Meng Chu used real money and silver to help Li Shu grow up. As his boss, Li Shu will definitely stay in Shining Entertainment with all his heart. Their future harvest will not be comparable to these real money.

Vice President Tang called directly: "Why!"

Meng Chu: "Because you will be compensated. Don't tell Li Shu, we can't cheat others."

"Li Shu is next to me."


Soon , the person talking to Meng Chu was Li Shu. He couldn't believe it. Yesterday, Meng Chu said that he believed he would be popular. He didn't even read the project plan, but today he said that the project would compensate and he could not deceive others.

Li Shu's voice choked up: "Why?"

Meng Chu wanted to slap Vice President Tang, but she replied: "Vice President Tang wants others to invest, but I don't want others to invest. Why should I give others the opportunity to make money? We It's not like I don't have money to invest."

Vice President Tang answered the phone: "Why are you doing this? You can tell me directly, even though I don't believe this show will make any money!"

Dududu, the caller asked Meng. Chu hung up.

Meng Chu handed over the management of the company to Li Meng. She does not plan to return to the company during this time, at least until the TV series "Republic of China Dream" is ready and Li Shu joins the team.

! Before that, Meng Chu also took two copies of One Hundred Thousand Whys and asked Li Meng to give them to Vice President Tang and Li Shu respectively.

Li Meng laughed like crazy: "Okay, I will definitely send these two books to them! But if you don't go to the company during this time, where are you going to go?"

Meng Chu: "I want to prepare a game with Lu Gaofei Concert."

Lu Gaofei had this idea before, but unfortunately Meng Chu was worried about losing her vest and never agreed. Later, she became busy again and had no time to do this.

Meng Chu: "Okay."


Meng Chu is going to have a concert, and the happiest person is Lu Gaofei. When he learned the news, he even offered a discount at the bar, just to celebrate Meng Chu's concert. .

Because he had no experience in organizing concerts, Lu Gaofei had to find out more about it, contact good planners, etc. This was a very troublesome thing. It would definitely be much easier if this matter were left to Shining Entertainment, but Meng Chu separated her singing and being the boss for Lu Gaofei. Regarding her work, she would not go through Shining Entertainment.

Meng Chu had some background in dancing, having learned it when she was in the Meng family, but she hadn't danced for many years. If she wanted to do difficult moves, she would have to practice for a while.

Lu Gaofei suggested: "Let's do a girl group dance. It just so happens that the first song of your debut matches the girl group dance. This can also be the first song to open your concert."

Meng Chu was really an instant success. Hong, her first song was very popular among the people. Later, many girl groups tried to buy the copyright of Meng Chu's song to sing and dance, because the copyright was in their own hands, and Meng Chu could not rely on this. Make less money.

Lu Gaofei continued: "This is quite meaningful. Don't forget your original intention. Besides, since you appeared in front of the media, every time a girl group uses your song, your fans make a wish and want to see you dance with your song." Group dance."

Meng Chu nodded in agreement.

A few days later, Lu Gaofei took Meng Chu to a temporarily rented dance studio. He also hired a teacher who was very good at girl group dancing in the circle to teach Meng Chu.

Teacher Zhou liked Meng Chu's songs very much and taught Meng Chu how to dance very seriously.

In the next few days, Meng Chu left early and returned late, and Lu Gaofei was responsible for picking up Meng Chu. In addition to the women's group dance, Meng Chu also learned some other dances. At first, she was so tired that she didn't want to talk when she got in the car every day. The amount of exercise required during dance practice was too much. It took her several days of practice to accept the amount of exercise.

In the dance classroom, Meng Chu was wearing a loose T-shirt pleated skirt, knee-high black stockings on her slender legs and a pair of black canvas shoes. She danced to the rhythm of the music, every move! He had to do his best in every movement, which made Teacher Zhou, who taught Meng Chu, nod his head repeatedly.

Looking at Meng Chu's slender waist and long legs, Teacher Zhou's eyes were full of envy. She worked hard every day to get in shape, but she couldn't reach half of Meng Chu's level. Meng Chu's legs were the legendary comic legs.

Teacher Zhou: "If you work harder, you can

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